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3741. 2 Nov 2009 19:58


Good night, Baldur. I have several amaryllis planted in the back yard, and some years they are beautiful. This year, only one of those bloomed. Hope the ones I potted do better indoors, after their hibernation, too.

3742. 3 Nov 2009 05:45


Has there be a change in the time in US? Maybe and hour of difference? Or then something happened with my computer.

3743. 3 Nov 2009 05:52


Yes, most of U.S. has daylight savings time. We just 'fell back' an hour on Sun. Lets us have daylight during busiest time of day or something!

3744. 3 Nov 2009 06:28


...Hmmmm... and I always assumed it was so Baldur was not seen on his morning newspaper jaunt in his thong & bunny slippers...

3745. 3 Nov 2009 07:41


Thanks lynnspotter. Now I understand. We've also gone back one hour.

3746. 3 Nov 2009 09:01


LOL at the phrase Baldur's clivia has yet to bloom.
That just struck me as funny (and a little dirty, though that's probably what makes it funny)

3747. 3 Nov 2009 09:04


Getting back to solo from many pages back, I did get to see your pictures. I've revised my guess of Malinois as I've never seen one with long hair. I'm going to throw Teruvian Shepard out there. I believe they are also Belgian. I have also seen long haired German Shepards that look much the same.

3748. 3 Nov 2009 09:08


Dragon is passionatly opposed to Daylight Savings Time and even more so now that's it's moved by a month or so. I know it's supposed to save energy but I just don't get how. I know everybody says 'But it's light in the morning now' but that just doesn't cut it for me. I'd rather have an extra hour of sunlight in the evening. I just get up and go to work in the morning and I could happily do that in the dark. Now it's light when I get to work (big whoop) and dark when I leave work
If there was a movement for Alberta to abandon DST like Saskatchewan did I'd join it.

3749. 3 Nov 2009 09:15


I'm a Daylight Savings Time fan... if I had MY way we'd keep it all year long! (...twinkling at Dragon... and quickly ducking her flame!)

Best reasoning I'd heard for going back an hour again in the fall was that it makes life a little easier/safer for school kids in the dark wee hours as they stand around out there by their bus stops.

Of course the whole thing's a bit silly; we COULD just agree to change which hours we begin work or school as the sunlight patterns change throughout the year... but reprogramming so much of our industries' schedules, printing it out, keeping track... pff... messy.

3750. 3 Nov 2009 09:49


No need to duck my flames Qsilv
That is the first argument for DST that has ever made sense to me. Although in my neck of the woods with another month or so it'll be dark again by about 7:00 AM anyway.

I must say, I wouldn't mind it if they shortened our work hours in the winter to guve us a little more sunlight, just so long as they still pay us for those hours. (Something tells me my cheap-ass boss ain't gonna go for that though)

3751. 3 Nov 2009 09:50


-u +i = give

3752. 3 Nov 2009 13:33


Chiming in: Don't care what time it is, just pick one and stick with it! My system rebels against this wretched invention. Same for little school kids. Felt so bad for them when I taught. At every time change their little tummies would be roaring for food or else not hungry yet and they did not adjust quickly.

Spouse favors the half-hour idea. Think Newfoundland does that. Remember reading DLS was first introduced to help business: longer summer evenings meant more spending.

Have heard the thing about little kids standing in the dark, but that never happened when I was a kid. Maybe schools start too early now?

Always think it would be fun if WE, the people, could vote on DLS.

3753. 3 Nov 2009 14:01


3754. 3 Nov 2009 14:06


That's why it's been sunny in the morning the past few days. I thought the Lord was doing my mom a favor so she doesn't have to strain her voice by yelling at me to get up in morning. I've been accidentally waking at 6:30. Boo Hoo! How exactly does DLS save energy? When I was little (like, four) I thought it had something to do with money. Growing up on a farm, everyone woke up early, which woke me up, which gave the morning news a chance to taunt me. I learned that adults did a lot of stupid things for money.

3755. 3 Nov 2009 14:30


Off subject: matthew, there's this new person called "IamMatthew". Are you, umm, you know, him? (flinches like about to be hit)

3756. 3 Nov 2009 14:44


maddyjean08 whats with the rude remark on pollyesthers pic....and that is just a silly question to ask spend a lot of time in these forums, do you go to school?

3757. 3 Nov 2009 15:24


maddyjean, I believe pollyesther's drawing fits into thre Mr T theme that has been rampant lately, though she made him slightly Baldurlike to be amusing.
So it does belong on Radio Baldur, actually Radio Baldur tends to fly off on a tangent at the drop of a gummi bear anyway.

3758. 3 Nov 2009 15:26


Hey, I think there is finally someone on Think Draw that I am not...

3759. 3 Nov 2009 15:30


You slay me matthew! I'm still laughing about your comment on the burning bush! Guess I should have said 'remember HEARING about the bush'!!

3760. 3 Nov 2009 15:40


Incidentally Baldur has intentionally refrained from contributing to today's 'Favorite Things' theme.
The things I might have drawn would all be antagonistic.