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3241. 21 Oct 2009 15:17


If there's enough as I guess, it would depend on their location what they eat. Tell me, where are they?

3242. 21 Oct 2009 18:15


You all are too funny! Just KNEW that videographer should not have mentioned poop! In all the years marius has been to see the migrations (about thirty), never once has poop fallen upon her. In fact, there generally is not all that much along the dike walkway either. Have read geese tend to poop at takeoff (to lighten the load).

Baldur, have never THOUGHT of all the poop that must be created, but imagine much of it is left in the winter wheat fields. By mid April when visiting for shorebird migration, the water is normal Missouri water, not clear, but not muddy like the rivers in this area. And, there are plenty of fish, turtles, frogs, etc.

As to what they eat - grains, sedges, plants. However, at Squaw Creek NWR there are many farms adjacent and near to the refuge where farmers plant winter wheat. This is a goose delight. It also makes the perfect set-up for winter employment for the farmers: they set up duck blinds, rent them out and wouldn't you know, migration and hunting season coincide.

Dragon - thanks for tip about Planet Earth video. I'll find it somewhere.

Robin and Dragon - how funny about magpies. Saw some when visiting in the west and found them beautiful! Guess I didn't get to know them well.

3243. 21 Oct 2009 18:18


OK, I saw this online and now I wish I shopped at THIS grocery store! Watch this's fun!! /?icid=main|htmlws-main-n|dl5|link6| verywhere-turns-grocery-shopping-into-musical-theater%2F#

3244. 21 Oct 2009 18:19


OK, somehow I screwed that up! Let's try again! /?icid=main|htmlws-main-n|dl5|link6| verywhere-turns-grocery-shopping-into-musical-theater%2F#

3245. 21 Oct 2009 18:21


OK, this is my last try. I don't know why that other one didn't work!

3246. 21 Oct 2009 18:22


Baldur, that's a great story about your GBH (great blue heron)! Didn't know they'd eat chipmonks, but hey - why not?

Confused about covering the pond with netting though. Is the pond a backyard affair and only so many fish in it? Had a friend with a water-garden pond. She was most upset to see a GBH eating her coy!

3247. 21 Oct 2009 18:29


See - I was right, Basque n' Robin is also a Rockin' Robin! That was funny! And funny too how we've morphed right back into Baldur's musical segment!

3248. 21 Oct 2009 18:33


maddyjean, here's the website where geese stop to rest during migration. It's located in NW Missouri.

3249. 21 Oct 2009 18:38


maddyjean, the geese do not stop to rest at the website! Heavens!

Must work on writing skills! (giggle)

The website tells about the refuge where the geese stop to rest. And the refuge is located in NW Missouri but don't know where the website is located. Heavens, have confused myself - it is nothing new but have never gotten used to it!

3250. 21 Oct 2009 18:56


marius, I remember thinking how pretty Magpies were too. They tend to lose their lustre after sitting outside your bedroom window yaking at eachother at 4:00 in the morning all summer long. I am not a violent person but I would have wrung some black and white birdie necks if I could have gotten a hold of them.
They're actually incredibly smart, not surprising as they're closely related to Crows. I once watched a group of magpies trick our dog away from her food one afternoon. One would pester her until she chased it then i would sit on the fence yaking at her while the others happily ate from her dish at their leisure. You could almost swear they were laughing at her.

3251. 21 Oct 2009 18:58


Baldur is quite glad he persevered and followed all!!!! ofRobin's links.
I even enjoyed watching the wrong links.
Life should be like a musical, letr's squish our fruit together!

3252. 21 Oct 2009 18:58


letr's -r =let's

3253. 21 Oct 2009 19:03


Is there such a thing as fauxmusicalimprovaphobia?
... You are in a supermarket and those around you start singing in unison about fruit, you are taken by the moment, grab a nectarine and join in boisterously.
Then you suddenly realize it was a fantasy in your head and that everyone else is staring at you because indeed you are the only person singing...
and this is before your grand finale'.....

3254. 21 Oct 2009 19:06


Perhaps that would be the grand finale', when you drop dead on the spot.
Another reason to listen to mom and always make sure you are wearing clean underwear.

3255. 21 Oct 2009 19:07


The odd thing there is if anything truly traumatic happens, one would lose their continence anyway. So what is the point?

3256. 21 Oct 2009 19:14


Baldur's views on what constitutes embarassing behaviour differs dramatically at times from his mother's views.
She constantly surprises me with new things that would be embarassing in her book.

I recall being questioned why I wasn't home one evening when she called.
Baldur told her I had gone to see a movie.
'With whom?' she inquired.
The answer was that I went alone, it was a movie that none of my friends cared to see.
She then asked me if I wasn't embarassed.
Embarrased? Apparently my mother would find it embarassing to go into a theatre alone. We discussed this for a while.
I found it odd to say the least.
It turns out she also would never go out to eat alone, ever.
Baldur confessed to doing it fairly often.
Back in the day I would hop on a train to Boston when it was a beautiful day off.
Baldur would walk around people watching, go to a museum, maybe some shopping, and ALWAYS had lunch...ALONE.
Mother was horrified.

3257. 21 Oct 2009 19:18


BALDUR! I've always wondered why the clean underwear for exactly that reason (they'd likely be soiled beyond recognition in case of an accident anyway and certainly in cases of death) but have been afraid to point it out for fear of getting smacked upside the head. Thanks for making me feel a little more on the normal side;-)

3258. 21 Oct 2009 19:20


I asked her if she never stopped for lunch while out shopping.
I learned she had never been shopping alone either.
Baldur senses insecurity issues here.
But indeed mother doesn't drive a car either, she has had driver's licenses in the past and they have expired without her ever driving the car.
After she took the driver's test she never got behind the wheel again.
Neither did her sister, or her mother for that matter.
Grandma was otherwise a very 'modern' woman, I'm not thinking that she saw it as something women just shouldn't do.
My sisters both drive, it has never been an issue with them.

3259. 21 Oct 2009 19:20


Mind, if I'm wearing underwear you can be sure they are clean.

That's just how solo roles!

3260. 21 Oct 2009 19:25


I had a therapist one time assign me homework of eating alone in a sit down with a menu and enjoy a whole meal restaurant. I did it and enjoyed it very much but haven't since felt the desire to do it again. I enjoy my own company but people watching is, for me, more fun when there is someone to share the crazy with.