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41. 24 May 2009 19:55



While I LOVE this iteration's word-list and while I confess to having used Rasputin, Mayflower and White Toad myself in previous lists - I've gotta say this - phrases that are uber-specific - such as Manx Cat - well, they're poison pills. They're fun. They are.

But I read the peices this time and, having used the phrase myself in my own piece - I find myself not really reading anyones woek - I'm just waiting to see how they're gonna slip it in.

I'm not suggesting a rules change - just an understanding that ...



I'm having a thought.

Ah. Interesting.

K K. I'm not happy with Rasputin, Mayflower, White Toad ro Manx Cat because they are too restrictive and force every piece to use them in similar ways. And I don't like that.


But what if it went to the extreme. In that same direction.

Oh! Oh! This could be fun (I sound like a nerd who found an old chemistry set I know but....)


Keep this forum going exactly as it's going now...

Watch "Community" for a new "Think..." thread. It'll be a writing thread. I think people (you know who you are) will like it It's just like ThinkWrite. But it's different.

Let me give it some thought.


42. 24 May 2009 20:03


I know I had so many thoughts of stories to put on this thread this time but I simply have been so crazy busy I just haven't had the time. I really did love these words (not to toot my own horn or anything) and I wanted to do several different stories with them even though this was my turn as torch bearer. I still might do them anyway and submit on the Think Write Open thread just to get them out of my head and onto paper.
Ron, speaking just for myself I don't think you should limit yourself to just 1 story, if you have another in you go for it. I know I don't feel bad posting multiple stories. I guess the only thing I might say is don't force it, if you find yourself desperate to use the words and not allowing the story to flow then it might be time to sit back and relax a while. There have been several times when I've been inspired by someone elses story and gone on to do another I never would have thought of before.
Now, as promised, I'm going to go through the entries and pick our next torch bearer.

43. 24 May 2009 20:06


Ron, I agree with Dragon. Posting multiple stories is by no means taking over the thread. When inspiration strikes, write it, post it, and I look forward to reading it.

44. 24 May 2009 20:15


I agree with Dragon and Midnightpoet... AND I'd like to add that I'm one of those who aren't posting right now but it in no way reflects a lack of interest in this!!!

<----crazy busy 2 do NOT want to trade lives w/ me just now!

45. 24 May 2009 20:37


Wow, just rereading those entries again shows me how much true talent there is on this website and not just to draw. This has been a very hard decision as there were so many stories that really spoke to me. midnightpoet’s works were wonderful and I was sad to take her out of the running because I got this torch from her. I’m afraid I’ve left IamAnnonymous’ work out of the running as well simply because there’s no way to tell who used that name, this is a shame because I really liked that story and it would have been a contender if it had been submitted under the user’s proper log in name. I quite liked Ron’s Grumpy Dumpfinger, but I’m afraid (as much as I like ambiguity) it left me wanting too much more. I love solosater’s ongoing time traveller stories and I especially liked her story “The Seer”, that one definitely made a big blip on my radar. I absolutely loved SabraAngel tales of the Dreamer, these came very close to winning and I certainly hope she continues to post on these challenges. That narrows it down to Five and Robindcr8l, two very different stories but I do love variety. I loved the tale of two men desperately trying to make their own prophecy come true and the use a manx cat was probably my favourite of any of them. But I have to award this one to Robindcr8l for her dark tale that could be from a true crime novel. I loved the way she told this tale of a seemingly normal girl drawing in on herself and nursing her vengeance into something terrible.
Congrats Robin, hope you enjoying bearing this torch and I look forward to your word choice.

46. 24 May 2009 20:41


Congrats, Robin!!

Can't wait to see your list.

47. 24 May 2009 21:29


I have many thing to say.

Congrats Robin!!!!

Ron, we love your stories.

I think there has been a lack of feed back this time around that may have something to do with the slow down; we all need to have that "Oh I liked that" or "what did you mean by that?"

I agree that phazes can limit a writers opyions but at the same time I think it can make one work harder too.

That is all.

48. 24 May 2009 21:30


Also, I cannot spell!

49. 25 May 2009 02:40


Wow! I am waaay flattered, and slightly embarrassed at this honor. I read everyone else's masterpieces and feel like mine is much more simplistic, not as deep and entertaining as the rest. So WOW! To be chosen! I feel like one of my silly little insects made the top 5 for May! Thanks for the vote of confidence!

Anyway, Now for the word list:

Wedn esday

I'll say 200 words and we'll keep with the 3- word rule for and changes. I have to make this torch-bearing a short stint, because next weekend will be too busy for me to commit to reading and responding. So I'll announce the newest torch-bearer by noon (mountain time, which is 2pm think-draw time) on Saturday the 30th. Can't wait to read the installments!

50. 25 May 2009 02:43


And, by the way, Ron, I enjoy all of your stories, so don't worry about posting too many. You're a gifted writer with a broad imagination. Plus, you're the originator here with the best idea to come across this site since they added the animal medium! I love your latest idea in the new thread, too.

51. 25 May 2009 02:58


is that supposed to be Wedn esday or Wednesday?

52. 25 May 2009 03:22


Wednesday. Must have hiccupped while typing. Hey, hiccup would have been a good word for the list, too!

53. 25 May 2009 03:27



I love the words btw, but the word limit kills. Hahaha. I'll make due.

54. 25 May 2009 03:47


I know, but made the word limit short so I can be sure to have time to read them all. That decision was a purely selfish motive!

55. 25 May 2009 04:00


Haha, not a problem. Do I post my entry in here or are you going to make a new Thread?

56. 25 May 2009 04:41


Oh, good point. I need constant guidance and cueing here, don't I? I'll start a new thread.

57. 25 May 2009 04:43


Hehe, don't we all need guidance at one point or another?

58. 25 May 2009 10:01


To Dragon

I did not expect to win. I enjoyed submitting my story and it took me no less effort than anyone else.

I do, however take offence that my entry is considered less worthy than anyone elses, simply because I published it under this name.

Are the rules to be made on a whim? Surely the competition is open to all?

This is blatant discrimination. I am disappointed in you.

59. 25 May 2009 10:12


It may have taken the same effort, but no one would know who won, as anyone could have logged in under this ID (case in point) and posted the new list of words if Iam was the winner ... Iam is not a single identity.

Please, don't ruin the ThinkWrite thread.

60. 25 May 2009 12:21


I would know.
I see your point, but I still don't think it matters.
I never intended to ruin anything.
I'm glad you enjoyed my story.