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Forums - General Discussion - Prayer Requests

341. 14 Jan 2010 20:08


Wow Jocelyn! That is very cool just to compete... I hope you have a grand time...

342. 16 Jan 2010 17:19


Thank you for your prayers. I didn't place, but I did have a safe trip and I learned a few things so I will do better next time.

343. 16 Jan 2010 17:39


Hazer , polly, matthew and to all in need my prayers are with you.

344. 16 Jan 2010 17:45


Congratulations Jocelyn!!!

345. 17 Jan 2010 11:48


Hazer, matthew, cutegirl, lynnspotter, nylecoj - just wanted you all to know that I've been praying.

Have a request for my 18 year old grandson. He moved out from home, went off his meds (severe depression), quit one job and got fired from another, got picked up by the police, blew his money and is apparently now homeless. He could go back home, but doesn't want to follow any "rules." This young man was adopted ten years ago and has struggled a long time. When he's on his meds, he is a delightful kid.

346. 17 Jan 2010 14:21


Alas, that sounds like a rock and a hard place situation for both of you...

347. 17 Jan 2010 20:44


I want to thank you all for your prayers. My father in law passed away this at last from the ravages of cancer. My husband had left for work several hours before I got the call. He will not be home until late tomorrow afternoon. I had to tell him the news while he is on the road, and he is not able to just turn around and come home, so please pray God will send his angels to take the wheel of his truck and guide him safely to his destination and back tomorrow. We have certainly felt God's presence as we've gone through this difficult time. We have been surrounded by friends and family and are so grateful for each one.
I love the way that Max Lucado describes how Christ turned His grave into a changing closet and offered to do the same for us. Dad has left the worn out shell behind and exchanged it immortality.

348. 17 Jan 2010 21:00


My condolences, Hazer.....

349. 17 Jan 2010 22:01


Thank you sheftali!

350. 18 Jan 2010 01:38


I am sorry for your the loss your family is experiencing now Hazer... May you find comfort knowing he is going home & that God is celebrating his return...

351. 18 Jan 2010 04:08


Thanks matthew . . . while we prepare to bid farewell to the aged and broken body, we celebrate his eternal life with Jesus. Our beloved earthly carpenter gets to meet the Master Carpenter face to face.
He will be welcomed by family and friends who have gone before. There's a party going on up there, I'm sure!

352. 18 Jan 2010 04:21


Aw Hazer, thanks for letting us know. Thoughts and prayers are with you and your loved ones.

353. 18 Jan 2010 04:33


Thank you marius . . . very much appreciated!

354. 18 Jan 2010 04:35


Sincere condolences Hazer, to you and yours....and you're right
he is in a better place....pain and cancer free.

355. 18 Jan 2010 04:54


Thanks indigo . . .

356. 21 Jan 2010 22:42


Hazor, your faith and assurance is a powerful testimony.
you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers... that you would be filled with the rest and peace of God as you go through the grieving process.

357. 23 Jan 2010 05:40


My Grandmother is in the hospital. She has bronchitis and high blood pressure. The doctors aren't completely sure whats wrong, but that it is most likely related to her kidney failure.

358. 23 Jan 2010 21:25


Jocelyn, I lift you and your Grandma up in my prayers. I pray for wisdom for the Drs. who are in charge of her care. I pray for a clear diagnosis so that the treatment will be effective. May God be your comfort and strength! Please give Jocelyn the strength to cope with all the demands she has in her life as well as being there for her Grandmother.
Take care Jocelyn!

359. 23 Jan 2010 21:53


Just a note to say thank you for your prayers as we said good bye to Dad.
God has answered many prayers. He truly cares for us in all circumstances.
We had a beautiful memorial service for Dad. God surrounded us with friends and family who shared warm memories of Dad and who grieved with us. We found strength and comfort as we comforted his friends and told them how much we appreciated them.
Some in our family have become kinder and better people through this experience, while some will struggle to allow themselves to go through the grieving process.
My husband was a pillar of strength for his family...I'm so proud of him!
I'll take a break here because it's late and I'm exhausted...
Talk to you tomorrow!

360. 24 Jan 2010 06:33


Hazer, your friends and family are blessed to have you around them durring difficult have such an encouraging and positive spirit and your words are seasoned with grace and love.

please pray for our dear friend Arty...a speedy recovery from bronchitis.