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Forums - Think Draw Feedback - Voting/Rating of the Showcase and Top 5

41. 4 Oct 2009 06:27


It WAS a hassle - a gigantic hassle. But ... hehehe ... an opportunity to practice patience. Still ... I kept wondering how people could draw all those great pictures when everytime you wanted to use the same piece, you had to click, click, click until it came up again. Seemed like WAY too much work. Duh!

42. 4 Oct 2009 13:50


We didn't always have the repeat button. Those early TD masterpieces were all done by 'click, click, click'. I take my hat off to the sheer effort they put into their drawings.

43. 4 Oct 2009 14:49


But now, just like everything else, labor has been reduced. It's usually better the old fashioned way...

44. 5 Oct 2009 10:02


I definitly prefer the new-fashioned way in this case. It really was a hassle to have to pick your piece than click 6 times, pick your piece, click 6 times etc, etc... That was one of the most brilliant changed ever made on Think Draw!

45. 5 Oct 2009 10:12


Amen Dragon... The repeat button has not been surpassed in it's greatness...

46. 5 Oct 2009 11:44


I remember that one you did, matthew, the one that took about 2000 earrings to make a blue sky. And that was done pre-repeat button. I don't know if I'd have had the patience. It's amazing how we never really complained all that much about it.

47. 5 Oct 2009 12:04


lol @ 2000... (it was 400) but still made for a lot of clicking...

48. 6 Oct 2009 02:36


Wow! It's amazing to learn the history of TD early days! Many thanks to those of you who aided in having a repeat button added to the "palette." Thought it was always there.

49. 5 Feb 2010 16:33


Speaking of history...are favorites history? I noticed they no longer appeat in the selction they still count for Top5? I've always been confused about this favorites system anyway. I usually keep there pics I want to find easily, not necessarily pics that I'd like to see in top5 (as a consequence I have dozens of old pics -that wouldnt be counted in for the top5 anyway- in my favorites ).

50. 5 Feb 2010 16:38


I still have favorites as an option.

51. 5 Feb 2010 17:15


It was briefly an option on the Gallery page, as one of the drop-down options along with Most Recent... Highest Rated... Most Ratings... I found it fascinating.

52. 5 Feb 2010 17:20


What was particularly noticeable was that the pictures that wowed people for a brief period of time, thus garnering sky-high marks, are not necessarily the ones they 'Favorited' the most...

I sort of take it to mean that a strong wow-factor doesn't mean you love it long-term or want the chance to smile at it often, hanging around on your walls.

53. 5 Feb 2010 17:22


um... I did capture the first few of those pages... heh heh...

where's Chinky when we need him to do a proper count/comparison??

54. 5 Feb 2010 17:32


We got a new option in the gallery pull down -- "users I follow". Cool. Favorites is still there.

55. 5 Feb 2010 17:37


yep... that's in the far left filter, "Show"
but for a brief while it was possible to look at "Most Favorited" in the "Order" filter.

It goes-- "Show" "Theme" "Order" "Time"

56. 5 Feb 2010 20:35


Why is most favored gone Rachel???

57. 5 Feb 2010 20:59


Likely there was some confusion when several of us asked to have our Profile lists of who we're following made private...

...but I'd love to keep watching the rankings of Most Favorited pix as a choice under "Order"

58. 6 Feb 2010 06:23


Give it back please...