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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

3561. 29 Oct 2009 20:24


Baldur's Rumptof (sp?) reminds me of Yuccaflux. Basically it's fruit cut up into bite sized cubes then drenched with rum or vodka. Allow to marinate for 30 minutes or so then eat. Do Not drive anywhere after though, this can pack a punch and goes down really easy. We usually used lots of melon though.

3562. 29 Oct 2009 20:25


Hmm, there's proof that Baldur and I are not the same person. But wait, I thought we were both matthew!?

3563. 29 Oct 2009 20:30


Will you never learn... There is no acceptable evidence to prove that I am not everyone...

Since I have 12,742 computers I can still be everyone... Once we have more members, I may find it more difficult to keep up...

3564. 29 Oct 2009 20:32


lol Dragon--this identity conversation has gotten somewhat complicated tonight. Happy travels, Baldur.

3565. 30 Oct 2009 07:36


While Baldur is away today, I suggest that we all do a Mr. T pic in faces & make it our Profile Pic...

I think he would be quite shocked when he returned to Radio Badur to find a bunch of Baldurs running around...

You have your challenge... Now get to drawing...

3566. 30 Oct 2009 09:30


Time for a Missouri Moment:

marius decided to find which persons of note have hailed form this fair state. The list is probably no different from other states in that there are some you'd gladly claim and others? (tee hee) Some favorites are: Walt Disney, Ginger Rogers, Dick Van Dyke, Walter Cronkite, Marlin Perkins, Eugene Field, Robert A. Heinlein, Mark Twain, Emmett Kelly (the clown), Calamity Jane and Dale Carnegie. Surprises are: Eminem, Rush Limbaugh, Ken Lay (yes, the Enron guy), Sam Walton, Jospeh Pulitzer.

For complete list click the link below. (Sorry no sports persons are in the list above. marius does not do sports. There were no girl's sports when I grew up and even with five brothers, the only sport that appealed was when the boys brought home fish to cook and eat. LOVE fresh fish!)

3567. 30 Oct 2009 09:52


"All of the Baldurs" "All of the time"...

Looks like we have Baldurs popping up everywhere today...

3568. 30 Oct 2009 09:55


I think I saw a Baldur...

3569. 30 Oct 2009 09:57


Missouri Moment's continued ...

There must be a warp in time as marius had two consecutive days with about 14 hrs of things scheduled. This NEVER happens. Happily these were all pleasant things, they just kind of fell in on each other. One event Wed. night had me driving homebound at 1:35 in the morning, getting home an hour later and going to bed an hour after that. Gee whiz, this has not been done since the "dancing days" a few decades ago. I felt very "racey" to be driving on highways at such obscene hours of the morning. It was most strange and delightful.

But today there is NOTHING scheduled, so catching up.

Never thought people would not like Little Drummer Boy song. I enjoy most all Holiday tunes unless I've heard them 500 times in a row without a break.

Hands clapping for Login and winning her battle to keep the streambank easement via "riparian rights." WOW! So impressed. Bet there are 1000 critters that thank you daily!

Baldur now I have another task to add to list. Have heard of Usher but that is all. Since love Singing in the Rain with Gene Kelley, must find Usher doing that.

Indigo, re your post 3455 - Yes!

Normal, did not understand your post 3475. As it is common for me to be dense, can you re-explain? Were you saying that there are four symbols that were used by the church (assume Catholic Church) to represent four evangelists (which ones?) and that these four symbols are also connected or related to four fixed astrological signs? [giggle - not sure I even understand my question to you.]

Robin, sorry about mice in house. When I lived in the country they got in and made nests in some of my best sweaters. They actually tore and ripped the sweaters to create nesting material. Finally found that they were coming in where the furnace was and also from that little indented space under lower kitchen cabinets. (You know, the space where your toes can go? It probably has a name, but I don't know it.) The space was not finished off at the top and that's where they were coming in. Tons of reynolds wrap stopped those problems.

Sheftali, will there be invitations to a fruit party? I make delicious cheddar cheese and red pepper crackers that might be a nice complement.

Dragon, have heard of a fruit salad like what you described, but never the name "Yuccaflux." Does name have anything to do with yucca plant?

matthew, marius has not been drawing much (except on paper). But, if she were drawing ... sorry, Mr T does not appeal. Wonder if any women are actually thrilled by him? : )

Last ... my wish has been answered: some folks liked spidey. Now I'm not alone in the world. (giggle)

3570. 30 Oct 2009 10:02


Conclusion of Missouri Moment's ........

Just got the following in an email from my sister. It made me laugh so hard I snorted! Enjoy, but no recommendation from marius to follow the advice purported given by Dr. Oz. : )

From my sis:


I am passing this on to you because it definitely works and we
could all use a little more calmness in our lives. By following simple
advice heard on the Oprah show, you too can find inner peace.

Dr. Oz proclaimed, 'The way to achieve inner peace is to finish
all the things you have started and have never finished.'

So, I looked around my house to see all the things I started and
hadn't finished, and before leaving the house this morning, I finished
off a bottle of White Zinfandel, a bottle of Tequila, a package of
Oreos, the remainder of my old Prozac prescription, the rest of the
cheesecake, some Doritos, and a box of chocolates. You have no idea how
freaking good I feel right now.

Pass this on if you know anyone you think might be in need of
inner peace."

3571. 30 Oct 2009 10:11


Too funny marius!

3572. 30 Oct 2009 10:38


haha, thanks for the laugh Marius.

3573. 30 Oct 2009 10:57


LOL at unfinished business!

As for Yuccaflux I would guess that it has nothing to do with an actual Yucca plant (I've never actually seen the word spelled, I was only guessing at the spelling myself) and everything to do with someone who'd imbibed on a lot of Yuccaflux and thought that liquored up fruit needed a funny name.

3574. 30 Oct 2009 11:01


Here are some famous Albertans, I found a few of them surprising as I knew they were Canadian but didn't realize they were from Alberta.

k d lang
Joni Mitchell
Michael J Fox
Fay Wray (from the original King Kong)
Evangeline Lilly (from Lost)
Sitting Bull
Kurt Browning
Jerome Iginla
Mark Messier

(I did throw a few Sports one's in there - Hockey is in our blood up here)

3575. 30 Oct 2009 11:24


... I see Baldurs...

3576. 30 Oct 2009 12:23


this is my fav challenge so far, soooo funny. nice job all you baldurs and baldettes

3577. 30 Oct 2009 12:38


lol @ Baldettes...

3578. 30 Oct 2009 12:40


Dragon, I didn't know about those famous Canadians and Albertans at all! Not one of them. Michael J., Joni Mitchell and Sitting Bull were complete surprises! Thanks for sharing!

3579. 30 Oct 2009 12:44


Well, you learn something new every day! marius has just realized she has rather pronounced aversions to not only Mr T, but also the hulk, Rocky Balboa and that guy who used to turn big and green. This means no gallery-browsing for me today. (giggle)

According to the alternative medicine doctor, my strong aversions are "invitations to self-awareness." Dang it, now I have work to do. Always had aversions to Wonder Woman too. Spouse informed me Wonder Woman was created for adolescent boys. Well, no wonder!

Off to go work now on super-hero aversions. May or may not let you know what is discovered.

3580. 30 Oct 2009 13:05


The guy who turned big and green was the Hulk, so maybe you have a double aversion to him! Unless the first Hulk you mentioned was Hulk Hogan, I don't think an aversion to him is unwarrented.
I have to laugh though as my fella is going as the Hulk for halloween. We're both interested to see how the green face paint goes with his red beard. Hehe