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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

3581. 30 Oct 2009 13:08


I was going to go as a guy pirate, but Baldur beat me to it...

3582. 30 Oct 2009 13:19


Maybe you could be a girl pirate then.

3583. 30 Oct 2009 13:21


That's what I just said... Did I not phrase that right???

3584. 30 Oct 2009 13:25


You said Guy Pirate (though I assume you meant Gay Pirate) I was just screwing with you.

3585. 30 Oct 2009 14:02


Sigh... I am tired... I completely missed that...

3586. 30 Oct 2009 15:17


Dragon, thanks for straightening me out on the Hulk confusion. Had not considered Hulk Hogan. Dang and drat, now there is another aversion!

Am sure your sweetie will look great as the green Hulk. Will the beard stay red or will it be turned green? And, pray tell, what will Dragon be for the Hallow-ed Eve? If you told us, I missed it.

3587. 30 Oct 2009 15:27


I don't think I told you guys. I'm going as a Geisha. Got a great costume online although I wish the Obi (also known as a butt bow) were a little more authentic, but you get what you pay for and I'm probably the only one at the party who even knows what it's called. I'm considering bringing some Sake.

3588. 30 Oct 2009 15:35


Baldur! I did my Mr. T! Not the best, but.... the mouth was hardest to do.

3589. 30 Oct 2009 16:43


Ohh Dragon, bet you'll be beautiful. Too bad we can't share photo's on TD cause would like to see you and your Hunk (er, Hulk) all decked out. (giggle)

3590. 30 Oct 2009 16:46


It is probably time for Baldur's Musical segment, so looked through the files and all I could find is the mating dance ritual of a Bird of Paradise. Enjoy!

3591. 30 Oct 2009 16:47


Oh, that funny Baldur! Look what I found on his desk! He DID have plans to keep us entertained while he's out playing a gay pirate!

Magic Gopher Card Trick

3592. 30 Oct 2009 16:52


Sorry about commercial before the Bird of Paradise, I'm only a stand-in for the regular host. Will have to talk to him about additional training. : )

3593. 30 Oct 2009 17:06


Ahhh ... found the perfect way to close the evening! Inviting all to enjoy a musical interlude with the Lyre bird. He is a mimic and a very skilled one at that! (hehehe)

3594. 30 Oct 2009 17:14


Sweetest dreams of all to everyone. It's an early night for this one.

Methinks an away and anon are nigh! : )

3595. 30 Oct 2009 17:19


Goodnight marius. Much thanks for the entertainment!

3596. 30 Oct 2009 18:00


Marius, you make a fabulous guest host, and I'd like to see you set up a regular gig on here from time to time! Loved the bird of paradise dance on many levels. First, I honestly thought a bird of paradise was just a flower...didn't know there was a real bird of that name. Secondly, I think it's no accident that the dancing bird was black. The white one obviously had no rhythm at all! And third, the blue design on his plumage made him look like some kind of an alien while he danced! Fascinating!

3597. 30 Oct 2009 18:09


Robin was busy today. I finished my mummy cookies, which, by the way, are very cute, but not nearly cute or tasty enough to justify how laborious they are! I made the bloody fingers yesterday, but my son has already eaten so many of them that I am thinking of making another batch tonight for tomorrow's festivities. I took the first 4 hours off of work tomorrow night, but still have to be in at 11, so thought I'd take some bloody fingers to the hospital with me for fun.

Had a couple of appointments today, and a little shopping. Then a long nap, which I rarely indulge in. By then my son was home from school and it was time to play a competetive game of ping-pong with him!

Now we have finished dinner and it is relaxation time. He wants to play another game of ping pong, but I'm thinking a movie sounds better.

Anyway, thanks for the entertainment, Marius. 'All Marius, some the time.'

3598. 30 Oct 2009 18:18


Lots of great stuff on here tonight, folks. Won't Baldur have a good laugh when he sees himself everywhere, too? Sheftali is actually participating in Halloween at her house tomorrow night for the first time in years. Got lots of sugary treats to hand out, the pumpkin decorations are by the steps, and she has a witch hat to wear. There are a few more old-enough-to-trick-or-treat kids in the neighborhood now, so it should be fun. I've always wondered if adults or kids had more fun at Halloween!

3599. 30 Oct 2009 18:22


Actually Robin there are many different types of Bird's of Paradise. They live in New Guinea and I believe there's a lack of predators there which allows them to concentrate on becoming the most extravagant things in the forest. Here's a link to a National Geographic piece.

3600. 30 Oct 2009 18:28


marius, that Lyre bird was absolutely entertaining! What a wonderful clip. I did my practicum in a bird hospital. While I was there we had an African Gray Parrot boarding with us. He learned to mimic the sound our phone made when someone was on hold. We were constantly trying to figure out if we'd forgotten someone on the phone or if it was just the bird.