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41. 9 Aug 2009 18:16


Just tell them. One on one. The comment box is the ticket. Its like talking to god directly, instead of using an intermediary, taking power into ones own hands instead of going thru the dogmatic meaningless ritual of the rating box. I give every picture a five, but thats the problem with rating. I don't want to be limited in my expression of enjoyment by some arbitrary numbering system. Rating systems are unnatural, very limiting constructs of the mind. Its why situations in the world never change much, arbitrary rating systems. We rate petroleum higher than wildlife or people. We rate vinyards higher than salmon and bear. That's the ratings of popular culture, of the fixed rating system we inherit . I choose salmon and bear over wine and oil anyday its a matter of choosing life over lifestyle.

42. 13 Aug 2009 09:52


Oils really good though! It helps make baked goods!

43. 13 Aug 2009 18:35


You bake with petroleum? How interesting.

44. 13 Aug 2009 18:38


Maybe we can recycle used motor oil by selling it to bakeries.

45. 14 Aug 2009 05:01


I"m not being smart and I think this is just a running joke, but petro is used in thousands of items including the pans you bake in to the cups you drink in. You'd be amazed at how the price of oil affects all pricing when it comes to a restaurant or the corner grocery store. I see it firsthand every day.

46. 14 Aug 2009 16:06


I was browsing the gallery and happened on Arty’s picture, Another Beach.

1. lilalee wrote:
Your drawings are so pretty!!
2. matthew wrote:
Beautiful... Love your choice of flower for the tree trunk...
3. kyung wrote:
Beautiful sunset! Nice drawing )
4. Normal wrote:
Another of your beautiful, peaceful scenes! Arty (re LadyO's Medusa) you can't be SO old. In my high school home room were twins who were in the Toni Home Permanent ADS! Luckily my hair curls or frizzes pretty much however it wants to.
5. Luna wrote:
Arty, there was no intention to slight you, or to minimize your great loss, as has been implied in the forum, by sending flowers to Matthews's mom's funeral. I didn't know you, or hear of your husband's passing until later. Sorry if you were hurt.

That was a real nice apology to Arty. It seemed to me when Arty’s husband passed she drew a picture “Tom” and under it, lo and behold:

13. Luna wrote:
Arty, I'm so sorry for your loss. Words can't express the shared sorrow, even though we on TD did not know him.
14. Login wrote:
Oh Arty, I know how much it hurts to lose someone very close and good. I think the greatest consolation is that Tom has left a very large part of himself with you ... the good memories and your children.

I thought you might like to know about this “small” oversight.

47. 14 Aug 2009 16:25


Goodness gracious, do we have to keep rehashing this. Arty left a comment to Luna that she in no way felt insulted or slighted. Luna was trying to do a nice thing for her friend, can we all just please get off her back about it. If you want to set up something nice to do for Arty we'll all be happy to look at it.

48. 14 Aug 2009 17:00


IAM, you are being unnecessarily hurtful. Arty, matthew and their families are grieving ... they don't need this.