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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

3621. 31 Oct 2009 10:17



All these Baldurs, I feel like I am talking to myself...

3622. 31 Oct 2009 10:32


maddyj- your cat doesn't mind the water?

3623. 31 Oct 2009 10:34


I have a cat here that likes the shower as well...

3624. 31 Oct 2009 16:45


Sorry, not paying attention. Went to a Halloween madhouse Friday with the 3-yr-old's Moms group and assorted spouses and offspring. One truly excellent activity for the 2 to 6 group was huge supply of toilet paper to wrap a parent or friend like a mummy - or to be wrapped.

Marius - to reply: the 4 Evangelists are the 4 Gospel writers - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. They are associated in endless sculptures and drawings with a Man (or child), lion, bull (or ox or calf) and eagle. Thus the 4 zodiac fixed signs. I am also a Tarot collector and they are represented on two of the cards - Wheel of Fortune and The World. Pervasive and persistent symbols, which is what fascinates me!

Also thanks for clearing out that little cloud of guilt over all the things I'm "in the middle of." Good belly laugh.

3625. 31 Oct 2009 16:47


Lynspotter- my cat suprisingly does not mind water at all. He actually enjoys bathes we occasionally give him. Not if the water's on cold, though.

3626. 31 Oct 2009 17:50


Halloween has been particularly pleasant here in Yorktown, Virginia. A beautiful evening, light breeze, nearly full moon in a mostly clear sky. Sheftali sat on her porch and handed out goodies to the trick or treaters. About 4 dozen of them, I think. I wore my witch hat but no mask, as I've scared too many youngsters with masks in the past. The kids were polite, orderly, and mostly escorted by adults. The best outfit I saw was a young lady made out to look like an iPod, with music from Thriller playing. I gave out lots of chocolates wrapped up to look like eyeballs--the kids loved those the best (note to self: get more chocolate eyeballs next year!) spite of giving out handfuls of goodies, Sheftali still has a basket full of chocolates--oh darn the bad luck!!!!!

3627. 31 Oct 2009 20:14


Robin is on her way to work soon. Tonight will add an extra hour to the work night, with daylight savings coming to an end. I can guarantee that we will not have ONE nurse show up an hour early tomorrow morning, having forgotten to reset the clock. However, in the spring, when we set the clock ahead an hour, we had 6 out of 9 nurses show up an hour late! Now, how is it that they have no trouble remembering in the fall, but can't seem to get it right in the spring? It's unfair to the night staff, because we end up working an extra hour BOTH times! Ah, well, at least we are paid well for our abuse! LOL

Can't wait to share the bloody finger cookies with my coworkers! Maybe even with a patient or two...hopefully not one who has had a recent finger amputation, though.

3628. 31 Oct 2009 20:42


lol on the finger situation, Robin! Sheftali gets perplexed with all of this daylight savings time stuff, having grown up in a state (Hawaii) that does not go on daylight savings time. Now, I have to figure out how to change the time in the microwave, coffee maker, stove, the two vehicles, and so forth. And then there are the atomic clocks we own, which change on their own, but have to be set near a window for optimal performance during the change. Some people have flower pots on their window sills. Tonight, Sheftali's window sills contain atomic clocks!

3629. 1 Nov 2009 03:43


caittle who is a TDer reported my pic "Carrie Bradshaw knows about sex". I would like Rachel to remove it if it's necessary. I thought I just was drawing a pic (in fact nothing artistic) about a TV show I saw everybody knew in US. It's "The Sex and the City". It was only fun to put this sign in the middle of the country when the in the series it is in the city. Sorry Caittle and everybody if I bothered you, it was not my intention. Caittle you must be right if you felt this pic is offensive. I really didn't. Please Rachel remove it.

3630. 1 Nov 2009 03:54


Caittl could probably be the age of a granddaughter. I was wondering how I could have hurt sensitivities unintentionally. They show "Sex and the City here" (at least older episodes) on cable TV and from what I remember it's at 4.30 pm. Maybe that's why I thought it couldn't be that bad because any child is awake and can see it at this time. I'm really so sorry!!!

3631. 1 Nov 2009 04:13


Polenta, I don't think you did anything wrong. We used the word sex in second grade curriculum. Yep, there is the male sex and the female sex. Nothing wrong with that and even VERY little kids know about the two sexes. I left Caittie a note, now I'll probably be in trouble for using that word. Sorry you feel bad about it Polenta, but again, I don't see your pic as offensive in the least!

3632. 1 Nov 2009 05:01


Polenta, I didn't think there was anything at all offensive about your pic, and I have a critical eye for these things because my 12yo son comes on this site. But if you feel strongly about having it removed, you can actually delete a pic from your own gallery just be hitting "edit details". I periodically go through my own gallery and delete all the silly little ones because I don't want pages and pages and pages of pics in my gallery.

But just to be clear, I'm not suggesting that I think you SHOULD delete the pic, just educating you that you CAN if you feel strongly enough about it.

G'night for now. That extra hour on night shift has done me in. I'm anxious to see Baldur's response to the profile pics when I wake up later.

3633. 1 Nov 2009 06:33


Polenta, you've been very courteous and gracious. I, too, see no harm in the pic you drew, but applaud your steps taken.

3634. 1 Nov 2009 06:57


I am personally shocked and applaud that anyone would draw an offensive picture... I would never consider such a thing...


That was the other me...

As you were...

3635. 1 Nov 2009 10:08


he's every where you look but still not here...

3636. 1 Nov 2009 11:25


Matthew, random question: how many profiles do you have?

3637. 1 Nov 2009 13:40


Baldur is back you naughty tricksters.
This is fantastic, but it's going to take ages to find everything and read it, plus I need to make dinner.

3638. 1 Nov 2009 13:44


Welcome back, Baldur! Can I go back to being a bird now?

Just read this great story on aol, complete with video clip. It's a fun story about a deer taking a dip in an indoor swimming pool. Thought you guys might enjoy it...|htmlws-main -n|dl1|link6|

3639. 1 Nov 2009 13:47


there you are baldur, I would recognize that face anywhere... welcome home!

3640. 1 Nov 2009 13:55


I'm surprised that Rachel Lee hasn't created a Mr T showcase