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Forums - General Discussion - Prayer Requests

361. 24 Jan 2010 13:11


Arty....praying for a speedy recovery! Take care and get lots of rest.

362. 25 Jan 2010 09:00


Just got a call about another relatives death. That is number 4 within the past month. Three on my husbands side and now this one on mine.
This one has been, in his own words,"waiting for the hearse to come pick him up" for quite a while now. The last of my Dad's generation to pass.
Please pray for family and also that I will be able to get time off for the funeral as I have taken so much time lately. This funeral is important to me. I really want to be there for the family.

363. 25 Jan 2010 09:52


Aww Hazer. Sorry to hear this news. Prayers are with you. Hope you get to be there for your family at this time! Am glad you have friends, family and faith to carry you through this time. Will keep you in my heart.

364. 25 Jan 2010 10:00


Thanks marius...I am feeling a bit overwhelmed!

365. 25 Jan 2010 11:20


Praying for you Hazer.

Update on grandma: The doctors didn't find any blood clots in her lunges, so that's good. They did find a 'spot' on one of her kidneys, but they still don't know why she is having trouble breathing, or why her blood pressure went up. Waiting for some test results, but they are probably letting her come home this evening.

366. 25 Jan 2010 11:34


Thanks Jocelyn....and I am praying for you too.

367. 26 Jan 2010 08:04


Wow Hazer, that is a lot to deal with in one month, I'm so sorry to hear that...Praying for you and your family and i hope you will get the time off that you need to go to the funeral.

Jocelyn, ty for the update. Glad to hear that her lungs are clear, praying she will be in good hands of family, doctors and nurses and that she will be well soon.

368. 26 Jan 2010 10:01


Thanks polly! I have someone lined up to work for me. Thanks for your prayers!

369. 26 Jan 2010 18:02


Grandma's home, looks a little better, they still haven't figured out why she had the sudden attack. The only thing we can figure is she didn't have her oxygen on, and she has bronchitis. Thank you all for your prayers, its amazing how comforting it is to know there are people I haven't even met praying for my family, thank you so much.

370. 27 Jan 2010 15:49


Praying for you Girl!!! I have alot of prayers going out these days.....Just did a picture called "waiting on a prayer" God Bless you!

371. 27 Jan 2010 17:35


I will be traveling alone out to my Uncle's funeral tomorrow. It will take me a good 5 1/2 hrs to drive. The weather is going to be very cold but not stormy and I will try to do it in daylight. I did have the chance to catch a ride with some others that were going but I know that when I do get there I will want to have my own vehicle so I can come and go as I please. Hubby assures me I will be just fine, but I would feel a whole lot better about it if he could come with me.
Please pray for safety on the roads for all who travel to the funeral. I will talk to you when I get back on either Sat. or Sun.

372. 31 Jan 2010 07:40


Marius, i will keep your grandson in my prayers, that he will be watched over and protected by God who has His hand on your grandson's life.

The Parable of the Lost Sheep
Matthew 18:10"See that you do not look down on one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.[a]
12"What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off? 13And if he finds it, I tell you the truth, he is happier about that one sheep than about the ninety-nine that did not wander off. 14In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should be lost.

373. 31 Jan 2010 09:19


Pollyesther, you have a way of finding just the right scruptures to bring people comfort here. It's lovely.

374. 3 Feb 2010 08:16


pollyesther, you DO have a knack for wonderful scriptures! Thank you so much for your prayers. We're all praying for our grandson too. Mental illness is tough, adolescence too! Thanks polly!

375. 4 Feb 2010 17:12


polly and others who offered their prayers, an update on my grandson. He has moved back in with his family. Don't have the details but sounds like he's back on his meds and we are all happy to know he's safe. Thanks much!

376. 4 Feb 2010 18:28


That's wonderful, marius!
I've been meaning to update as well. Our family has been surrounded by loving family and friends as we seem to have been dealt one death after the other.
My mother in law is clearly being upheld with prayer. Under the circumstances, things have worked out so well for her. She doesn't have to be alone for awhile as she decides what she wants to do with the house,etc. Friends from their church are taking her out for coffee etc. while one of her sons and wife are staying with her. They've been great! It has been a real comfort to my husband and I to know she's in good hands!
Thanks so much for your prayers!

377. 6 Feb 2010 10:28


Glad to hear that Marius!
Hazor, it's great to know that there is a good support system in place for you and your family=)
a quick update on my situation...i just got a letter in the mail saying we were denied eligibility for the Affordable Homes program due to our debt to income ratio being too high -- insufficient income. When we applied for that program, my husband still had his job...he has since been laid off of work. I know that we will be ok, God has always provided for our needs.

378. 6 Feb 2010 16:16


I thought that was what the Making Home Affordable program was for, peope who need the help. So sorry to hear this polly. God does listen to and answer prayers I will send many out to you and your family as well as to all the others here in this forum.

379. 7 Feb 2010 19:11


Ok everyone I think I'm at a crossroads in my life. I have a great job.....a really great paying, benifit packing job. I'm able to give my children many things and live a very comfortable life.
We are here alone, just me and my girls and at times it is very tough! I really miss my family back home and with recent events, my moms accident and my fathers dementia I have this tug to my heart strings.
When we have to leave it is always a sad time for me but so much more for my girls. All of their family is there, father, grandparents, everyone.
I want to look for a job back home and with my work experience I should be able to find one. Just not so sure with the same rate of pay and benefits and right now that is really important too.
Its just that even though this is my home here in T town, it has never really felt like home. Something has always been missing. I have to admit that I have been a little or well some what depressed. I'm usually this so happy person but I feel I'm slipping more and more every day.
I have to make the right decisions in my life now because it is not just me anymore. Plus I'm a little scared or better yet alot scared. I'm not a young girl anymore and I have young girls of my own to think about. I just want to do the right thing for them.
I know that after reading all the posts here that everyone has had so much more heartache than I have, but please if you could send out a prayer to help God send me a message on the right thing to do I would be so grateful!

380. 7 Feb 2010 19:32


To all--this is a wonderful group of caring, supportive people. Thank you all for reaching out and comforting those in need.

Bella, your situation is thought provoking. I've read that we might think about where we want ourselves to be in 10 years (or some other point in time that you select.) I read a story about a woman who was 47 and thought she was too old to go to medical school. She figured she would be 57 by the time she finished all the schooling needed to become a doctor. But, she was convinced that she would be 57 anyway, so why not become a doctor? (I'll bet she did, too.) Where do you want to be in 10 years? It's an interesting thing to ponder, one I've engaged in myself. I suspect your answer, Bella, would be that you want to be closer to your family. Hope the answer comes to you.