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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

3421. 26 Oct 2009 12:16


Seems like now cable is the worst for commercials. We were watching something on the weekend and the commercial break was so long we forgot what we were watching.
I do remember the days when MTV (and MuchMusic up here) were non-stop music videos rather than non-stop reality tv shows and endless VJ babble.

3422. 26 Oct 2009 13:11


I was just having this conversation with a girlfriend last night over dinner. I get all my TV from Netflix and while that means I'm about a season/series behind on everything, I never have to watch commercials at all!

Also, as I have a terrible tendency to surf when there is nothing on the tube spending hours frustrated by the lack but hopeful of finding something, anything to watch, this saves me lots of time. When it is over I shut it off and walk away!

3423. 26 Oct 2009 16:21


I just absolutely hate it when I'm watching a good show and it goes to commercial. Then, when I'm about three minutes into the commercial, I wonder what I was watching and I have to ask my sister, then it takes her a few seconds to think about it.

3424. 26 Oct 2009 17:09


I have a friend with a 3 and 5 year old. This family tapes everything! One day the parents decided to watch a tennis match - live. When it came to commercial the girls wanted Mom to fast-forward. The kids could NOT understand why their Mom couldn't do it. Finally one of them stomped off saying, "TV is NOT supposed to work like this. I like the old way better!"

Giggle - don't we all!

3425. 26 Oct 2009 17:10


Wondering if Baldur has had any luck finding his star?

3426. 26 Oct 2009 18:14


Not yet, I'm actually looking for several stars,
I found a medieval looking Lion image ther will be the focus of this piece of needlepoint. Originally he was on an offwhite ground with a rose bramble behind him. The sky is changing to a star studded dark sky and the brambles are going to be greatly diminished in the Baldur version.
However the stars will be overscaled, elaborate interpretations, neither astronomically correct little glowing orbs or even traditional five pointed objects.

3427. 26 Oct 2009 18:15


ther -er +at =that

3428. 26 Oct 2009 19:34


Baldur was just over in the gallery and felt I needed to award Kyung 10 points for using the word 'Riparian'.
Not believing that Kyung follows the broadcasts here at Radio Baldur should not prevent me for giving credit where it is due.
'Riparian' was best used in modern history by Hyacinth Bouquet in 'Keeping Up Appearances'. In one episode she organized a 'Riparian Feast and Finger Buffet (pronounced BOOF'-fay).
Hyacinth is Baldur's idol.

3429. 26 Oct 2009 20:14


Bravo, Baldur, for awarding recognition to "riparian" on Kyung's behalf. It's a great word, and reminds me of "littoral" which is of the same mindset. Sheftali is greatly impressed with your needlework passion. Hope your stars turn out the way you desire.

3430. 27 Oct 2009 04:40


Ten-year-old not understand big word.

3431. 27 Oct 2009 05:53


44yo not understand big word either. here I come...

3432. 27 Oct 2009 06:23


marius thinks big words are not understood because they are like "jargon" particular to certain lines of work. So, biologists, wildlife management folks, those invovled with plants, fish, mammals, etc. know these words. Not sure why Baldur and Sheftali know them.

Am guessing Baldur knows these words because he seems to know all kinds of interesting and odd little things? Am guessing Sheftali knows them from her travels, and she sounds like she also knows all kinds of interesting and odd little things? Please do tell. marius knows the words from former life as a naturalist.

3433. 27 Oct 2009 06:32


Words are fun, and big words are REALLY fun! If you use big enough words, many other people don't know what they mean, so don't realize even when you use them completely incorrectly. There used to be a variety show on TV called "In Living Color" with the Wayans Brothers and Jamie Fox and Jim Carrie. Those 2 Wayans would be prisoners in jail just pontificating (10pts) away to everyone. They would say things like "The constipation of the emancipation, creates a situation..." and on and on. Of course, their audience thought they were the smartest guys around because no one knew WHAT the hell they were talking about! I know people in real life who do this, too. One of the nurses on my unit will volunteer to train us on some new policy. She stands up there using all these 5 syllable words and leaves everyone wondering what she just said. I have a slightly higher vocabulary than most, and often recognize the words she is using totally out of context and just laugh to myself. You wanna just go up and let her know just how impressed we all are with her super intelligence! (not) LOL

3434. 27 Oct 2009 06:51


Baldur wrote, "Hyacinth is Baldur's idol." Am wanting clarification. What is idolized? I enjoy Hyacinth, except sometimes she is too close to home, reminds me of Mom. Must work more on humor. (giggle).

