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Forums - General Discussion - Prayer Requests

381. 7 Feb 2010 20:13


Bella, I really feel for you and your situation. I was never a single Mom, but my husband's work too him away from home so much that I ended up raising our two girls pretty much by myself. Now that they are both grown up and married, I look back and the biggest regret I have is that I worked at a job that left them to get themselves off to school, and left me exhausted when I got home from work. If I could change anything, I would make sure they had more of me and less "things".
My heart used to ache when I would leave for work early in the morning, and I sacrificed my health for a job that was so not worth it.
Family is so important both for you and your girls. If you decide to go back home I will pray that God will provide for you and that you will have a peace in your heart . I've found that happiness is something you can't put a price tag on. Life is too short to not be with your loved ones if at all possible.
Good advise from sheftali. Keep us posted.

382. 7 Feb 2010 20:42


A little info on new baby...our oldest daughter and her husband were told they would probably not be able to have children. My daughter has poly cystic ovarian disease. They were planning to visit a fertility clinic after my son-in-law finished some schooling he's been planning for awhile. (Currently unemployed). Two weeks ago she felt a little light headed. Her hubby suggested she take the home preg. test and it turned out positive. They confirmed it at the Dr. a couple of days before her Grandpas funeral. Thinking she was only a couple of weeks along, they didn't want to tell anyone just yet. When they got home, they went for an ultra sound and ...surprise...Not 2 weeks...5 1/2 months!
Here she thought she'd gained some weight from that fruit cake we like to make for Christmas.
We are so thrilled for them! What an answer to prayer! I had not dared to hope that she would be able to have her own children, and yet I've been praying that God would give her the desire of her heart.
Please pray with me that baby and Mom will have a healthy delivery!

383. 8 Feb 2010 00:46


Bella, I feel for you... I hope the depressed feelings are just winter blah... If you make your choices through sincere prayer, God will help with the "right thing to do" part...

Hazer, <smiles> Yeah!!!

384. 9 Feb 2010 16:47


Many of you know that I lost my mother to breast cancer last August... Yesterday, I was informed that the doctors believe my baby sister has cancer & has been sent to the oncologist... We are awaiting the results of her test...

385. 9 Feb 2010 16:53


Hazer--such happy news about your daughter's pregnancy. Life has a way of affirming itself.

386. 9 Feb 2010 16:57


Matthew--I do remember....keeping you, your sister, and your family in my thoughts. I have dealt with cancer in my family and with many friends. Cancer is insidious and cruel, but the love of family and friends helps make the impossible bearable. Still....

387. 9 Feb 2010 17:02


Oh Matthew, I'm so sorry. This must be very scary for her. This news is just've been through so much already. I pray that God will hold you and your family close as you face this difficult time together! I pray that your friends and family's prayers will bring you comfort and strength in the days ahead!

388. 9 Feb 2010 18:55


Thank you all for your words of encouragement, they truly mean alot! I woke up the morning after I left my post here in a much happier frame of mind.
I've been thinking a great deal about this journey and it seems signs keep pointing me home. They had to admit my dad to the hospital today because he has come down with a bad case of pneumonia. They have currently got him settled enough so they can give him his dialysis treatment, which at this stage is very important. He is very confused and scared right now because he really cant grasp where he is and why for more than 30 min at a time. Thank god for my brother-in-law who will be staying with him tonight! Say a little prayer for him because he will be in for a long night of constant reminders to my dad if they cant sedate him.

I have started on my resume and I'm going to use a professional service to find me a job! So if its ment to be it will!

Matthew I will keep you and your sister in my thoughts and prayers. My sister-in-law who is 35 after having a double mastectomy has battled breast cancer for the past two years and so far she has beat it!
Your sister can too.

389. 9 Feb 2010 19:16


Bella...sounds like you've made a decision. I'd like to encourage you with this blessing:

May the Lord go before you and prepare the place where you are going.

May He fill your new home with peace and this new chapter in your life with joy.

May He bring smiling faces to welcome you and warm hearts to love you.

May He bless you always in the new and special place He has for you.

390. 9 Feb 2010 19:30


I am not good at talking, so I thought I would share something I wrote as my prayer. I love reading this forum because I realize that there are other people out there with problems but they are trusting God, and it makes me so glad because I know he is answering those prayers. Thank you all so much.

