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3441. 27 Oct 2009 09:20


I also love the fact that she refers to her brother-in-law Bruce as a 'turf accountant'. If you pay atterntion to the series he is a 'bookie' and obviously a successful one. He is also a crossdresser with alarming fantasies.

3442. 27 Oct 2009 10:35


Sheftali first really heard the word "riparian" with regard to areas in Arizona that supposedly were shorelines at one time (I had to look up the word then). As for "littoral", it's a term I became familiar with in a military sense, as that's a term my Navy buds used to describe the area around sea shores. Sheftali keeps a big dictionary close to where she sits most of the time, and uses it faithfully to look up words she doesn't recognize. (Now, remembering the meanings is another story!)

3443. 27 Oct 2009 11:17


Thanks for telling where the words were learned Baldur and Sheftali. I also look up words and then forget the meaning.

Sardonic (10 points) is one word I've had to look up numerous times. For some reason, the word does not seem match its meaning. However, pulchritude (10 points) does not seem to match its meaning either, yet I remember it.

Did any of you play that game, "Dictionary"? I LOVED it. So funny what definitions you could get people to believe.

Also learned words playing scrabble. My mother was so gullible that I could make up words and she would rarely challenge them. One day I made up the word "milt." Mom was really bothered by that word and I was sure she'd finally catch me in my silliness. Finally she said, "Milt is not a word ..." but before she could issue her challenge, Dad called from the other room, "It's the sperm from fish." Who knew? Have never forgotten that "made-up" word. : )

3444. 27 Oct 2009 11:21


Here's now for some Archie Bunker malapropisms, or other misuses.

Edith, hold it! You are invading the issue.
If he don't go calling the cops "pigs" or one of those other epilets, he'll be all right.
Shut the door will the two of yas, we're catchin' ammonia.
I got something important here to read and sign and I gotta consecrate on that.
The Meathead swooped down on the table like a plague of crocuses.
Tell 'em we're all decreased -- we went last night in a suicide pact!
Here's a last bequest: I don't want that guy sayin' my last urology.
I'm suffering a little bit from smoke exhilaration.
When you work the buttons here, see, it develops what ya call the digitalis skills.
I'll bring ya a bottle of champagne. Maybe I'll even bring home a whole maggot.
She takes everything I say out of contest.
It's a proven fact that capital punishment is a well-known detergent to crime.
A woman doctor is only good for women's your groinocology.

Probably his longest messed up idea: "California is the home of where is gonna occur the world's worst cat-a-strofe....sittin' on a shelf out there.....3 states on that shelf, California, Oregon & Missouri. The day of the biggest earthquake....those 3 states are gonna be shoved right offa that shelf there. They call that the "Continental Divide." (Mike: WHAT???) Yes, yes! The Pope knew about this years ago. He said it was St. Andrew's fault."

3445. 27 Oct 2009 11:48


THANKS marius! LOL, tears rolling down my cheeks, such a good show,
seems like only yesterday.

3446. 27 Oct 2009 12:38


LMAO, Marius, at Archie! And HE called Edith a dingy broad! That's the pot calling the kettle black, huh?!

In nursing school, we had a professor who used the word specifically irritatingly often during her lectures. The irritating part wasn't so much the frequency of use, but the mispronunciation. She would always say "Pacifically" instead of specifically. It really drove me nuts. I didn't think someone that ignorant should be a PROFESSOR, let alone teaching the masses!

At out pinning ceremony, I was obligated to speak because I was a class officer, oddly enough. No one else wanted to be vice president, and I thought it would look good on a resume!) I have a real live diarrhea-producing phobia of public speaking, so my way around it was to write a poem about the nursing school experience. I'm good at little rhyming ditties, and figured it would be much easier to get up there and just READ, rather than actually give a speech. So the poem kind of went down our experiences semester by semester and had little jabs at all of our instructors. Of course I had to include something about "Pacifically" in there, and the whole audience broke out in a roar of laughter! That was the moment I realized that I wasn't the only one who was bugged by her mispronunciation! In fact, pacifcally speaking, it seemed EVERYONE in the class found it irritating.

