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41. 15 Aug 2012 13:13


I couldn't help myself, I had to write another. Here is my last submission.


The blaring sounds of the sirens were the first to wake Sarah. Her eyes opened slowly to the flashing lights, and the scene that surrounded her. The sharp pain in her side made her gasp and wince in turn.
Where was she? What had happened? She couldn’t recall, her thoughts were like a jumbled maze.
The officer who was approaching her looked majestic in his uniform. “Ma’m? Are you okay?” he asked. Sarah tried to reply, but her voice came out hoarse and barely above a whisper. “Thomas” she whispered.
Where was he? She needed him. He had always been there when she was hurt before. Ignoring the pain, she forced herself to sit up.
Her eyes were coming back into focus as she looked around.
Could that crumpled, flipped car be hers? Slowly the realization of what had happened became real. She could remember now, although the memories seemed like they had taken place a century ago rather than only a few hours.
She had been riding in the car with him, singing along to the radio. The rain had made it difficult to see, and Sarah had cautioned Thomas to slow the vehicle. He had laughed and teased her about her fear, but had slowed down in an obsequious manner, only to immediately speed up again. She had squealed and rolled her eyes at him, and then nothing. She couldn’t remember anything past that moment.
“Thomas” she whispered again. She needed him so desperately. She couldn’t face anything without him. He was her freedom from all pain and suffering.
Sarah saw the paramedics as they encircled what was once her car.
As they used their jaws of life to snap the driver’s side door open, she saw him. Or at least, what she knew had been him. As the paramedics pulled him out of the car, she saw the half of his face that was no longer there. When his head lolled to the side, she could see his pale, almost marble-like complexion. Sarah knew.
The knowledge of what she knew made her feel numb, as if her heart was nothing more than a hollow cave. The sobs that shook her whole body and the tears that ran down her cheeks were no relief.
Her love was gone, forever.

42. 15 Aug 2012 18:33


Ladyhwin, wow! "...her tears falling on the white sheets and vanishing into nothingness." Definitely got me... Beautiful.

Sarah, another "Wow!" story. " He had laughed and teased her about her fear, but had slowed down in an obsequious manner..." I like your use of obsequious.

43. 15 Aug 2012 18:39


Everyone had amazing contributions this time! I had to reread them all several times, and it was very hard to choose one... So, here it is, Mum, the torch goes to you. Wonderful writing everyone! Thank you all very much!

44. 15 Aug 2012 20:31


Thanks, Joce!

45. 16 Aug 2012 02:57


Thanks Nylecoj!

Great writing by everyone... I thoroughly enjoyed all the stories.

Hopefully, I can come up with an equally inspiring word list... will be back in a little while...