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3201. 20 Oct 2009 15:47


AMEN! And can I get a HALLELUIA??!

3202. 20 Oct 2009 15:49


Baldur, must thank you for the Basque 'n' Robin line. I have shamelessly claimed it as my own and taken full credit for its cleverness! You may not realize it, but you are now responsible for multiple new onset cases of urinary incontinence throughout the Pacific Northwest! Can't tell you how many of my friends said that made them "pee their pants!" Thanks for the line!

3203. 20 Oct 2009 16:17


I must be missing something pretty funny!

3204. 20 Oct 2009 16:25


Robin, you should be kind and hand out those adult diapers to your friends before springing it on them.
maddyjean, if you don't read every comment horrible jokes can slip by you, unnoticed.

3205. 20 Oct 2009 16:28


Oddly Baldur received an email today from the trendy homegoods store 'Crate and Barrel'
Their 'Basque' dining room furniture is on sale. It attractive in a modern sort of way but certainly has nothing to do with the Basque people. It was a random name the marketing people attached to the furniture.

3206. 20 Oct 2009 16:40


All of that interesting Catholic talk reminded me some of my youth. I was brought up Episcopal (Catholic without a Pope...biggest difference was that we could use birth control and our priests could marry, and could be female!) When we were kids, my brother was a naughty kid, always in trouble. So my mom decided he needed to go to Catholic school where the nuns would whip him into shape. Poor kid went there from 5th grade til 8th. He was the only non-Catholic at the school, and the nuns KNEW it! His last year there, just before 8th grade graduation, he and 3 other boys spray-painted some vandalism about one of their teachers on some store or something and got caught. It wasn't even on school property, but I guess because it was about the teacher, the nuns got involved. The other 3 boys got a scolding and a call to their parents. My brother got the same, but was also suspended. The principal nun told my mother she would have to pray and decide whether Scott could graduate with the other kids in his class. My mother was so mad at the blatant unfair treatment, and was SURE it was because we weren't Catholic. The nun finally called my mother one day and said, "Well, I have prayed about this, and God told me that I should let Scott graduate with his peers." My mother responded with, "That's interesting. We must pray to different Gods, because I have prayed about this also, and God told me there was no way in HELL I should make him graduate from that school!" LOL! Go MOM!

I have several adult friends now who call themselves "recovering Catholics". Not growing up in the culture, I can't fully appreciate the meaning.

Today, though, ironically in the news, there is an article about the Vatican making some changes : "The number of married Catholic priests could grow sharply as the result of the Vatican's epochal decision to welcome thousands of disaffected Anglicans and Episcopalians into the Catholic church. "|htmlws- main-n|dl1|link3| 728295

Thought it was timely after the recent discussion on here! G'night for now.

3207. 20 Oct 2009 16:45


How are you going to sleep now? It's 7:45! Gosh.. Baldur is awake, no?

3208. 20 Oct 2009 16:58


Baldur is indeed awake but not staying online too long this evening
I thought tonight's musical interlude should be a tribute to the great Vic Mizzy who just passed away today.
Here is one of his greatest musical hits, performed by the Radio Baldur Shadow Puppet Chorus

'Green Acres'

Green acres is the place for me.
Farm livin' is the life for me.
Land spreadin' out so far and wide
Keep Manhattan, just give me that countryside.

New York is where I'd rather stay.
I get allergic smelling hay.
I just adore a penthouse view.
Dah-ling I love you but give me Park Avenue.

...The chores.
...The stores.
...Fresh air.
...Times Square

You are my wife.
Good bye, city life.
Green Acres we are there.

3209. 20 Oct 2009 17:01


Wow! what a tremendous round of applause.
It brings tears to my eyes
The Radio Baldur Shadow Puppet Chorus are pleased to perform an Encore this evening
Here is another great hit of Mr Mizzy.

'The Addams Family

They're creepy and they're kooky,
Mysterious and spooky,
They're all together ooky,
The Addams Family.

Their house is a museum
Where people come to see 'em
They really are a scream
The Addams Family.


So get a witches shawl on
A broomstick you can crawl on
We're gonna pay a call on
The Addams Family.

3210. 20 Oct 2009 17:46


Robin, great article. Amazing how there is an evil nun story in your family too. Although I went to Catholic school, my best friends were the kids in the neighborhood who went to the public school. These kids were Presbyterian, Epicopalian, Latter Day Saints and Lutheran.

Their religions never bothered me until I was in third grade and the nuns informed us that anyone not baptized Catholic would go to hell. We were told that Catholicism was THE ONE true religion and even if you'd not had a chance to learn about it, to hell you would go if not baptized. As marius can be slow and dull, what the nuns said was believed, at least enough to cause worry for my friends.

