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Forums - General Discussion - Prayer Requests

321. 6 Jan 2010 13:50


Appreciate your prayers indigo and lynn!

Matthew..will pray for Kiki. I have been there and can identify with the overwhelming sense of loss and sadness when this happens. I'll be praying for you and the rest of your family too.

322. 7 Jan 2010 11:07


We're heading back tomorrow to be with family. There was a meeting this morning in regards to putting Dad in palliative care but the Drs. don't think he'll live long enough to make the move. They say that he will die almost immediately if they take him off the morphine. Thanks once again for your prayers and concern. I will visit TD as I is a huge stress relief for me when I'm alone and you are all so kind!

323. 7 Jan 2010 11:28


We're praying with you Hazer, for you and all your loved ones. Have a safe trip. We'll look forward to your return.

324. 7 Jan 2010 11:40


I wish I could offer comfort... May the comforter be with you all now...

325. 7 Jan 2010 12:07


Psalm 3:3-5
...You, O LORD, are a shield for me,
My glory and the One who lifts up my head.
4 I cried to the LORD with my voice,
And He heard me from His holy hill. Selah

5 I lay down and slept;
I awoke, for the LORD sustained me.

Take comfort in the fact that we can cry out to God and he will hear, and he takes the burden, shares the pain and sustains you.

326. 7 Jan 2010 18:43


Amen, polly.

327. 8 Jan 2010 08:07


please pray for solange62 and family reguarding the loss of her husband 3 weeks ago.

328. 8 Jan 2010 10:14


Thanks for placing that here Polly... Will do...

329. 8 Jan 2010 13:32


Wow, i just want all of you to know that i pray for each of you.

330. 12 Jan 2010 07:19


We spent the past 4 days at the hospital with Dad. He is now in the palliative care unit. Thankfully he is not having a lot of pain and is sleeping much of the time. Saturday was his best day while we were there. He told us that he was ready to die and has forgiven all who he felt he had been wronged by over the years and is so grateful for all that is being done for him. Bless his heart! He wants so much for us all to be together in Heaven. I pray especially that one of the daughters who has estranged herself from the family will have a change of heart.
It was very hard to leave knowing the end for him is near. His heart is still strong and he still has the will to live but you can literally see the abdominal mass of tumors growing daily. He has had hardly anything by mouth for almost a month now. It breaks my heart to see a once strong and active man laying so helplessly as the cancer slowly sucks the life from him.
But cancer can only kill the body, it can't kill the soul. We are so grateful for the time we could spend with him.

331. 12 Jan 2010 08:24


Hazer my heart breaks for you, you are in my prayers!

332. 12 Jan 2010 12:43


I am having issues with my computer charger/charger plug-in port, so am not on much at all. A real bummer! Please lift a prayer that I get a job at Kayser-Roth- I am supposed to find out by end of week. Solange & Hazer, will hold you in prayer.

333. 14 Jan 2010 04:58


The family has been asked to decide whether or not to continue Dad's treatment or to remove the IV and allow nature to take it's course. Tough decision any way you look at it. Acidosis is a terrible way to die. We think that he has been living with this for a long, long time. He had symptoms but never mentioned them to the Dr. What scares me is that my husband also has some of these symptoms. The dr. has asked the family permission to perform a limited autopsy to determine where the cancer originated.

Please pray for wisdom and strength for the family as we not only deal with Dad but also with the possibility of a number of others facing this same disorder.

334. 14 Jan 2010 07:03


I feel for you and your family Hazer as my husband and I went
through this with our parents. It's very hard. You are in my

335. 14 Jan 2010 07:30


Thanks indigo! I sense your prayers in my spirit.
I would add more but I have my Down Syndrome client today and he is due at the bowling alley soon. My hubby has been away (driving truck), since we got back from seeing his Dad. It is good for us to keep busy, but so hard to be unable to stay with the rest of the family.

336. 14 Jan 2010 08:36


Mercy, peace, and love be multiplied to you all. please send up a prayer for my family for wisdom to make decisions about what to do and where to go. We are 6 people in a very small 2 bedroom house on the brink of foreclosure and my hubby is having trouble at work. It seems we may have a lot of changes and im concerned about how the children will adjust. Also, i haven't found any work yet and it would be great if i could find something soon.

337. 14 Jan 2010 13:28


Oh polly...that is so stressful! I pray that God will open new doors for your husband in regards to work so that your finances will be brought back in order. I pray that his work will be enough to provide for your family so that you will be able to be there for your children.
Please give updates so we know how best to pray for you and your family.
Take care and God bless.

338. 14 Jan 2010 16:50


Hazer--my thoughts are with you and your family. It is difficult to see a parent's life ebb (as many of us have been through this). Where there is love, though, life prevails as best it can. And I sense a lot of love in your family.

Pollyesther--also thinking of you and your stressful situation. I have sensed for some time that TD was a stress-reducing outlet for you, and I've enjoyed your art a lot. Sending prayers and hope your way.

339. 14 Jan 2010 18:39


I'm praying for you as well.

Please pray for me too, though it doesn't seem so important after reading about every ones struggles, but I would like to ask for safety and strength this weekend. I am going to a karate tournament out of town this weekend, and it is a big one, if I place I will be well into the running for top ten in the world for my age group.

340. 14 Jan 2010 19:45


Travel safely, Nylecoj, and hope you fare well at the karate tournament. How exciting for you to be in the running for world class standing!