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Forums - General Discussion - The Doldrums

41. 26 Jun 2011 02:00


Good luck for the surgery Steve! I guess that your last pic represents your new "balanced" diet?!!? Hold on, you're quite arrived at the end of that tightrope...

42. 26 Jun 2011 16:50


I contracted Bells Palsy, Clo so they have had to defer my operation, because the virus affects the facial nerve the right side of my face is paralyzed for a while until the virus is cured. I'm very disappointed that the surgery had to be delayed but I am glad that this was Bells Palsy and not the STROKE I thought I was having when I called for help! Just one of those things hopefully I can knock this on the head and get on with the gastric bypass so I can get healthier and lose the excess weight. Thank you everyone for your support, it makes me feel better to report these things get it off my chest so to speak. Your comments have been positive and very helpful to me, I also have family who have been invaluable during these trying times. I'm a lucky guy considering. Thank you.

43. 26 Jun 2011 18:13


As others have said, I also have a good friend who recovered very well from Bell's palsy. Good luck to you, Steve, and bravo on your great attitude.

44. 28 Jun 2011 14:05


I never knew about Bell's Plasy, it should be very uneasy! I only can relate to my experience after dentist's work, with the side of my mouth numbed and dull, I can't even drink without drooling... phew! A good think you'll be able to recover completely, hope it will be soon!
May be the "balancing" in your pic had to do with this little snag!
Hold on, your surgery is just a little delayed I wish you!

45. 30 Jun 2011 13:31


Well I spoke to the specialist at the hospital and as I am now off steroids, asked the question re surgery. The cortisone steroids take a couple of weeks to completely clear out of the body. Once that has happened I must see my Doctor and he must certify me ready for surgery in writing to the hospital concerned. The Bariatric team will then contact me with a new date for the Gastric Bypass operation and advise me to re-start the milk diet. Like I said to the specialist nurse "Having a lopsided face shouldn't detract from my Gastric Bypass surgery and is of no consequence...being after all just an inconvenience" It did give me a scare originally and is a little painful but with paracetamol and ibuprofen easily controllable. So hopefully back on track soon. Thank you TD community for your continued support.

46. 1 Jul 2011 02:23


Just a note saying 'happy birthday to ash'

using my phone to add this the touch keys need a little getting used to. anyway ash hope you have a wonderful day with your family and friends.

Steve x

47. 14 Jul 2011 13:20


Steroids out of my system now, so doctor writing to the Bariatric ward in Chichester to advise them I'm OK for surgery. Might be a little while before I can do any more pictures as my right eye is smeared in antibiotic gel and lacrilube gel with a pad and bandage so don't want to risk straining my remaining eye will pop in and check out the scene wont be long as soon as I can see I will be adding pictures.

48. 14 Jul 2011 18:59


Just to say good luck Steve. Hope all goes well in Chichester.

49. 14 Jul 2011 19:52


Hoping all goes well for you Steve. Take care.

50. 15 Jul 2011 01:03


Hazer with all of your trials and tribulations taking time out to wish me well is an amazing selfless act I feel for you and your husband and the immense strength you both have shown over the last year. Thank you so much what you and others have said is touching and I really appreciate your support. My thoughts and well wishes are with you both to I hope you can get back to your ranch and horses and fully enjoy life together. You and your husband are inspirational.

51. 28 Jul 2011 09:22


New date for surgery September 20th, hopefully nothing will go wrong this time, face still half paralysed but getting used to that as it may well last up to a year. You know what Bariatric surgery (Gastric Bypass) it's nothing compared to the bravery and compassion shown by Hazer and Husband they really are inspirational, my heart really goes out to that family and I dearly hope that there time together is special.

52. 20 Aug 2011 02:48


I am still here, my eyes are too sore to concentrate on any pictures for now, so giving TD a rest until I feel better and can look at the screen for longer than 30 secs without the light causing discomfort and my vision blurring. Getting ready for round 2 of the milk diet in preparation for my surgery, hopefully there will be no more delays and I can concentrate on recovery. Too addicted to Think Draw so it will take a whole lot more than a few health issues to keep me away lol take care everyone, prayers and wishes in particular for Hazer and husband.

53. 20 Aug 2011 17:08


I want to wish you good luck and a speedy recovery.

54. 21 Aug 2011 02:09


Hoping your eyes will recover soon Steve! We miss your pics so badly!

55. 21 Aug 2011 14:41


I managed to post a couple of new poems in my think write blog, The poetry and verse repository. If anyone wants to check them out and comment I would love to read the responses.

56. 21 Aug 2011 19:56


Good luck with everything Steve!

57. 7 Sep 2011 08:23


Just an update, I said goodbye to regular food last Monday and started the milk diet, I am now three days far so good, no feelings of hunger, but all this fluid intake means many trips to the bathroom lol. Less than two weeks to go before my surgery and all is well.

58. 9 Sep 2011 10:02

stevedover1965 via @all_poetry

If the above link works it will connect you to some of my poetry published online with

59. 15 Sep 2011 07:21


Eleven days and the only food I have had is semi-skimmed milk, surgery due in a few days guess I'm getting nervous. Getting very lethargic stuff needs to be done and I keep procrastinating. Must get my proverbial act together, got my case, night clothes, dressing gown and wash gear sorted. Plenty of music, book and headphones sorted. Need to clean the flat thoroughly for when I return. Pack meds and stock up on soups and soft foods. Bought myself a blender the other day should be useful can't have lumps in my food for a while. Wish I hadn't read a blog by some Doctor who rants how he can't see why someone would get his Esophagus connected to his anus (Bet he has never had a BMI of above 35 let alone 62) He should try it then try to diet, exercise eat normally etc. things are more complicated than that. I never expected the professionals to be blinkered in their opinions. A Gastric Bypass is not undertaken lightly I tried numerous diets and exercise plans, took diet pills and and even injected new drugs like victoza to try to reduce my weight. I have type II diabetes, hypertension, neuropathy in my feet, cardiovascular and lung problems due to my weight and have a life expectancy in this state of just a few years, I am also clinically depressed. So this is going to change my life in a lot of different ways, it will drastically reduce the amount of calories my body can absorb and process, it will chemically change my body as well as physically prognosis post op includes reducing symptoms to almost nil in virtually all of the diseases that are considered life threatening due to this obesity. This will improve my quality of life immensely and more importantly allow me to share more of it with my beautiful daughter. There are risks but they are negligible compared to not having the surgery. I think one of the reasons why I started doldrums was an opportunity for me to rant and get stuff off my chest. Job done!

60. 15 Sep 2011 08:50


Steve, I pray your surgery results in all you hope for and more. I want to encourage you to stay strong for your daughter who needs her dad to be well physically and emotionally. We, your TD friends, who admire your talent and gentle spirit, will be cheering you on.