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381. 31 May 2009 05:54


I just went outside, my black iris has opened

382. 31 May 2009 05:56


That's right, Baldur. Now that you say that I seem to remember my dad doing that with coleus every fall when I was a small child. I had forgotten. My dad died when I was only 12, so I was quite young, but I remember just loving those colorful leaves and him having several plants "rooting" for each spring. You've sold me!

383. 31 May 2009 05:57


And congratulations on your iris opening! you must have posted that at the same time I was posting mine.

384. 1 Jun 2009 05:05


'All Baldur, All the Time'
I just found a link to some photographs of the Sydney Light Festival. It's amazing to see what lighting can do. The Opera House all lit up in blue swirls reminded me at once of ThinkDraw.

385. 1 Jun 2009 05:05

Baldur|htmlws-main|dl5|l ink7|

386. 1 Jun 2009 05:07


It's officially called the 'Smart Lights Sydney Festival'.
A way to brighten up bleak midwinter.

387. 1 Jun 2009 08:59


That is beautiful B! I'll have to show it to my sound & lighting husband!

388. 1 Jun 2009 09:41


Spectacular displays! My favourite is the the one with bands of light around a mature tree.

389. 2 Jun 2009 07:57


'All Baldur, All the Time'
I wish I could fly to Sydney to see the Festival, it seems quite extraordinary.

390. 2 Jun 2009 08:04


They mentioned in the write up an event called 'Firewater'.
In Providence there is a summerlong event (which is a protected trademark) called Waterfire. It was devised by a local artist as a mixed media event to bring people into the city after dark.
There are many metal braziers installed at intervals right in the rivers which flow through the city. These are piled with firewood and set ablaze and maintained by crews of volunteers in gondolas. Along the banks of the river upon the many plazas and walkways there is live music and assorted performance artists. Vendors sell food, it is a very pleasant atmosphere.
It is busy enough that people feel safe being out in the city at night, but not so crowded as to be annoying.
Onwarm summer evenings it is quite magickal.
Funding comes from local or corporate sponsors, but the presence of this event boosts the local economy.

391. 2 Jun 2009 08:06


I should have mentioned that the fires are lit ONLY after dark, the flames reflecting on the black water are quite beautiful, the whole thing is awe inspiring and somewhat surreal.

392. 2 Jun 2009 08:08


There is no admission charge by the way, as the event encompasses a good part of the downtown area.
It's a great inexpensive way to have a night out with the family.

393. 2 Jun 2009 08:10


Originally this was conceived as a 'one time' thing, but the public loved it.
Over the past few summers it expanded and has become an important summer tradition.

394. 2 Jun 2009 08:12


Well Baldur needs to get a few things accomplished in the garden before the rains begin again.
Baldur signing off.

395. 2 Jun 2009 10:01


Well it is raining, it looks like no more gardening today.
It's amazing how many turnips have sprouted this week.
I'll be inundated with them this autumn.

396. 2 Jun 2009 10:04


Robert had filled our windowboxes with red salvia and assorted dwarf zinnias he had purchased at the garden center.
On the day that some of us were discussing nasturtiums I was inspired to tuck a few dwarf cherry rose nasties in among Robert's plants.
As of this morning they are pretty much all sprouted.

397. 2 Jun 2009 10:05


My mom has a wonderful Turnip Puff recipe. It turn's out really light and fluffy and almost sweet. I never really thought much of turnips one way or the other before I tryed it, but it made me a turnip lover!

398. 2 Jun 2009 10:06


I think they make a great choice for windowboxes because they will flow over the edge giving a more naturalistic look.
The dwarf variety is fine for the size of the boxes that we have.

399. 2 Jun 2009 10:07


-turn's + turns
-y +i

400. 2 Jun 2009 10:08


I've encounter sweet potato puffs which must be quite similar.
Bitter and strong tasting vegetables have always been a favorite of mine.
The dandelions in my garden have prized status, they are not just a weed any more.