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41. 8 Jul 2009 01:15


OK, you've got me on the edge of my seat ... now let's hear the rest.

42. 8 Jul 2009 04:26


Liked your story charity! It is probably more true to life than you think!

Login - what do you want to hear the rest of. We'll see what we can come up with.

43. 8 Jul 2009 07:47


I was gripped by charity's story but I can't figure out where it is leading. I've obviously missed a vital clue.

44. 8 Jul 2009 08:41


I understand Login, her life was rather ordinary, but there was a special report on the tv above the bar showing her pictures that forever had changed her life (think the first time you saw or heard the news of 9-11, etc.)...I just left it up to the reader to fill in what that special report could have been about to change her life. Does that help?

45. 8 Jul 2009 11:50


Ah, thanks, charity. I was with you all the way, until the life-changing experience ... now I'm trying to think of some news item (at that time of my life) that could possibly have changed the course of things. Food for thought ...

46. 8 Jul 2009 13:35


Regarding Charity's story:

How about (this is in jest) this guy the girl in Charity's story is with is wanted for a crime, he was driving a Pontiac Solstice (I believe he mentioned owning one and it was in the "shop"), since this girl is with him, she's considered a witness. The girl he's picked up at the bar is an undercover policewoman and arrests him. This is the special news item (an APB) that is flashing on the silent TV screen! This would, of course, change the course of her life. Do you think?

47. 8 Jul 2009 17:39


Loved that charity! I did think there were probably a few places where you felt the word count pinching a bit. I liked the part where he said 'Wish you could have seen it,' referring to his car. It's as if he never expects her to see his car because he doesn't really expect there to be a second date. I actually think I would go to that restaraunt/bar/strip club for a funny night with friends. (Definitly not first date dining though! )

48. 8 Jul 2009 17:40


Still some time for last minute entries. I'll be passing the torch at midnight TD time so anyone who's been waiting - go for it.

49. 8 Jul 2009 20:04


Okay, I'm just rereading. I'll post the new torch bearer soon.

50. 8 Jul 2009 20:28


Ooo I so hate making these decisions. All the stories were so good.

midnightpoet – both your stories were great, “Reality is for people who can’t handle fantasy” really reminded me of the way my mind wandered in high school (and still to this day, truth be told) though the ending of yours was so much more satisfying than anything that ever happened to me during my daydreaming. I absolutely loved “Outcast”, that disjointed quality it had of wandering into insanity just really caught me up.

kmkagle – I was glad to see your submissions, we haven’t gotten very many stories from you but it’s obvious you have a real talent for writing. Your first piece was fun and ended on such a lovely note of affirmation and satisfaction. Your second one “The Embrace” got me totally caught up in the fantasy then pulled the rug out from under me in a wonderful surprise ending. Loved every word.

Ron – as usual, fantastic writing. Your back and forth between father and son in “Independence Day” was perfectly written and the story of coming into manhood was really good. I loved “Dang”, it had a little humour to it while being kind of poignant at the same time. The comment about the only entry for Earth in the dictionary was “dirt” reminded me of The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy, the part where Ford Prefect writes the absolutely comprehensive, all you need to know about Earth entry for the Guide and all they choose to use is the entry “Mostly Harmless”.

charityb98 – You had me at the title “Moondance Eggroll” I had a feeling this was going to be a fun story. I have never had a date go that badly (though I’m really intrigued by the venue they ended up at). I’m left wondering if the life changing news she saw was for good or ill and I have a feeling either way it would at least give her a chance to ditch that loser. If I hadn’t gotten the torch from you this would be right up there on the top of my list.

So enough suspense and on to the choice. I’m handing this torch over to kmkagle for “The Embrace”, I know it was a little over the word limit but it just hooked me in so much and really took me to that beach. So over to you km, can’t wait to see your new word list!

51. 9 Jul 2009 04:56


Congratulations, KM. I'm looking forward to your word list and the delights that it brings.

52. 9 Jul 2009 04:57


You're so sweet Dragon, maybe I'll write a story on "Alligator Pie"! (Laugh, I am) can't forget that. Anyway, thank you. I'll do my best to come up with something.

53. 9 Jul 2009 06:25


Login - I've compiling my word list and hope everyone will have fun with it! I have some errands to do and when I can sit and concentrate off we'll go!

54. 9 Jul 2009 07:39


Congrats km! I had a feeling it was going to be you, both your submissions were so wonderful!

55. 9 Jul 2009 10:27


Thank you for your kind words midnightpoet. I hope I can live up to expectations.

56. 9 Jul 2009 11:34


Congrats KM... I still haven't read anyone's entries for this week. Something came up and some poo hit a fan and my parade got rained on all in the same week and I just haven't had any time.

Looking forward to the next list.

Dragon: I've just recently re-read Hitch Hiker's Guide and I do know that entry. Maybe I stole it without thinking...

57. 9 Jul 2009 13:56


Congrats KM!! It was a fun story! Can't wait to start on the new list