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3801. 4 Nov 2009 16:59


matthew doesn't require contributions to his delinquency, he's doing just fine on his own.

3802. 4 Nov 2009 17:01


lol solo!

3803. 4 Nov 2009 17:01


Solosater, english. I'm ten.

3804. 4 Nov 2009 17:06


maddy you say you are not a precocious child but if you are indeed ten years old there is clear evidence of precociousness.

3805. 4 Nov 2009 17:08


That's not a bad thing, in fact I believe it is a good thing. Precocious children are fun and smart. They are however sometimes treated like adults prematurely. I'd hate to do that to anyone.

3806. 4 Nov 2009 17:28


matthew is NOT the worst thing you could be.

3807. 4 Nov 2009 17:31


Now, this is exciting.
Baldur was putting his onions away in the cupboard when I spied a dusty bottle. It was on the shelf half obscured by the toaster oven.
I had no idea that there was still a bottle of mead here at Chez Baldur.
My first reaction was to want to open it immediately.
So far however I am showing restraint.

3808. 4 Nov 2009 17:34


Baldur had purchased a couple bottles in New Hampshire at their state run liquor commission, this was on the way home from a trip to Canada.
We used to spend a week in New Brunswick with a couple hundred of our dearest friends every August.
After 12 years of that the couple that were hosting the event finally had to stop. It was understandably getting to be too much.

3809. 4 Nov 2009 17:35


How this bottle managed to remain undrunk is beyond me.

3810. 4 Nov 2009 18:03


Mead is a sweetish honeyed beer?

I cannot imagine that tasting good but then Guinness Punch is an awful sounding beer and egg concoction that is pretty decent...

3811. 4 Nov 2009 18:06


It is honey and water that is fermented, not really a beer as there is no grain involved.

3812. 4 Nov 2009 18:09


Now that I think I might like...

Is there a particular brand that is better to try?

3813. 4 Nov 2009 18:10


And one more: Cold or room temp?

3814. 4 Nov 2009 18:15


It's so hard to find here that I'll buy whatever there is. This bottle is 'Chaucer's'

3815. 4 Nov 2009 18:17


Room temperature, though warm is good too.
You can make a mulled drink with it by gently heating it with spices.
Good choices are cinnamon sticks, whole cloves, allspice berries; also a bit of orange rind, a few peppercorns and even caraway seeds if you like them.

3816. 4 Nov 2009 18:18


There is a Lithuanian/Polish liqueur that is a mixture of honey and caraway flavors. It is also unexpectedly good.

3817. 4 Nov 2009 19:15


It all sounds delicious, I'll put it on my list of things to try.

I recently got an e-mail stating all the things honey and cinnamon together at different ratios and such can cure. I don't know how true it is but I do think honey and cinnamon together is one of the most pleasant tastes ever created.

Fermenting and heating could only make it better!

3818. 5 Nov 2009 16:23


Baldur got a present in the mail today from his friend Bobobear.
For some reason he pronounces it BooBooBear, by the way. I have never understood the spelling.
Anyway upon opening this large heavy box it was obvious that he had sent me a case of turnip.
Not just any mundane variety mind you, but the world famous Florida Mountain Turnip from Western Massachusetts.
Somehow such prominence within root vegetable circles had escaped my notice. However after a quick internet search my sad lack of turnip savvy has been corrected.

3819. 5 Nov 2009 18:10


Another surprise today is that for some reason playback is working again for me. It has been a couple months now that Baldur hasn't been able to get it to work.
I could also not view the pictures on their own pages, only the small versions in the gallery
matthew you are VERY naughty

3820. 5 Nov 2009 18:57


So are you planning on eating the turnips or saving them to plant next year. (If indeed that's what one does with turnips, I've only eaten them, not grown them)