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3641. 1 Nov 2009 14:14


Nope, she's done my fashion showcase! Welcome back Baldur! OMG! This Mr. T was so hard! I even did my sister's Mr. T, kimberly! You owe me.

3642. 1 Nov 2009 14:26


Your MR T looks like he is bugging out

3643. 1 Nov 2009 14:32


Compliment, or...

3644. 1 Nov 2009 14:47


I do love all the different expressions that Mr T is showing today

3645. 1 Nov 2009 17:04


Maddyjean... 1

3646. 1 Nov 2009 17:08


I created one back in January (aprox) called OneVoteBandit as a joke, but it can't vote & is unused...

I also made one called ThinkDrawUs that a bunch of us used to make a pic drawn by multiple artist (I forget the pw, but it is listed somewhere in the forum)... it can't vote either, but there are still some that use it to bitch anonymously...

3647. 1 Nov 2009 17:15


I have been told that I am...

Baldur, Maddyjean, Lynnspotter, Dragon, Pollyester, Luna, Puzzler, Marg, Dreamweaver, Login, Cutegirl, Jmdx3mom (my wife), joy2004 (my daughter), ARW, Pebbles, Qsilv, Dmarcella, Crystalll, gwinnyb, faithfool & Dmarla...

I am sure I have left some out... lol...

3648. 1 Nov 2009 17:17


I was actually told that I have over 100 alter egos... Alas... I have a hard enough time being me...

3649. 1 Nov 2009 17:19


Was I looking in a mirror when I met you matthew? Guess anything is possible....

3650. 1 Nov 2009 17:28


yes... & we were naked...

3651. 1 Nov 2009 17:35


OH HEAVEN FORBID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(& WITH YOUR WIFE & DAUGHTER THERE TOO!!)

3652. 1 Nov 2009 18:12


You are also Rasslebear, I personally liked how you played off his personality. It's a pity you don't bring him back more often.

3653. 1 Nov 2009 18:19


Well Baldur bewlieves he has caught up on the Mr T project thread. What most impresses me was the number of people who jumped on the bandwagon, thanks to everyone who contributed..

Baldur did not see a single Mr T costume in Provincetown this weekend.
A pity really.
There are fragments of my adventures that I can relate here, but certainly there are things that cannot be repeated
What happens in P-town stays in P-town.

I am proud to say that I was the only gay pirate at the party. One gentleman went through 14 costume changes over the course of 3 hours.
He had 2 more costumes he never had the chance to wear.
My personal favorite was his 'Carmen Miranda'. Baldur suggested he use the hat as a centerpiece at Thanksgiving.

3654. 1 Nov 2009 18:20


bewlieves -w =believes

3655. 1 Nov 2009 18:26


On Friday evening several of us dined at the Post Office Cafe'. This apparently had been a Post Office at one time, the food is quite good.

Baldur had the veggie burger with melted cheddar, a bit of cole slaw and a soft drink.
They serve elaborate blended drinks but I cannot in all seriousness order anything that is garnished with paper parasols or 'fruit-i-gami' (+12 points) arranged on top of the glass.
There was a nice sounding drink called 'the Girl Scout cookie'. It contained a shot of Creme de cacao, a shot of Creme de Menthe and cream.
Perhaps someday I will make it at home using chocolate ice cream and milk with the liqueurs.

3656. 1 Nov 2009 18:31


I was hoping we would do lunch at some point at 'Bayside Betsy's'. Betsy makes wonderful bread pudding, but alas it was not to be.
Everyone was quite full from the continental breakfast at the hotel.
For what it was this breakfast was a bit elaborate. Many places put out a box of donuts and a coffee urn.
Here they had coffee, tea, hot chocolate, milk, orange juice, cranberry juice, oatmeal, brown sugar, raisins, granola, cheerios, raisin bran, bagels, cream cheese, bread for toast, butter, jellies, danish, 3 types of muffins, apples, oranges, pears, yogurt and hard boiled eggs

3657. 1 Nov 2009 18:43


Satyrday the temperature got into the mid 70s (F) and was sunny all afternoon.
When in Provincetown, one browses the shops or walks along the beach all afternoon. People watching is also popular.
It turned out that the group Baldur was with had 130 something people present. At the same time an event called 'Spookybear' was also in town.
This was a barhopping hedonistic event with upwards of 200 bears attending. Baldur knew many of them as well.
Because of this walking down commercial Street was at times like the receiving line from hell. I can easily recall embracing and kissing 100 men, perhaps the number is higher.
Baldur has never been good with names, it was momentous in the middle of the night when I sat bolt upright in bed because I remembered the name of Bob from Vermont's partner. I had bluffed my way through running into them. But indeed Bob was with Bert. They also had 2 very large dogs that were quite beautiful.
They said they were Bernese (I do not believe they said Burmese) Mountain dogs. Quite attractive and friendly critters.
I also ran into Armen who had all but vanished off the face of the earth 10 years ago. He does not have a computer and flatly refuses to become internet savvy.
There was also Tom, Niko, Bruce, Warren, Rick, Neil, and many many more, heavens it was busy

3658. 1 Nov 2009 18:52


Baldur, there are both Burmese and Bernese Mountain dogs.

3659. 1 Nov 2009 18:55


Provincetown lives for the summer. Already 50% of the businesses were shuttered for the winter. Many of the remaining ones were closing today.
It made for many sales, but one needs to be logical.
Even at 75% off a sweatshirt is no bargain when one already owns 6.

Baldur did go into his favorite of the shell shops. This one is run by a charming Jamaican lady. Her voice is like marmalade.
She sells many sea shells, and quite a few certainly are not from local waters. Baldur bought a handfull of beautiful sea urchin shells and a couple air plants. These look rather like small gnarled pineapple tops.
They do not grow in soil, in their natural habitat they live under the canopy of leaves of larger trees, often entangled among the branches or dangling from the bark of something sturdier.
Indoors they like as much light as they can get but subsist on a light misting of water every few days.
I was really admiring some large clam shells. These were the type that divers in B movies always get their foot stuck in. They are attractively ruffled. These were too small to be a danger to divers, unless the divers were quite small and feeble. The largest in the shop were the size of a dinner plate. At $24.95 each they were not in my budget this year.

3660. 1 Nov 2009 18:57


Thank you solosater, these were beautiful animals and well cared for.
The older was already 11 years old, they said their live expectency is only 7-8 years. She certainly didn't look like an elderly dog.