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3601. 30 Oct 2009 18:32


Here at Chez Dragon we don't get any kids at halloween. We live in an apartment style condo building with a locked door on the front. At the moment there aren't any kids living in the building so we don't get any trick-or-treaters. The last 3 places I've lived in were either basement suites or out in the country so no kids there either. It's been better than a decade since I've gotten to give out candy. We're trying to buy a house so maybe next year I'll get to decorate and see all the kids, I've missed it terribly.

3602. 30 Oct 2009 18:59


Dragon, hoping your house plans come to fruition. Sheftali lived in an apartment for four years before retiring, and I missed the kids at Halloween then, too. BTW, I love your alien Mr T!

3603. 30 Oct 2009 19:41


Thanks Sheftali.
If we could just sell this darn condo we could build a new house in a bedroom community just outside of Red Deer. The only problem is there are 2 other units in our building for sale for several thousand less than what we need to sell for. We're just waiting for them to sell before we put ours on the market. Sigh

3604. 30 Oct 2009 19:44


I'm looking forward to tomorrow. My geisha costume is a little too fancy to wear to work tomorrow, plus Dragon likes her sleep and is unwilling to wake up hours early to put on geisha make-up. So I'll be dressed as a cat for work tomorrow. I will also be bringing my kitty to work with me, he'll be dressed as a devil, though he may get a break from that and get to be a leopard for a while. =^..^=

3605. 30 Oct 2009 20:08


I can understand not wanting to spend a lot of time on geisha makeup before going to work. Sleep is a good thing! Holy cow--I'm watching TV now, and saw a picture of a pumpkin that weighs 1658 pounds. It's a monster. And they're about to smash it with a monster truck. Oh my, the monster truck smashed the monster pumpkin to smithereens. Halloween brings out a bit of silliness!

I'll cross my fingers on your condo selling, Dragon.

3606. 30 Oct 2009 22:37


Dragon, your story of the bird hospital made me laugh and took me back many years to when I worked in an animal hospital. The Vet there specialized in birds, and was the only one in town who did. We got the birds from the buffalo zoo even. Anyway, we ended up with a cockatoo (the Baretta bird) whose owner couldn't afford to treat him so basically gave him to the vet and told him if he could save him he could keep him. Somehow that evil bird survived and lived in the clinic for quite some time afterwards. Soon he was barking and meowing and mimicking phones, like your African Gray. Took me a while to get used to. I was always hushing up a dog then realizing we didn't have any inpatient dogs that day. Kind of unsettling. Plus that bird hated me for some reason...he'd screech and try to bite me, even though I was the one feeding him and cleaning his mess all the time. I would NEVER want a pet bird! Too noisy and too dirty, for sure!

3607. 30 Oct 2009 23:05


I used to want a pet parakeet, but my dad talked me out of it............
Any way, I just CAN'T stop thinking about Halloween!!!!!

3608. 30 Oct 2009 23:07


Oh, and I''m crossing my fingers for you selling your condo, Dragon

3609. 31 Oct 2009 04:39


Good morning Baldurs & Baldurettes...

I have never owned a bird (though I flipped a few when I was younger)... I have had (loved)... Cats, dogs, rats, mice, hamsters, gerbils, Chinchillas, a variety of snakes, lizards, fish and tarantulas... My wife also worked in an animal hospital when she was young... (small world)...

3610. 31 Oct 2009 04:58


I almost killed my cousin's parakeet my shutting in in the closet door.....

3611. 31 Oct 2009 05:08



3612. 31 Oct 2009 06:10


Good morning all at Baldur Radio. Not sure how you all woke up this morning but see link below for what happened to me. (tee hee)

Now the truth: our calico is more subtle than the cartoon cat. She has the most piercing "get out of bed and notice me meow" that further means are not required. Thank goodness!

3613. 31 Oct 2009 06:15


OMG... ROFL... I have been in a multi cat house my whole life... I can so relate to that video...

3614. 31 Oct 2009 07:09


Glad you enjoyed that, matthew! (It cracks me up every time I watch it.)

And, now it's time for our Satyrday Psychology Segment.

Dr. Peabody Postpistelairy D' Pragmitican has agreed to weigh in on marius' aversions. (He might weigh in for others who have aversions but marius takes up so much of his time that he already works full time and then some.) Dr. P begins by pointing out what marius has heard all too often, "Traits that are least liked in herself are the ones most dis-liked in others." Ugh. Never liked that one no matter how often it proves to be true.

