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3821. 5 Nov 2009 19:07


These will be eaten. I do grow turnip here at Chez Baldur, but they are not world famous, they are small bitter lumpy roots.
However they are homegrown so one should overlook their nasty flavor and occasional insect tenant.

3822. 5 Nov 2009 19:11


Sorry. I'm allergic to turnips. I won't be taste-testing that.

3823. 5 Nov 2009 19:12



3824. 5 Nov 2009 19:16


There are no vegetables that I dislike enough to completely avoid.
There are some that Baldur is not fond of but if they are served to me I eat them with proper gratitude.
Celery would be one of my less favorite ones.
A personal favorite would be difficult, perhaps brussels sprouts, maybe broccoli. It would certainly be a brassica (+10 points), in the cabbage family.

3825. 5 Nov 2009 19:18


Some Baldur finds to be just rather dull.
Artichokes for example seem to have little flavor on their own.
Wax beans also, were they bred to be flavorless intentionally?

3826. 5 Nov 2009 19:21


Admittingly many of the vegetables enjoyed here at dinner are those most people despise.
Brussels sprouts, lima beans, broccoli rabe, winter squash, eggplant, mushrooms, onions, kale, spinach, parsnips, turnips, rutabagas

3827. 5 Nov 2009 19:31


Have you ever grilled your arties?

I steam them first (cut in half either before or after steaming and then let them drain on some paper towel and let them cool enough to handle).

Then I coat them lightly in a mayonnaise/butter and herb mixture (I like lots of minced garlic, some onion powder, a little cayenne, black pepper, dill weed...).

Grill them face/inside down first until the leaves are just getting a little black then flip them and let the backs blister just a bit.

Usually they are served with clarified butter. These are, in my opinion perfect without anything but I do love me some butter...

3828. 5 Nov 2009 19:36


Now solosater, you are adding a mayonnaise/butter and herb mixture so of course that will be delicious. The artichoke on it's own is bland.

In any event Baldur must go to bed.
Goodnight everyone

'All Baldur, All the Time'

3829. 5 Nov 2009 19:37


Any excuse to Eat More BUTTER!!!!

Good night Baldur.

3830. 5 Nov 2009 20:29


Sheftali is bleary-eyed from reading more than 250 pages of Atlas Shrugged tonight--it's hard to put the book down once I get going. The artichoke discussion pleases me, as I love the darned things. Yes, the leaves are kind of a pain in the butt, but the hearts are well worth the effort--and yes, solo, butter is good!!!

3831. 6 Nov 2009 02:49


I do buy marinated artichoke hearts. those are wonderful.
But then, they taste like marinade.
Those are wonderful on pizza with black olives, too many onions and some hot red pepper flakes. Maybe a little feta too

3832. 6 Nov 2009 03:07


I'm with you on liking ALL veggies baldur! You couldn't serve me anything that I wouldn't eat, except maybe less of the hot flakes!

3833. 6 Nov 2009 03:07


hey sheftali.. which bit of Atlas Shrugged are you up to.. ? some bits I really want to throttle Ayn Rand.. and some I think she's just captured my whole essence !

3834. 6 Nov 2009 04:41


Yum--artichoke hearts--marinated or steamed (with butter, of course)--delectable....As for Atlas Shrugged, marg, I'm at the point where the last major industrialist has vanished (except for Miss Dagny). There's lots of food for thought in the book, but what I like about it is the emphasis on individual responsibility for one's life.

3835. 6 Nov 2009 05:18


hmm.. what about the poor supporting cast, that faithfully stand on burning bridges/go down with the boat, etc., when the 'real' people disappear off ?

.. don't mind me.. I actually always did love the book, but I was never too sure about the 'responsibility' side of things !

.. and the best artichoke hearts (lightly braised in butter) I ever had were in NYC ..

3836. 6 Nov 2009 05:20


.. and Baldur.. do you like leeks ? I haven't heard you mention them, but then my transistor radiio's been playing up a bit lately..

3837. 6 Nov 2009 12:14


I'm sure I remember Baldur posting a recipe for eggplant sometime back but I cannot find it. I meant to put it on the Favorite Recipes thread at the time but somehow neglected too. Any chance of a repeat?

Oh and leeks, one of the most wonderful members of the onion family! I don't think I ever met a member of the onion family I didn't like.

3838. 6 Nov 2009 14:49


Dragon, check post #28 on the recipe thread. I think maybe that's the eggplant recipe you were looking for. I think it's on page 2.

3839. 6 Nov 2009 15:31


Thanks Robin, but I'm sure it was a breaded eggplant recipe for a main dish. That mousaka looks yummy too though.

3840. 6 Nov 2009 16:59


Do you guys think it's weird that I'm the only child I know who votes lima beans as my favorite veggie?