Here is a frequent conversation Mom and I had before the days of answering machines.
Mom: You really must answer your phone when I call.
Me: Why?
Mom: Well, what if someone has DIED?
Me: Mom, the person will still be dead when I wake up and I don't think they'll be lying in the morgue complaining that I didn't hear about their death "in time."
Mom: It's good manners to answer the phone when someone calls.
Me: It's also good manners to let someone sleep.
Mom: But I only call for important things.
Me: Apparently I'm not interested in important things.
Mom: Well, I raised you better and do not understand why you thwart all my efforts.
Me: I don't understand it either.

Such was our relationship, which, right now is making me LMAO! Thanks Mom!

3435. 27 Oct 2009 07:03


Robin, much agreement about words. I LOVED Archie Bunker's malapropisms! Also mispronunciations are endearing. Know some one who talks about her 'bronical' tubes. She is aware of her peculiarities of speech and tells a story about having never taken a "cal-cue-LACK-us" class. She said it was YEARS before someone told her how to say that word but by then, it was "too late in life to change." She keeps us howling.

3436. 27 Oct 2009 08:20


The first time that Baldur encountered the word 'riparian' it was clear from the context what it meant, but nonetheless I sped to my dictionary to be certain. When one encounters such words it is really a duty to the future of the language to learn it and attempt to use it.
Because Kyung used it and then it was exponded upon here several people have added it to their vocabularies, indeed perhaps many have.
Baldur suspects that there is a silent audience here as well.

As for Hyacinth Bouquet, I can not help but love here. Baldur would be overjoyed to be invited to one of her candlelight suppers.
But then Baldur would have her over for 'High Tea' regularly.

3437. 27 Oct 2009 08:30


Has anyone here figured out if her son is named 'Sheraton' or 'Sheriden'?
I am leaning towards 'Sheriden'.

Today we went out to 'le Spoon Greasee' for breakfast. The usual suspects were there including Mrs. Claus.
She is the wife of a white bearded gentleman who appears locally as Santa Claus for different functions. Baldur has been doing the same for several years. The act of doing so is both interesting and lucrative.
The meeting of this couple has been fortunate as they are offered more bookings than they can take. Mrs Claus has been offering me the overflow for 2 years now.
This morning I was given 2 more appearances. There was a third up for grabs also, but I had already accepted an engagement for that afternoon.
She is rather frustrated, being the more business-minded of the 2. She carefully schedules everything and notates each event on a calendar, then finds out that Santa has also agreed to appearances on overlapping dates and times without writing them in.

3438. 27 Oct 2009 08:31


Baldur has just taken a baked custard out of the oven, perfect for this grey dreary day.

3439. 27 Oct 2009 08:58


Ah, Baldur, maruis suspects it is the *style* of Hyacinth BUCKET (giggle) that Baldur admires. The china, attention to decorating detail, etc. Yes?

Just googled the series (see link below), and did you know that Sheridan needlepoint classes at poly and is gay? Apparently I missed those episodes.

3440. 27 Oct 2009 09:13


Yes of course, almost every episode alludes to Sheridan's lack of female companionship and the ever changing roster of male 'friends'.

He is at the polytech 'university' majoring in needle arts.
One episode he asked for money so that he and a friend could spend a few weeks in iceland writing poetry. Another episode he and a friend were going to make their own draperies for their apartment.

Richard has brought the subject that 'it's odd that Sheridan never seems to date girls' several times with Hyacinth, but she either says that he had agreed to get himself established before involving himself with women, or she completely changes the subject.