The Place of the Skull

Outside of the city there is a hill that they call "The Place of the Skull". It is a dark, evil felling place, chilling the hearts of those who walk there, reminding them that it is in that place that the condemned meet their end. It was here that I found myself one day, borne along by the angry crowd. They had among them a man I knew had committed no crime, a young sad looking man, who now looked afraid though I had never seen him fear anything before. Why were they taking him to this place? What had he done?
I remembered the day he had gathered the people to him, telling them there was hope, speaking of a coming kingdom. He had taken me on his knee, smiling down at me almost as if he was sad, comforting me with his strong hand. But now they had beat him. He was bloody, weeping tears onto his disfigured face, running through his cuts, glistening in his patient eyes. Then they raised the cross, his cries filling the air as the nails pierced his flesh, renting my heart in two with each new sound of his agony. Now they mocked him, saying he had saved others, why didn't he save himself? My vision blurred, and I realized that I was crying now too, falling on my knees, weeping, sobbing till I could hardly breath. I wanted to make them stop, but I couldn't even stand.
The sky was dark though I knew the sun had not yet set. Then I heard him groan, hardly more than a whisper filled with pain, "It is finished!" Then the earth shook, filling the darkness with a rumble, striking fear into those who watched, their faces now pale, their hands trembling possibly as much as mine. I quaked, trembling where I knelt, fearing to move lest I shatter into a thousand pieces, listening to the awed voices around me, whispering fearfully as if too terrified to speak louder, but unable to keep silent, saying, "He was the Son of God."

391. 9 Feb 2010 19:32


Hazer thank you so much!
I have to say I find so much comfort and joy here on this site. I really cant explain it. I have many friends that I see face to face everyday and they are truly in my heart. But I also feel a special connection to many of you whom I have never even seen. Just images and words written on a page.
A special place is the only way I can define it!
I hope everyone has a good night and a wonderful morning!

392. 11 Feb 2010 02:02


Matthew, so sorry to hear that. i will keep you and your family in my prayers.

393. 26 Feb 2010 10:45


Hey, thought I would pop in and say I'm praying for you all! matthew and belladonnis and hazer and Joce

394. 26 Feb 2010 14:30


Thanks ladyhwin!

395. 5 Mar 2010 18:20


Matthew, sorry I haven't always kept up--how is your baby sister doing?

396. 14 Mar 2010 20:42


A very special lady was diagnosed with ovarian cancer today. Tomorrow they will perform surgery and start very aggressive treatment.

This dear lady has devoted her lifetime to caring for those less fortunate. She and her husband have adopted numerous children with special needs. Little ones that no one else would take. They have raised them along side htheir own kids.
She has been very involved with them over the years, seeing that each one was loved and cared for as any other child would be.
After the kids had been put through school, she arranged for them to find housing and agencies to help them with their care and vocational programs.
This is where I got to know her as I have been working with two of these young adults.
They are going to be devastated tomorrow when they learn that their precious Mom is so very ill.
Please pray for her tonight. She is 81 years old and up until the day before she went into the hospital for tests, she has been a going concern. Taking each one for all their appointments, seeing that they have groceries, driving every day to help feed one of the daughters who is tube fed and in an institution. Her husband is not well himself, so she has been caring for him as well.
Thanks for now.

397. 17 Mar 2010 22:57


Hi everyone,Hazer I will definitely send up a prayer tonight for that special lady.I have a small request for everyone here on thinkdraw.My mother is in the hospital and very sick,the doctors can't find the problem,and I would be very grateful if you would pray for her.

398. 18 Mar 2010 00:07


Hazer and Nadia I will pray for both of your special women and also am sending a special prayer of hope for Matthew's little sister - we haven't heard from him since mid Feb.

399. 18 Mar 2010 05:48


Praying for your Mom, Nadia. Pray for wisdom for the Doctors that they will be able to make a diagnosis quickly and be able to treat her. Also Praying for you Nadia. For strength and peace. For family and friends to gather around you and support you.

Thanks for your prays Nadia and Spam. The surgery has gone well and in two weeks they will start chemotherapy.

Still praying for Matthew's sis.

400. 19 Mar 2010 20:57


Usually just drawing . Finding my way around i ran across this . The health and welfare for Nadia , Hazer . Matthew and your family's will be included in my prayers as also the Think Draw family.