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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

3941. 10 Nov 2009 19:23


A starry sky on the floor vs the ceiling--love it.

3942. 10 Nov 2009 20:30


I'm coming late to this one but Dragon mentioned a story on a record that reminded me of a story about a boy with a pointed head. I seem to remember it being called The Point but my memory is glitch sometimes. There is narration and songs if I remember correctly and just a great story I'd love to hear again.

Any Ideas?

If by chance someone has a recording of it I'd LOVE a copy.

3943. 10 Nov 2009 20:38


And another one rather late, I occasionally have to have Spaghetti O's too but even removing most of the liquid they just aren't the same as when I was a kid.

My mother LOVES Chef Boyardee Ravioli I cannot stand the stuff.

Kraft Mac and Cheese is a favorite of mine to this day I'm ashamed to say I even like the Easy Mac.

We do Spam about once a year, we slice it real thin (maybe 10 slices? more?) and fry it crispy. it's perfect and then we're done of it again. I try to do the Mac and Cheese the same night as it is a taste sensation with the Spam;-)

3944. 10 Nov 2009 20:43


"The Point! is a fable by American songwriter and musician Harry Nilsson about a boy named Oblio, the only round-headed person in the Pointed Village, where by law everyone and everything had to have a point." - Per Wiki.

I found it!!!

Still need to find a copy.

3945. 10 Nov 2009 22:20


Robin's Buffalo friend has arrived and so I did not get to catch up on Channel Baldur til everyone was sleeping. I only WISH I was sleeping, but alas, insomnia prevails again. However, at least I have a source of entertainment here to fill the long night hours.

Marius, I will clarify the harumphers comment. I never meant to imply that YOU were a harumpher! On the contrary, you seem the exact opposite to me! But you often tell stories of harumphers, and I dare say, I always catch a gleam of entertainment in your eye when you speak of them. So I thought those harumphing bubbles might be another source of a smile for you.

I think I will leave the spam soup and volcano recipes out of the recipe thread, although they sound like they were quite the hit at your party, Baldur! I have been known to make kitty litter cake in my time. It is a no-bake kind of applesauce, cookie crumb dessert with shaped tootsie rolls. I buy the clean litter pan at the dollar store to serve it in. It's incredibly unappetizing, and frankly, not all that good tasting, but it serves as a great conversation piece. I made one for one of the docs I work with as a birthday cake. He is a full-blown germaphobe (10 pts, unless it's spelled wrong), so it was funny to see him eat cat litter from a pan. I also made a brain jello mold for one of our other docs as a birthday treat. He is sort of socially retarded and never quite included in the practical jokes, so I felt sorry for him. I made this brain mold that was just the right color of grey, with rice added to look like maggots! He was so tickled to be in the "in-crowd" that day that he just dug right into that disgusting thing! He ate quite a bit of it, and I have to tell you, there's no way I'd have tried it, even though I knew all the ingredients probably tasted fine. Appearances count for me when it comes to eating. That's why I hate split pea soup.

Next time you have a party like that, Baldur, I think we thindrawers should be included! Very good story!

3946. 11 Nov 2009 01:49


this is to verify if it works because it didn't elsewhere. I couldn't post my message.

3947. 11 Nov 2009 01:50


I couldn't get my answer posted in PLEASE READ THIS by Potatoes of the world. Can you?

3948. 11 Nov 2009 02:24


Good morning Robin. Hope insominia has vanished in a sweet dream. Glad I have not been harrumphing. Really had to work on that one so it's an old fear. Glad I am laughing at harrumphers ... another skill I had to learn. Gee whiz it's great getting older. : ) (And I did LOVE the bubbles and they were CUTE harrumphers!)

LOVE your brain-mold cake, especially making it for the doc who doesn't get the jokes. So kind of you to make the guy be included! Awww. Thanks for my morning smile!

3949. 11 Nov 2009 02:32


Charming, the eating of spaghetti o's when no one is looking! And, LOVE cling peaches but must be Delmonte or Libby's in heavy syrup. The "light calorie" or "heathful" ones taste like water.

We use the boxed mac and cheese with the sort of straight noodles. They are okay, but have thought we should try the box with regular shaped mac noodles. Swear I've seen those and that box is blue too. Think they cost more. Which does Baldur prefer? Am confused.

3950. 11 Nov 2009 02:52


Love Baldur's starry floor. Sounds fun!