I am sometimes too critical of others I've been told, and I think there's some truth in that. So I try to mute my criticisms for the most part unless there's something I feel passionate about. Imagine my surprise then, when I realized it wasn't just ME who hated "pacifically"! LOL

And as far as being too critical...I have put a lot of thought into this and I think the reason I'm so critical is because I try to hold everyone to the same standard I hold myself and it's not a realistic goal for most. LMAO!

3447. 27 Oct 2009 12:38


Just something I'd like to share with you, it was sent to me by
a friend and it is quite interesting...and the music is good, please
check it out.

3448. 27 Oct 2009 13:24


Robin, I have to take anti anxiety meds before I go to most lectures and such as I get really bad off when the speaker or speakers mispronounce or misuse words either because they have a speech impediment or because they just don't know.

For me, it's a mix of intolerance, ADD, and OCD that comes together to make me nuts.

The meds help.

3449. 27 Oct 2009 13:52


I like the video about the presidents. The most handsome one is number 5 James Monroe and the best teeth belong first to Jimmy Carter and in a second place to Barack Obama.
The lesson taught by this video: try not to wear glasses. Few people wearing glasses get to be the president.
And a hope for number 45: A LADY!!!!!!!

3450. 27 Oct 2009 13:55


Noooo indigo, not 'Bolero'!!!!!!!
Baldur only made it to James Madison, but I promise to go back and view it with the volume turned off later.
I just put the soundtrack for 'Singing In The Rain' in the CD player, just one playing of 'Fit as a Fiddle and Ready for Love' should clear Bolero out of my brain.

3451. 27 Oct 2009 14:00


Speaking of singing in the rain, Usher sang a version of that song and filmed that famous dance scene as a tribute, with himself in Gene Kelly's role, it's pretty darn good.
There are those that find it blasphemous and if you read the comments people leave there is the inevitable 'it's not as good as Gene' crap.
Well guess what! it's not Gene Kelly, it's Usher.
Did Usher ever claim his version was better? No.. it's a tribute.
Hopefully it got more people to go back and watch the original.

3452. 27 Oct 2009 14:04


That reminds me: Am I the only one in the world who does NOT hate
"Little Drummer Boy?" My favorite version is written to a strict bolero ryhthm.
(No echoes of Baldur's hated Ravel, however.)

3453. 27 Oct 2009 14:15


You may well bne the only one who doesn't hate 'little drummer boy'.
Baldur certainly doesn't permit it being played here.

Plus, can you picture this, you've got an infant that you're trying to get to sleep in a barn, it's cold, everyone's hungry and some kid wants to come in and play a drum! Baldur does not think so.

3454. 27 Oct 2009 14:28


I'm with you Normal, I like Little Drummer Boy but my mother-in-law couldn't
stand it. I LOVE my Christmas music, I have a good CD by Frank Sinatra and
also Nat King Cole, Diana Krall and Mannheim Steamroller, James Taylor...lets
just say I have a lot and I love Christmas music!

3455. 27 Oct 2009 14:31


Oh and Baldur I can understand how you feel about Bolero, I feel
the same way about Celine Dion...

3456. 27 Oct 2009 14:38


I have a lot of Christmas discs too, just not a lot of 'little drummer boy'; sometimes it's a make or break song. Baldur has skipped purchasing certain cds because of that song.

3457. 27 Oct 2009 15:03


I think only "Rudolph" and "Frosty" and "Mommy kissing Santa Claus" are my deal breakers. Probably more; I cherish my prejudices too.

3458. 27 Oct 2009 16:58


I have only 2 Christmas albums, one is by The Arrogant Worms and while it's funny and has some great songs it seems to have a lot about Christmas going horribly wrong and somehow a whole CD of that is just a smidge too much. The other is by Colin James and the Little Big Band and I could probably listen to it all day long, it is just sooo good.
I'm afraid The Little Drummer Boy is my absolute least favorite Christmas song, if it comes on the radio I don't even bother trying to find another station I just turn the whole thing off altogether.

3459. 27 Oct 2009 17:00


marius, I loved your Archie Bunkerisms. LMAO.
I particularly remember him singing 'It's a Long Way to Tiparary' except in his version it was a long way to tickle Mary and for some reason ended up with Mary having "the VD".

3460. 27 Oct 2009 17:08


I love little drummer boy... It is symbolic of wanting to give the Messiah ALL that you have to give, for he will give all he has for you 3 decades later...