Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Mugdots Challenge LXVIII "Embellish"

41. 27 Sep 2010 09:39


And you could turn 2 rockets into a Whale and a bowl of Petunias too. hehehe (that's one of my favorite books)

42. 27 Sep 2010 12:29


Finally I finished this double pic that connects with Suzze's:

43. 27 Sep 2010 13:10


Bravo!! Is all I can say. And congratulations clorophilla on your 300th pic and 300th day. A picture a day keeps ____ away. Fill in your own blank.

Still a few days left in the challenge.

I am in New Orleans and wish I could draw some of the sights I am seeing. An amazing city full of talent, both musical and otherwise.

44. 28 Sep 2010 12:55


you all have done incredible creative work..great challenge MDAWRCN..CREATIVE,IMAGINATIVE,FUNNY, INTERESTING....

45. 1 Oct 2010 04:12


Wow!! I am so impressed with all of the entries in this challenge. You all made it great fun. I loved all of Rosie's entries along with Five's cub and clorophilla's lion and Arw's torso and Qsilv's mask. Hazer's lady who couldn't decide is excellent and I really liked Polenta's idea with Mekeys design. I was hoping some abstracts would be submitted and wish I had had the time to connect to someone's abstract. I may still do that.

I am passing the baton to clorophilla not only for her Harry Potter pic with Suzze's Hogwarts, but for her enthusiasm throughout the challenge and all of her interesting submissions. I also really like her wine bottle pouring into Jshundo's wine glass.

Thanks for everyone's participation. I had a great time with this one. Congratulations clorophilla.

46. 1 Oct 2010 04:28


A fun challenge ... sorry I didn't have time to partake ... thoroughly enjoyed the entries.

47. 1 Oct 2010 04:45


Congrats clorophilla... you've obviously had a great time with this challenge!

Wonderful idea, mdawrcn! This has been a fun challenge - I hope that it will be one of those threads that keeps being added to!

48. 1 Oct 2010 04:54


I was thinking the same thing mum23. I had some ideas I didn't have time to submit and thought I might still try to add them.

I was a little concerned that some people might be bothered by the idea of their drawings being expanded upon. I hope that is not the case. I think it is all in fun and feel flattered that anyone would want to use any of my drawings. Thanks again everyone for participation and comments!

49. 1 Oct 2010 11:18


thank you mdawrcn! I really enjoyed in your challenge and would it never end...

I don't think one can be annoyed if his/her pic would be "embellished": for me, it was really funny and interesting to see how other people saw new thinks in my old pics!

Now I have to think hard to find a challenge that captured the attention of TDers... after yours, it's not an easy task!

50. 1 Oct 2010 19:29


All the entries were wonderful! Congrats Clorophilla!! You deserve the WIN!!

51. 13 Oct 2010 16:39


I kept going back to Marg's pic and wanted to add a fish. I hope she doesn't mind. Clorophilla had the idea, but I couldn't stop thinking about it.

52. 14 Oct 2010 05:26


I think it's great too keep this trend open!

53. 23 Jan 2011 09:23


I like that thread like to see the complete of this by clorophilla
I didn't see them until now but I think that will be marvelous

54. 23 Jan 2011 15:52


Thank you ZUm!
In fact, that's too much for me I already added this double pic in the topic "The moving line moves on", an older challenge in wich we connected our own pics. This one is a bit different, as we had to connet our pic with one of another TDer...

Anyway, it's nice you have pushed this too on the top!