Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Challange III

41. 1 Jul 2009 07:13


WATZUP I pass the coveted Golden Pen to you for your drawing Head Fish, as I found this to be the most sincere fish.

There we sooo many fish, it was hard to pick one.

Honorable mentions: Mebu, Another Fish for beauty, Lilalee, French Comb Fish, most interesting (and pink), Baldar, Jellyfish, most entertaining, and Robin, front view, most serious.

Thank you all. I really enjoyed all the wonderful fishies, the selfish indulgent part of this.

I did notice that there were no entries from children. Hmmm.

**WATZUP, the burdonsome task of the holder of the Golden Pen is to create the Challenge (can't believe I misspelled that) IV, whereby you will pass along the Golden Pen to the next deserving artist.

Good Day!