Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Mugdots Challenge LXXVIII - LOST

41. 1 Apr 2011 10:10


42. 2 Apr 2011 03:04


Good morning, folks. Well, what can I say! A great response with 32 new entries ... thanks to all of you. Thanks also to Dragon and clorophilla for reviving 4 appropriate oldies .

I’ve looked at all the entries close up and commented on them individually. There were so many that held my attention. I had chuckles galore: MusicJo’s disappearing worm; Normal’s ‘lost shoe’; madihenry’s lost bone; indigo’s ‘lost marbles’; clorophilla’s search through the bag (that’s the story of my life) and mdawrcn’s scampering bear cub … yes, I know the cub has lost it’s mum but what a delightful little bear!

There were familiar names and new names, all coming up with interesting and surprising ideas: entries from hanging, 56rosie, cathyallheart, AFSOUTH, Lesley_gene, 11adajoc. There was a sad moment in history from marg, with Scott of the Antarctic, and from kernowman with ‘lost in space’ (plus two entries lost to us all because he deleted them!). There were several emotive drawings: Lizzi’s ‘she’s not home yet’ (what mum hasn’t felt that fear); convincing pics of Elizabeth Taylor by mdawrcn and five, not forgetting ‘RIP Knut’ from five.

Many of you made a supreme effort, submitting multiple entries, all very much appreciated. That brings me to a rare and awe inspiring sight; a single picture by Arw65 … welcome back. I’m handing you the baton, not just because you created a masterpiece in Lunartics (‘still can’t handle that theme) but also to keep you here as long as possible … you have been missed.

43. 2 Apr 2011 05:45


lol, Thanks Login- i'll be thinking and post a new challenge soon.

- just so you know, I haven't been completely gone- I simply didn't have the time to draw. so i have become a forum ghost, reading snippets here and there when i have a minute. I have missed drawing tho- for a while there i was drawing everyday.

Any-who thanks!- and also there were some pretty amazing pictures in this challenge-

44. 2 Apr 2011 06:30


Excellent choice! Congrats to ARW65 and it is great to see you back!

45. 2 Apr 2011 08:30


good choise and congrats Arw!

46. 3 Apr 2011 03:50


That is a very moving picture, Arw. Congratulations. You do well to concentrate so hard when you have two young daughters. My boys are in their early twenties and now I can sit quietly from time to time and there is something magical about spending those moments leafing through TD.

47. 4 Apr 2011 13:07


I know, the challenge is closed, but this pic belong here.

On December, 28, my sweet Kim escaped from a not well firmed cage, when I'm carrying her away from the Vet.
She vanished between the parked cars and I never saw her more - no one never more saw her.
My heart is wrenched, I can't believe I missed her in a so stupid way.

Dear Kim, will you never forgive me? I'm so, so, so sorry! I'll wait you forever...

48. 24 Oct 2011 16:48


Sorry I missed your drawing here, Clo, and sorry for the loss of your dear Kim who is hopefully being cared for by someone somewhere.

I had a similar experience taking my cat to the vet. Fortunately the outcome was not so sad as in your Kim's case. Ali Cat escaped from his carrybox box as I was taking him to the surgery. He dashed across a busy main road and immediately dashed back again. How he didn't get hit by a vehicle I will never know. He used up several of his nine lives that day and lived for a few more happy years.

49. 24 Oct 2011 19:07


She's Back!!!

I thought I remembered that Clo found her lost kitty.

50. 25 Oct 2011 16:00


Thanks for reminding me of the happy ending, mdawrcn. I'd even commented on Clo's picture announcing the return of her cat. 'Forgetful' is an understatement.

51. 25 Oct 2011 16:50


I've looked & can't find where she mentioned finding Kim... Is it true??? if so, when & where is her comment on it???

52. 25 Oct 2011 17:35


It's on my link above Login's.

53. 25 Oct 2011 18:17


Doh!!! I thought you drew that & I kept searching... I can be such a nincompoop!