So, that day after school, when the neighbor kids met up to play, I told them what the nuns had said, and then asked if they could be baptized Catholic but still go to their own churches. They mulled this over, we were called to dinner, and then ...

We met up in the back yard again and what a discussion! The Protestant girl said, "Well I asked my Dad and you know HE'S a minister. He said Protestant is THE ONE true religion!" As all the other kids shared their stories it turned out that every parent had told their kids that THIER religion was THE ONE true religion.

So - there we were, about seven kids in grades 3-5, and I remember a great silence. Finally someone said, "Grown ups lie." That was the most shocking thing I'd ever heard, but it certainly seemed true. How could four religions be THE ONE true religion?

We decided God didn't give a hoot what religion we were and that meant Jesus too because he never professed a religion and he ws born Jewish. Someone added that since children are supposed to be especially blessed and innocent, that what had happened was that the grown ups had lost their innocence and therefore they were wrong about the idea of any ONE true religion.

I can still see us all sitting there smiling these silly little smiles. It was like we'd been let in on some gigantic and magnificent secret. And no way would ANY of us let the grown ups know what we'd discovered! Even the Latter Day Saints girl was on board ... and her religion was very strict.

Yep, that was QUITE a day!

3211. 20 Oct 2009 17:58


Ahh Baldur, such a delightful musical segment. Please thank the troop members of your Shadow Puppet Chorus! Of course, now marius must listen to some other music before bed, or else ... well you know what tunes would be in the dreams!

Funny about those kinds of tunes - they are VERY catchy. One summer when I was a kid, Mom had the whole house painted - in and out. As our home was an older home it needed extra prep work for painting and also it was a rather large home to accommodate the ten of us. This meant the painters were there for a least a month.

So, what to do with all these strange men running around in and out of the house? Entertain myself! The game was to see what tunes I could get them humming or whistling without knowing why. So each day at end of piano practice, marius would pick out a catchy tune, say Pop Goes the Weasel, and play it enough to get it in their heads. Sure enough, men were humming that tune all over the place. The next day I'd pick another catchy one and so the summer went. Never did know if the men knew what I was doing or not, but it sure was fun.

Good night all. Sweet dreams, good health and much love.

Thanks again Baldur - can't stop smiling about your musical selections.

3212. 20 Oct 2009 18:04


Can't stop smiling about all of Robin's friends needing diapers too!

3213. 20 Oct 2009 18:48


marius how marvelously evil.
Baldur highly approves of getting songs stuck in peoples heads.
Baldur is also eagerly anticpating getting 2 new cds in the mail, both recorded by people that I chat with on other sites.
Does that make me unfaithful?
One of my friends is Professor Elemental, an English rap/hiphop performer.
A Charming gentleman actually, let me post the recording he is most known for:

3214. 20 Oct 2009 18:52


The second disc is by a new friend, the amazing Veronique Chevalier.
She has assembled an album of gothic polkas, certainly unlike anything hitherto heard before.
It is entitled :
'Polka Haunt Us'

3215. 20 Oct 2009 18:57


There was a time when it never occured to Baldur that he would want a hiphop recording. Admittingly I do own a scant few albums that would be considered rap.
It's difficult to find music in those categories that could be considered genteel, but trust me it exists.
I for one do not enjoy music that refers to woman as b***ches or 'ho's.
Many in those genres suffer from a descent into that type of content,
A pity actually because some of the performers are quite accomplished poets.

3216. 20 Oct 2009 19:13


This is spoken by a man who went to see Patti Page in concert 2 years ago.
She appeared at the stadium theatre in Woonsocket. Her voice is as wonderful as ever.
Who has Baldur seen in concert through the years you ask?

My first concert was in the early 1980s, it was Pat Benatar, Baldur will never get over Olivia Newton John cancelling her own appearance in Providence that year.
Anywhere here is my list

Pat Benatar/Billy Squier loved her, hated him
Leon Redbone, at least a dozen times, love him
BB King, twice, amazing to see live. he makes it look effortless
The B52s, a crazy-fun show
Kim Wilson (known as the frontman of the Fabulous Thunderbirds), he was brilliant
Sugar Ray Norcia, another bluesman, and quite brilliant

3217. 20 Oct 2009 19:17


Patti Page, I was so glad to see her, a great voice
Al Stewart (remember 'Year of the Cat'?) he was quite an accomplished British artist with several well selling albums before he hit the pop charts here, took my very pregnant bride to see him in a small club.
It was well worth get other people's beer spilled on my shoes to hear him sing

3218. 20 Oct 2009 19:20


Billy Ocean, he had a powerful and expressive voice

3219. 20 Oct 2009 19:21


There were possibly a few more, Baldur will try to remember.

3220. 20 Oct 2009 19:27


anywhere -here +ay =anyway