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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

3881. 8 Nov 2009 17:47


Thanks for sharing your brussel sprout and rum ball recipes, Baldur. I took the liberty of posting them in the "favorite recipes" forum. They sound delicious.

3882. 8 Nov 2009 17:48


Now you're talking with rum balls! Have always wanted to make those. My Aunt Ruth's rumballs ... well let's just say the adults seemed to get VERY happy eating them! They were extremely potent. We kids always managed to snatch a few even thought they were forbidden. Thanks for the recipe, Baldur! Now I know what I'm taking to Lizzie's house.

It's late and I'm yawning, so ... good sleep and sweet dreams to all.

3883. 8 Nov 2009 18:04


You're all welcome.
That recipe came from a pot washer that worked at a Quaker boarding school. Baldur was a cook there for a couple years in the early 1980s.
We were having an employee Christmas party and Scott brought in a tin of bourbon balls. His elderly mother had made them.
Baldur convinced him to get me the recipe.
I tend to make the chocolate rum variation more often than not.

3884. 8 Nov 2009 18:05


Baldur needs to make extra to hide whenever preparing these.
My daughter adores them and will take every last one home when she finds them here.

3885. 8 Nov 2009 18:34


Robin got put "on-call" til 11pm! YIPPEE for low census!

Can't wait to try your rum balls, Baldur. Might even try them this week for my Thanksgiving feast. I, too have a rum ball recipe, which is similar without the chocolate. Instead of corn syrup, my recipe uses honey. They are quite easy and quite yummy and also pack a punch. My son ate one last year thinking it was a cookie and almost spit it out over the alcohol! LOL I'll post mine in the recipe forum, too.

I have a friend coming to Thanksgiving dinner who is making a homemade "pumpkin "pie, only it's made with some other type of squash, not pumpkin. Either way, pumpkin pie is not my favorite dessert, so I am thinking of making the bread pudding recipe I have. If not, I will make a cheesecake pie, which tastes just like cheesecake but is much less labor-intensive to make. It will depend on how much time I feel I have to devote to dessert making.

By having Thanksgiving early, I am able to invite people who would normally have their own plans with their families. This way more people can come! In addition to my friend from Buffalo, my friend from Wisconsin is flying into Boise that very day, and has agreed to have dinner with us. She is here for a trauma conference in Sun Valley, and must leave at like 5am on Friday morning to make it to the conference. There are 2 other couples I have invited, also, and a good friend will come right after work. So all together about 10 people That is probably my max for serving dinner. I have room for more, but not hostessing skills. Alas.

3886. 8 Nov 2009 18:35


Unless I can expect some Thinkdrawers to come. Of course you are all welcome. Just keep your expectations low!

3887. 8 Nov 2009 18:52


Baldur, if you can inspire listeners to comment 113 more times by tomorrow, you will have reached yet another milestone of 4000 comments!! Heavens!

3888. 8 Nov 2009 18:58


I do keep track of what our percentages are.
The main forum page tells us how many postings have been made in the Forums.
From the beginning Radio Baldur has always been 1/7 of the total number of comments posted.
Currently we are 1/5, pretty frightening numbers aren't they?

Baldur is headed off to bed, goodnight everyone.

'All Baldur, All the Time, except when it's Robin or somone else'

3889. 9 Nov 2009 06:32


Once you get to 1/2, Rachel will surely pay you 1/2 of the profits that Radio Baldur is bringing in...

You will be set for life then...

3890. 9 Nov 2009 08:20


...and be rich!!

3891. 9 Nov 2009 08:28


But, before all of that happens, mairus can't stop thinking about Baldur's Thanksgiving stuffing. Imagine it might have nuts and perhaps some fruit? Will there be sharing of that recipe? Please and thanks with gratitudes. : )

3892. 9 Nov 2009 08:45


I have a wonderful pumpkin pie recipe made from scratch. Truly from scratch, I use pumpkin from halloween and boil it down then mash it and freeze it to use whenever I feel like it. (It's impossible to find pumpkins anytime but Oct so if I want to use my recipe I have to think ahead!)
I'm not a huge pumpkin pie fan myself, I don't dislike it I just find I need to eat it in small doses. That's why I make tarts rather than a whole pie. I can get my small fix and anyone who needs more can just eat more tarts!

3893. 9 Nov 2009 17:19


marius, Baldur's stuffing recipe contains neither fruit or nuts.
I shall have to figure out the proportions to write it down in recipe format this is something I always do without measurements.

Robin just posted an easy cheesecake/pie recipe in the favorite recipes forum. Saying it was the easiest ever but Baldur is going to outdo her and give you all a recipe that is much easier.
This came from a friend who baked pies for a living, it seemed so simple I could not have imagined it being as good as it is.

3894. 9 Nov 2009 17:35


Basic Cheesecake

Preheat your oven to 300 degrees F.

combine :
1 cup graham cracker crumbs
3 tablespoons sugar
3 tablespoons melted butter
place this in the bottom of a 9" or 10" springform pan and press down firmly
(Baldur uses a flat bottomed drinking glass to do this)

In a mixing bowl combine
1 pound cream cheese (at room temperature)
1/3 cup of lemon juice
beat until well combined, add to this
1 can of sweetened condensed milk
beat again until well combined and then add 1 at a time
3 eggs
beat until just incorporated but do not over-stir the batter.
Pour the filling into the crust and bake for 55 minutes.
Turn off the oven and leave the cheesecake in there for an additional 15 minutes.
Cool at least 3 hours or overnight.
Just before serving you may spread 1/2 cup of sour cream over the top

3895. 9 Nov 2009 19:25


Do you do the whole water bath thing with your cheesecake, Baldur?

3896. 9 Nov 2009 19:27


The problem Robin has always had with making cheesecakes is figuring out that perfect cooking time. They either get a little too soft in the center, or they crack on the top. Can't find the happy medium. With that cheesecake pie recipe, I have never had either happen. It just turns out right every time.

3897. 9 Nov 2009 21:08


Poor Robin, I LOVE cheesecake. Baldur, I'll try your recipe for cheesecake.
I'll bet it's DELICIOUS!!!

3898. 9 Nov 2009 23:46


Marius, I kno whow you love games. Here's a bubble-popping game for you:

3899. 10 Nov 2009 03:01


Robin, I don't have trouble with the cooking time but have come to accept that cheesecakes sometimes crack and sometimes do not.
It seems to be the nature of the beast. I have used several recipes multiple times, it doesn't seem to be an issue about technique it is just a random occurence.
Baldur also suspects that the traditional finishing touch of spreading of sour cream on top developed as a method to camouflage this.

3900. 10 Nov 2009 03:31


Robin, thanks for the game! Have worked that game in other formats, but gotta say ... this is the first time the game pieces talked, sighed and actually fell asleep! That cracked me up!

Baldur, looking forward to your stuffing recipe. Not sure how one manages such a recipe without it written out ... only things I can cook sans recipe are steamed veggies, soups, stews, stir-fry, salads (giggle), and eggs. But, Baldur is a chef and marius is not.

Would Baldur cringe to know one of my favorite dinners is Chef Boy R D (not sure of spelling) chesse pizza from a box? I add veggies, cheese and sausage. Add a hint of sugar to the crust, work it a bit different than the directions and, to these tastebuds, yum.

This brings up a question of what, if any, "prepared" foods Baldur will eat?
Have one friend who will not use ANY store bought tomato sauce, Ragu and the like. We aren't that picky.