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3301. 22 Oct 2009 13:17


Baldur listened to the samples of 'Les Choristes' and they were very pleasant. However I would not try to translate them, the words could ruin the effect for me.

3302. 22 Oct 2009 13:24


New languages are good, though.

3303. 22 Oct 2009 13:41


Exactly, Baldur. Will have no idea what the words mean when soundtrack comes, but for these ears, that will be fine.

Btw, had forgotten about grapenuts. Used to eat them all the time. Now, you've given another recipe, so (tee hee) another trip to the store is on the list. Also tried to find origin of "wearing clean underwear" (all that quite funny as heard the same things) ... no luck.

3304. 22 Oct 2009 13:52


solosater, you wrote, "I actually did iron and refold paper napkins for a wedding once. It was kind of an in joke that only I was aware of." Well, uppity friend or not, how funny!!! How many napkins are we talking about? And the cheap-o brand or the fine dining brand? Just can't picture this at all. Did you use steam? Please tell more.

3305. 22 Oct 2009 13:55


Login, ah - knew I was not alone! You have a funny niece. No one has said my mouth looks small and dentist has not complained, but silverwear is almost always too big. My oldest sister had to have teeth pulled as her mouth was not big enough for all of them - guess it's genetic.

3306. 22 Oct 2009 14:31


Marius, I'm glad you have a sense of humor about your big small mouth! I have never been accused of having a small mouth in any sense of the word, but the dentist does tell me I have small teeth. This has served me well, as I never required my wisdom teeth to be removed...plenty of room in there for them!

3307. 22 Oct 2009 15:16


I have pretty big teeth, so my wisdom teeth have already started to come in, and it's like, made it up halfway. It's stopped growing. I think half of it's caught under the tooth caught under the one right in front of it.

3308. 22 Oct 2009 15:17


my entire paragraph - the second "caight under" = a sentence that makes sense

3309. 22 Oct 2009 15:18



3310. 22 Oct 2009 15:18


I am just a mess today!

3311. 22 Oct 2009 16:17


Baldur has very large teeth, my wisdom teeth needed to be removed as well as several others when my orthodontist tried to re-allign the others.
It was a mess, I don't miss those days

3312. 22 Oct 2009 17:37


Ok, there were less than 30 at the reception but we had been planning on fifty and she had picked the large colored napkins from IKEA, I think I used two colors in each a lighter on and a darker one but that may have been in the testing stages...

I have a good steam iron so I am not afraid to use it but I generally wouldn't recommend steam on paper as many irons drip and spot and that's just a mess!

I generally ask if a person prefers a small spoon/fork as I know some do but our family likes the big ones except me for yogurt, the small spoon is best for yogurt and anyone who thinks differently is just wrong!

Size is not so important in forks as in spoons as far as I'm concerned but sharp tines are a must! So many of the sets I see have really pretty handles that catch the eye but the tines of the forks are blunt. What a waste!

Curvature is another important bit in cutlery. The fork and spoon need to be curved just right for the perfect bite. the curve has to be correct on the eating surface (?) as well as the handle.

The handle itself is also quite important but open to many preferences. My best friend prefers a stout round handle in metal as the are hard to bend and so keep their shape forever while I prefer a flat handle (curved just so) as they do not spin in the hand and I keep control of my food. We have decided we cannot live together. Ever.

My teeth are the perfect size for my mouth. I know you are all thinking I must indeed have giant teeth. I'll not tell.

3313. 22 Oct 2009 17:55


Also I never have noticed that a plastic spoon is better in yogurt but certainly wouldn't nay say a thing like that as I would be the person who would be noticing it most of the time.

Did that make any sense at all?

3314. 22 Oct 2009 18:12


Not a word, Is that a yes for plastic or a no?

3315. 22 Oct 2009 18:13


Baldur has already eaten 2 large portions of Grapenut pudding.
If I had a sleeping porch it would be a good night to sleep out of doors.

3316. 22 Oct 2009 18:18


Baldur really finds IKEA too great a temptation.
You all remember my lamp fetish, IKEA has the most wonderful modern lamps.
At times I forget that I do not like modern things.
I love the kitchenware in that store, the houseplants and the carpets.
However unless the carpets are meant for the ceiling there is no room for any more.
Baldur also enjoys Ikea's cafeteria. When there for their $1 breakfast they are happy to substitute extra potatoes for the bacon strips.
Their scrambled eggs are much better than the ones served at le Spoon Greasee.
As is their coffee

3317. 22 Oct 2009 18:31


The first time I went to IKEA the nearest one was in Toronto.
Even for a dedicated shopper that is a long drive.
My friend Vera wanted to visit his (correct pronoun) cousin there and asked Baldur to accompany him.
Baldur made a stop at IKEA a requirement if I were to make the drive.
Vera really did not want to go to IKEA but agreed.
Once there he spent over $400 on his first visit whilst Baldur spent $20.
Then Vera insisted we go back for a second look.
He did spend more, his car was quite stuffed for the return trip home.

We were staying with his cousin Colette who Baldur thinks is quite charming.
Colette lives in a high rise apartment building which was fun because it was my first experience with radiant heat flooring. That was quite marvelous.
Unfortunately the humor of her address was too much .
The building was called 'Marlester Manor', pronounced 'marl-ster'.
Well at least they pronounce it that way. Baldur immediately took to calling it 'Molester Manor'. Heavens.

3318. 22 Oct 2009 18:39


That's a to each their own (when it comes to yogurt) though I don't taste a difference myself. I basically always prefer the real deal in cutlery. I do taste the aluminum in "camp" cutlery and would at that point prefer plastic but the good stuff. Actually, I'd go retro for camping and assign a set of stainless cutlery to each person and make them responsible for their own.

3319. 22 Oct 2009 18:42


This was the trip that Baldur frightened the nice Scottish old man.
Actually he might not have been Scottish, but he looked it.

In the bear community, you may recall Baldur is considered a 'bear' there is an odd custom, and many of us cannot break away from it.
When you see an attractive bear, the complimentary thing to say is 'Woof'.
Why this is so Baldur has never been able to learn.
In the wild it is certain that bears make no such sound, but in the gay community bears do.
You can make it more impressive if you give it some vibratto,
even more so if you create enough breeze to ruffle your moustache in the process (Bears tend to have beards and moustaches).

Vera and I were leaving the car at Molester Manor and using the commuter train. Vera called it a subway, but at least on the routes we used the train never went underground.
As we were getting onto the train Baldur came face to face with the most handsome Scottish (perhaps) older man.
He was tall and wearing a splendid greenish rust tweed suit, complete with watch-chain, He had a very nice beard and moustache that had obviously been very red in his youth but was more grey now.
It so happened that we came face to face in the crowd for a second before continuing to weave our way through the crowds.
Baldur couldn't help it, he 'WOOFED!', a most moustache rattling woof it was too. Vera reeled around in shock as she was ahead of me obviously stunned at what I had done.
To his credit 'Angus' kept calm and disappeared quickly into the crowd.

3320. 22 Oct 2009 18:45


Baldur was dressed respectably, but even in nice clothing my aura is that of a biker, trying to look well dressed.
Vera was convinced that 'Angus' was traumatized.
Baldur was convinced that he was quite complimented.
Or maybe it was gratitude that I did not mug him.