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3461. 27 Oct 2009 17:31


Little Drummer Boy does not bother Sheftali. When I was a kid in Hawaii, I learned that my neighbor's (Mr Onorati) father had something to do with that song. I thought that was kinda cool. Now, for a song that Sheftali despises--Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer, or something like that. Sheesh.

3462. 27 Oct 2009 17:41


But that's the only one I know all the words to. How can you not like Grandma got run over by a reindeer? It's a classic!

3463. 27 Oct 2009 17:49


Good evening all (well, it's 01:00 here). I'm just catching up on the last two days of broadcasting. What fun you've been having ... morphed US Presidents, malopropisms, Hyacincth Bucket (her sons name is Sheridan), songs you love and songs/music you loath ... great entertainment.

Baldur, I have found medievel wall art that shows a sun and what could be their version of a star: ... I hope it's of some use to you

In my previous home, our house backed onto a stream and woodland, owned by the government. The stream seperated us from the site, although there were fences between our gardens and the stream. The site contained a research centre for control of pests and diseases. We and our neighbours jogged along nicely with them for 20 years. Then the research centre was moved to northern England and the plot was sold for housing development. When the developers put in their planning application they had the audacity to claim the opposite bank as theirs ... a twelve foot strip between the brook and our fences. The whole street came out in protest, fearing that the developers would culvert the brook and utilise that twelve foot strip, clearing the trees in the process. It was all out war and many of us wrote letters of protest.

My own letter stressed that we had "exercised our riparian rights for the past 20 years, maintaing the strip of land and keeping the stream clear of fallen branches, etcetera." (This was prior to Hyacinth's use of the word ... I got it from reference library when trying to find what legal grounds we had for protesting). We could and did claim our rights to continue to use and enjoy the land. Our letters were collectively presented to the Planning Authorities. None of us heard another word from them but the developers abandoned any idea of using 'our bank'. I got 10 points from my neighbours for the 'riparian rights' claim.

3464. 27 Oct 2009 17:50


On Christmas day every year my dad plays his country station on the radio all day long (Dragon is not a fan of country music). They only seem to have about 8 or 10 songs that qualify as playable on Christmas day so they simply play them over and over and over again. Several of them I once liked but can no longer stand. On of these is the 6 White Boomers song. I used to really enjoy that one, it's so happy and playful and sng in an Aussie accent. Now I feel I have just been beaten over the head with it too many times.
Fortunatly my sister is now a radio DJ and often winds up with the Christmas day shift so we listen to her instead now. I know it's bad luck for her but I'm thankful anyways.

3465. 27 Oct 2009 18:25


+50 to Login for winning her battle with riparian rights! Now that's a practical application of the word--yay!!

3466. 27 Oct 2009 18:38


Baldur suspects the star he is looking for is purposefully avoiding me.
Patience might be the key here.

There must be thousands of Christmas songs out there, yet the radio stations here play the same few in loops. They generally start well before Thanksgiving and end at midnight on the 25th of December.

Now Baldur doesn't necessarily want to hear the songs in early November, but I do still consider the remainder of that final week of December to be part of the holiday.
Now as part of the preholiday marathon they get very repetitious.
It seems every hour they blame Bing Crosby's 'White Christmas'.
I love that song but every hour?
Also overkilled is Gene Autrey's 'Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer'. 'the Chipmunk song', the Beach Boy's 'Run, Run, Rudolph', and Barbra Streisand's 'Jingle Bells' at warp speed.
There are just so many other wonderful songs out there.
The Eurythmics' 'Winter Wonderland' comes to mind.

3467. 27 Oct 2009 18:39


lol I love this error: -blame +play

3468. 27 Oct 2009 18:43


lol on blame, Baldur. I guess I don't despise Grandma...Reindeer, but I have heard it too often that it sorta grates on me. One of the beautiful tunes I don't hear often is Silent Night sung in German--Stille Nacht. Love it.

3469. 27 Oct 2009 18:53


Baldur, try this site ... scroll down to the angel playing a lute. There's a star in there:

Mu st away to bed before the sun rises. Good night all.

3470. 27 Oct 2009 20:00


If you are looking for a STAR... I am here for you... Although I am looking to be promoted from Star to King...

3471. 27 Oct 2009 20:13


Baldur, can't recall what searches you did for your star, but I searched "medieval designs" and site below is what came up. A lot to view so no idea if it will help. Great show tonight - didn't get to read all - maybe tomorrow. Sweet dreams to all. -8&ei=QsTnSpS0FIj6MfPMkLAI&sa=X&oi=image_result_group&ct=title&resnum=1& ;ved=0CBkQsAQwAA

3472. 28 Oct 2009 06:51


Well thank you everyone who went stargazing for Baldur but it looks like marius is the winner.
On her last link Baldur found this: designs.jpg

3473. 28 Oct 2009 06:54


Technically these are crosses not stars, but this is whatis needed as the designs are based on a grid. Because each star will not be that large there can not be tremendous detail, but they still need to 'read' as medieval.
Thank you marius.

3474. 28 Oct 2009 07:09


So does Marius get to do the next "Google search" challenge???

3475. 28 Oct 2009 08:51


Just read Login's article on the church wall paintings. This one features symbols Normal has long "collected" wherever found - via photos if allowed. The four symbols taken to represent the four evangelists were long known in the ancient world. They acutally represent the four "fixed" astrological signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. (Eagle being substituted for Scorpion.) For years I knew who of the four were Ox and Lion, but finally the other two fell into place while I was looking up at a huge window in the Cologne cathedral. Christianity has a long history of making use of what already existed in the cultures it encountered. These four signs marked the changing seasons or at least year divisions (Obviously the ancient astronomers were aware of equinoxes and solstices, so not sure why they needed these markers.)

3476. 28 Oct 2009 11:26


Glad you found what you were looking for, Baldur! Found another star yesterday, lost it, but just found it saved into an email I was writing to a friend.

Anyway, new word for marius is "estoile." (5 points even though the word is not in my 1974 college dictionary.) You'll find on the site below that "In medieval heraldry, a star with wavy arms is called an estoile." Doesn't look like a good star for needlepoint, but know nothing about that art form so here's the star anyway. (Yes I know it's not Baldur's fav color.)

Too much good stuff on BR lately and no time to take it all in. Maybe I'll catch up tomorrow. Hope everyone has hundreds of things for which they can be grateful today! Here's ten from my list in no particular order: I am breathing, cookies to welcome new neighbors came out great, both cats are happy and healthy, my eyes work, spouse is happy and healthy, my sister is a blessing, someone sent a hilarious email about what is under those kilts, my car is working great, the sun is shining, and looking forward to two things coming in the mail. (I am very cheery today.) : )

3477. 28 Oct 2009 12:27


Glad to know you're happy, marius.

3478. 28 Oct 2009 13:48


The estoile is beautiful marius but I cannot use it for such a small design.
Today Baldur is thankful for:

Pumpkin bread
Corduroy shirts
Hot soup
Warm socks
Tony Bennett

3479. 28 Oct 2009 13:58


In that order, Baldur?

3480. 28 Oct 2009 14:01


I'm thankful that both my dogs and my cats are good mousers, but I've bought some decon just in case. Now that it's cold, apparently the mice feel my home is very welcoming. I am in a brand new subdivision and surrounded by huge open fields awaiting homes to be built. Also, behind me is a large pasture that is eventually supposed to be a city park, but right now it's just perfect mouse and gopher habitat in the summer. In the winter, I guess the Cradle house is perfect mouse habitat. Well, except for the dogs, cats, and decon, that is.