Solo, never heard the pointed head story. Looking forward to it. : )

One of the strangest meals I had was first marriage. His sister had us over for Thanksgiving. She had just completed her china collection which she'd been slowing buying over a twenty year period. The table was quite pretty with all the china and candles, etc. Then, the first course was brought out and it was Campbell's chicken noodle soup from a can!

I like that soup, but as part of Thanksgiving Dinner? It was all I could do to not say, "Um, Regina, this is a joke, right?"

3951. 11 Nov 2009 05:58


Yeah, starry floor! Already got the ceiling, if I do the walls and floor I could be in outer space!

Pointed haed story, huh? There was this kid who was born with a cone-shaped head. It looked crazy! His eyes were like, popping out of his head! The doctors fixed him, though. The village he lived in had a medicine man and his parents let the medicine man cover him in chicken blood as a baby, he now lives in foster homes.

The scariest thing I've ever had to drink was milk. It was just sitting on the table, no one told me how old it was, I drank it. Looked like cottage cheese, but did not smell like it. (gags) I like spaghetti O's, but only the kind with meatballs. I also live for raviolli! It's like, my favorite thing to put tomato sauce on. Now I crave raviolli.

3952. 11 Nov 2009 07:58


Thanks, Marius, for your history of Soup Conspiracy. Loved that.

Baldur's Tacky Dinner party sounds wonderful. Could it be reproduced, I wonder - or has there been a diminishing supply of plaids and polyester knits? I'm higly suspicious of the SPAM purchase, however. Wonder if that was a secret ploy to get Robert to adopt vegetarianism???

3953. 11 Nov 2009 09:34


Ha Ha! ..... you guys.....

3954. 11 Nov 2009 10:46


I actually have a really good Kitty Litter Cake recipe. It too uses slightly melted and shaped Tootsie Rolls and you put it in a clean litter pan (we use a new, clean litter scoop for the spoon) but this one's made with cake mix crumbled into the litter pan. It's surprisingly good once you get past the fact that it looks an awful lot like kitty litter.
Here's the link

3955. 11 Nov 2009 15:57


marius, the Kraft brand Macaroni and Cheese is a bit more expensive than the others, but to Baldur it does taste the best.
Baldur has tried being cheap and eating the others, but they just are not as good.

3956. 11 Nov 2009 16:08


Baldur, Sheftali has found the Kraft mac and cheese at 75 cents a box and stocked up on a few. You never know when you'll have a mac and cheese attack, and it is quite easy to prepare.

3957. 11 Nov 2009 16:22


Laughing at communication skills (mine). Spouse buys Kraft mac and cheese in skinny blue box (7.25 ounces), but the noodles are not what I typically think of as "macaroni noodes." They are okay, but for whatever reason, marius has fondness for typical or "true" mac noodles.

Have seen other Kraft mac & cheese boxes with pic of *curved* noodles and wonder if anyone uses those, if they taste same, better, what? And, um, gee ... guess I could buy a box and find out? (tee hee)

3958. 11 Nov 2009 16:34


I hate to disagree with you guys but I think Kraft mac and cheese is absolutly horrid. For years I've called it Krap mac and cheese. I also think Cheez Whiz is probably what they serve in Hell. I'm of the opinion that it's not cheese if they have to spell it with a z.
As for Spam, every time I hear the name it always makes me laugh. It makes me think of a segment they did on Jay Leno many years ago. He was giving away tix to some big basketball game that every one was dying to go to and he had 2 guys competing for them. All they had to do was shoot a regulation sized basketball into the net from a line maybe 15 or 20 feet back. The catch was the basketballs were made entirely of solid Spam. When the first guy grabbed his ball off the cart and walked to the line there was a 3 inch wide strand of goo leading all the way from his ball back to the cart. Blech! (It was really amusing to see the balls self destruct when they hit the floor)

3959. 11 Nov 2009 16:44


Ha ha! Omg! Dragon, your are soooo funny.

3960. 11 Nov 2009 17:19


Tee hee Dragon, not even gonna talk about Spam goo ... BUT ... that's kind of why I had questions about Kraft mac and cheese in a box, just couldn't spit it out the way I was feeling it. ???

Always ate "real" mac & cheese until spouse made the Kraft kind for me 13 yrs ago. Since then we eat the boxed stuff on occassion, but past few times it's been horrible. Even the noodles seem different. Brought this up with spouse tonight and he said, "Now that you mention it, I have noticed a difference. Maybe we got a bad batch?" Don't know, but last batch was so awful I threw the left overs out.

Well, if this is my worst worry, life is still good! : )