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3901. 10 Nov 2009 03:40


And for some odd reason this makes me think of graveyard stew! Has Baldur heard of that? It might be a family, or a Missouri recipe.

It was what the parents would serve you when you were finally able to eat after having flu or other related illness. You'd be lying in bed and in would come the parent, TV tray and a plate with a piece of dried toast covered liberally with gravy. It always tasted divine.

3902. 10 Nov 2009 04:20


Marius, the thing that particularly appealed to me for you about that bubble game was that some of those bubbles would fall asleep and then actually "harumph" when you bump them and awaken them! Made me think of you, since you seem to have an affinity for harumphers of all sorts!

3903. 10 Nov 2009 12:24


OK Baldur has been a little out of the loop today.
I forgot to respond to the baking the cheesecake in a water bath question.
Than answer was no, it does not require baking in a hot water bath.

Baldur has tried baking cheesecake that way and sees no advantage to doing so, but then I bake them at a relatively low temperature.
Water baths work well for custards, they are pretty much required there.

3904. 10 Nov 2009 12:29


I dreaded that meal. When she made it that was the entire meal, soup and bread.
Maybe she drove me into being a vegetarian

3905. 10 Nov 2009 12:31


Vegetarian's have shorter lifespan's than non-vegetarians.

3906. 10 Nov 2009 12:38


But the animals they do not eat have longer lifespans.
I'm not certain that is accurate anyway maddyjean.
Baldur is a vegetarian who refuses to answer surveys, maybe there are thousands of other vegatarians not responding to people asking about their diet and longevity

3907. 10 Nov 2009 12:45


Tonight I am making homemade chicken rice soup for Robert, and it's definitely better than mother's version.
Baldur is having vegetable barley soup with oyster mushrooms. One of the local markets sell wonderful dehydrated mushrooms fairly inexpensively.

3908. 10 Nov 2009 12:45


Congrats Baldur! You have just been...crowned .

3909. 10 Nov 2009 13:02


Odd, a whole paragraph from comment # 3904 vanished
It said:

My mother made the nastiest chicken soup, maybe she pushed me to become a vegetarian.
She would boil a whole chicken and remove it from the pot, saving it for another meal.
There was never a speck of chicken meat in the soup.
She would take the grey, bland undersalted broth and add a few slices of carrots and celery, then perhaps a tiny amount of pasta or rice.
That and bread would be the whole meal, it was like eating dishwater.

3910. 10 Nov 2009 13:04


Shanley, I am not king, Baldur thought there was a run off scheduled

3911. 10 Nov 2009 13:07


Robin, an affinity for harrumphers? Well, anything is possible. Am I coming across crabby and not aware of it? I do have a lot of *experience* with harrumphers, perhaps that was your meaning? : )

Was trying to think of worst harrumphers (or perhaps best) from TV-land and only one I came up with was that little yellow-haired snot from "Little House on the Prairie" series. Her name might have been Nellie?

Although, marius has indeed harrumphed at times, she tries very hard not to fling her 'emotional wastes' on others ... which by the way, is not something any decent harrumpher would ever consider! So, yippee, progress is possible! (giggle)

3912. 10 Nov 2009 13:09


Yes, shanley, he's right, baldur's not king until his picture wins. (see "Does this come in a smaller size", baldur" I'm sorry if I offended you, baldur. Didn't know you were a veggie.

3913. 10 Nov 2009 13:17


Thanks for the clarification of the bread and soup story, Baldur! marius was feeling most out of the loop. Your mother and mine must have attended the same soup-making school.

By the time marius became a teen, she learned how to sneak things into the soup before dinner. Mainly seasonings, but sometimes extra foods. No one could understand how Mom had magically learned to make soups that tasted different from, as Baldur said, warmed dishwater. Then one night, marius snuck in the kitchen to "do her work" and she caught Dad doing it!
We had some quick hush-hush talk and a mystery solved: now we knew why sometimes Mom soups were good. She had TWO soup doctors! : )

3914. 10 Nov 2009 13:19


Oh, how fun! To be all sneaky and whatnot.

3915. 10 Nov 2009 13:56


Guess that mean Matthew has reconsidered declining the nomination. My apologies, must've missed that. Well, this makes things more interesting .

3916. 10 Nov 2009 16:14


I used to have a story on a record (yes I am that old) called Nail Soup. Basically it was about a transient wandering the countryside who comes across a house, he decides to ask if he can beg a meal and a place to sleep for the night. The old woman who lives there is as cheap as borscht but agrees to let him stay the night on the floor. She tells him she has nothing to feed him though. So he'll make her a soup if she'll only give him a little water and a pot to heat it by the fire. She's intrigued so she gives in, she watches as he stirs the water and then pulls a nail out of his pocket and drops it in the water. He then says he's used this nail so often it will make a very thin soup and that it's too bad they don't have a bit of barley. Suddenly the old woman remembers a little barley she has put away and into the soup it goes. Then he says ah if only we had a few carrots and potatos this would be fit for company. Suddenly, some carrots and potatos are found and go in the soup. Then he says, ah with just a little salted pork this soup would be fit for the king himself. Low and behold some salt pork is found and into the soup it goes. When the soup is finally finished and eaten the old woman is just astounded at how wonderful it was and exclaims 'Imagine that, and with only a nail!'

3917. 10 Nov 2009 16:27


Tee hee, Dragon. First I've heard of nail soup. Sounds delicious! : )

3918. 10 Nov 2009 16:58


I found a version of the story. This is almost exactly how I heard it.

3919. 10 Nov 2009 16:59


Have heard a similar story, only called 'Stone Soup'.

3920. 10 Nov 2009 17:36


Well marius, Baldur does indeed use some prepared foods, but not many.
I am not fond of jarred tomato sauce, invariably it's much too sweet.
Also Robert is fanatical about not having lumps of tomato in his sauce and most now have little pieces in them. If I buy jarred sauce it must be run through the food processor.
The few items I purchase are:
Kraft Macaroni and Cheese
Campbell's Tomato Soup
Campbell's Cream of Mushroom Soup
Bush's Vegetarian Baked Beans