marius: So, Dr. P, what do I have against the Hulk and Rocky and so forth?
Dr. P: What do you think marius?
marius: I don't know what I think, that is why I asked you?
Dr. P: (Intent "I am listening" gaze)
marius: It reminds me of when I hated eagles.
Dr. P: You "hated" eagles.
marius: I did.
Dr. P: Why did you hate eagles?
marius: I didn't really hate them.
Dr. P: You didn't?
marius: Well, I did and I didn't. For years and years whenever people would go on about how majestic, lovely, and beautiful eagles were I noticed self feeling oddly irritated and impatient. I'd think, "Okay, eagles are big, our national symbol, but big deal! Now if you want to talk pretty, think of the blue-winged warbler, or the song of the wood thrush. But an eagle? I mean they are goose shredders - they eat geese and it's not pretty."
Dr. P: So you hated eagles because they eat geese?
marius: Heavens no. Eagles only get the young, wounded or old geese and there are plenty to go around. No I think I hated eagles because of my brother, Paul. One day when he was in the early stages of converting me to bird-watching, he took me to see eagles at the wildlife refuge. We got there on a sunny day with the warm temperature of 3 degrees fahrenheit and a wind chill of -400 degrees. For reasons unknown to mankind, that day the eagles were tiny white dots in trees about 3000 miles from our car. Paul decided we would walk out across a plowed field to get closer. Have you ever walked on a freshly frozen and recently plowed corn field? It is impossible! It is especially treacherous in tennis shoes. Yes, I wore tennis shoes year-round in those days, or else loafers, which we called Bass Weigens.
Dr P: Go on.
marius: So we walked, and we walked, and we walked. When we finally got close enough that the eagles were larger white dots in trees marius noted her fingers and toes had turned to hard lumps of barely moving flesh and bone. Her nose was a veritable chunk of ice and no one had told her to bring a hat. In fact, no one had told her to dress warmly, dress in layers, wear boots, or any such comfort providing things.
Dr P: So you hated eagles because no one had told you how to dress comfortably?
marius: No! I hated that day. I had never been so miserably cold in all my life. When we finally got my ice-bound body back to the car, I found out my brother was wearing insulated boots, insulated cover-alls, insulated everything. He was in toasty heaven. I was in a furious hell and promised self I would never feel that miserable again.
Dr. P: So, you hated the day.
marius: I just said that!
Dr. P: Then, why did you hate eagles?
marius: Because I forgot about the cold, about not being prepared to walk in weather like that. All I could remember was how horrible I felt the day when I'd first seen eagles. So I hated eagles from then on.
Dr. P: And when did you realize you were blaming the eagles for your misery?
marius: I wasn't blaming them ... oh wait, yes I was. Well, I think I was really mad at Paul. For goodness sake, he could have told me how to dress.
Dr. P: So why do you have aversions to the Hulk, Mr. T, etc.
marius: That's why I'm here. What do you think?
Dr. P: I think it might be like the eagle thing.
marius: That's what I think.
Dr. P: Okay, that'll be $100.00. See you next week.

[Yes, this is how therapy really went sometimes! It is cracking me up. And, no, have not figured out Hulk and Mr. T aversions yet, but am sure by next session I will be on to something! Maybe the problem is that those TV shows started airing on days when it was three degrees outside and the windchill was minus 400! tee hee hee!] : )

3615. 31 Oct 2009 07:20


For some reason am still laughing at matthew opting to be a GUY pirate. Thanks for that matthew!

Robin, thanks for your kind words re guest hosting but think your limmerick segment is my all time fav for guest hosting! Can't recall what pets live in the Basque n' Robin home, but do they live for chasing ping pong balls? When I was a kid, that's how it went at our house.

Dragon, loved the Bird's of Paradise pics! Thanks! The one with the red feet and legs made me think of some gal all decked out to go out for the evening. LOL about the African Gray parrot and the Baretta Bird stories!

Have friends that had a talking bird that copied everything. One day Andy slammed down the phone and said, "Jimmy's an ass!" The bird LOVED that. It would immitate the phone being slammed and then holler, "Jimmy's an ass!" A week after this, Jimmy showed up at the house. When Andy opened the door and said, "Oh, hi Jimmy," the bird called out from the other room, "Jimmy! Jimmy's an ass! Jimmy's an ass!" The bird went to a new home not long after.

Hope all have a spooky time tonight. Can't wait to hear stories tomorrow.

3616. 31 Oct 2009 07:27


The Dr P segment brought me to tears... I could so visualize the whole thing...

FYI: Jimmy is an ass...

3617. 31 Oct 2009 07:37


My step-dad worked in a house with a parrot one time (he does bathroom renos) and close to the end of the job he realized that the parrot was mimicking the way he said 'Oh my'. He was glad he hadn't been swearing.

3618. 31 Oct 2009 09:07


Whenever there is a secret to be kept, the birds must go...

3619. 31 Oct 2009 09:47


So entertaining! My youngest cat LOVES to bat a ping-pong ball around the bathtub! She is such fun to watch! I can also get her to sit up & beg by waving her two front paws up & down.

3620. 31 Oct 2009 09:59


My cat bothers me when I'm in the shower. Right in the middle of a lather, a giant fuzzball jumps in!