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3181. 19 Oct 2009 19:33


Marius has finally reached the place where she can attend Catholic masses, but there is still a sense of heebie jeebies so, it isn't done. However, years ago someone took me to a sweat lodge ceremony with a bunch of Lakota and Cherokee Indians. One thing led to another and I kept going. Spouse says I go to "sweaty church." Indeed it is sweaty. Can't explain why I like it, but it feels like what I always wanted to find in churches but never could. Think it could be related to the small numbers. There are generally only about 8-12 people. THAT is a good number for an introvert. There is singing and drumming and ritual, and the sweating is good for the body. So ... funny how things turn out.

3182. 19 Oct 2009 19:36


Baldur was reminded years later of this sense of community when I took a job cooking for the boarding department in a Quaker School.
It's refreshing to be in a group of genuinely nice people

3183. 19 Oct 2009 19:36


speaking in tongues??? In a Catholic church??? That is astounding. Would have thought that was against everything Catholic. Wow. Learn something new every day. Have always wanted to see, or experience, that. Did Baldur like it? And what did they chant? You know, it wasn't until my Grandmother's funeral, I was 29, that I knew the Rosary was supposed to be a meditation. That's what the priest said. Suddenly it made sense to me.

3184. 19 Oct 2009 19:37


I do love going into Churches, looking at the art, the stained glass. smelling the lingering scent of beeswax and old faint incense.

3185. 19 Oct 2009 19:40


Here is a good synopsis from wikipedia

3186. 19 Oct 2009 19:41


Baldur wrote: "It's refreshing to be in a group of genuinely nice people."
THAT is probably what I like about sweats. Because there are so few people, you get to really know each other and it IS a community. Never had that before. It is a lovely thing indeed.

Know what you mean about Churches. In 1992 there was (might still be) a tiny little church in Vail, CO. It was mulit-denominational. It was situated such that you could look out on the creek. I was at a conference, but skipped away to sneak away to that church many times. Yes to the faint incense, the atmosphere, the serenity!

3187. 19 Oct 2009 19:41


The chant was very informal and often just endless rounds of 'Hallelujah' but it is mesmerizing. It would be sung in different voices literally for hours while people held hands.

3188. 19 Oct 2009 19:45


Baldur will sometimes pull out a recording of JS Bach's motets, just for the serenity.
I cannot picture such a religious community as the evil nuns of St A. existing in the same world as a Bach motet

3189. 19 Oct 2009 19:50


Haven't listened to JS motets in eons. Should do that. Meanwhile ... ahhh Baldur, thanks so much for this talk tonight! The mention of school days, mounds of homework, evil nuns and Catholic hippies, architecture, artwork, and thinking of the fragrances of frankincense and myrrh (which I burn on occasion) has thoroughly delighted and charmed. Thoroughly!

Alas and anon ... dreams are calling. Bet I'll dream of being in Church and hearing Gregorian chant and feeling great peace.

Sweet dreams to all. And ... will look forward to the spaghetti story.

3190. 19 Oct 2009 19:55


Goodnight marius.
Baldur should also head off to bed.
Tuesday we go to le Spoon Greasee for breakfast, it's best to sleep well before braving that.

'All Baldur, All the Time'

3191. 20 Oct 2009 04:39


So, how greasy is that resturaunt? Better get a few midnight snacks.

3192. 20 Oct 2009 09:35


This is a very unsanitary looking little diner that serves the most evil coffee that Baldur has ever encountered.
The waitress always plopped a mug of the stuff down in front of me the second I took a seat. I just could not handle the stuff, once even attempted adding maple syrup to make it palatable.
Finally Baldur managed to get her to bring me a diet coke instead, now she arrives with that instead. In this instance the chemical laden beverage seems safer.
There are very few things there that seem edible. They destroy eggs.
Baldur doesn't eat meat. The homefried potatoes are OK if you add ketchup and lots of black pepper. English muffins aren't bad either if you can convince them that you do not want them to smear 8 ounces of yellow grease on top of them after they are grilled.
I think it's meant to be margarine, but it is quite nasty.

Baldur has refused to touch margarine or shortening for some time. It seems more related to latex paint than any food. I use butter, but in extremely minute quantities. Generally at home for things like toast I'll just spread some fruit preserves on it.
Today I had the homefries and French toast, they weren't bad.

3193. 20 Oct 2009 10:03


Going back to what marius said about the sweat lodge "Can't explain why I like it, but it feels like what I always wanted to find in churches but never could."
I found that such a wonderful thing to say. I'm not religious or a church goer but I think that's exactly how everyone should feel about their church of choice. I think so many people keep going to a particular church because they were raised with it and/or they feel they have an obligation to do it. I think church should be a place where you can commune with your God (whichever one it may be) and feel like you are spiritually a part of a community or group.
I've known far too many people who think they can cheat, steal, lie and generally screw you over but it's okay cause they go to church so they're worth more than you and are assured of entry into heaven. My personal belief is that if you live a good life and are good to others you're heaven bound whether you go to church or not.

3194. 20 Oct 2009 10:12


So, Baldur, how was breakfast at "le Spoon Greasee?" The spouse also likes that place, but here it's called Nellie-Belles.

Today has been sublime. First I awoke hearing pretty church music in remnants of a dream. Love when that happens - last thing at night becomes first thing in the morning! Then, marius noticed something unusual as of late: utter and complete silence.

So, yesterday's talk with new neighbors (about their dog that yapped 45 non-stop minutes) worked?

With no dog in sight, the cats were harnessed and we headed out back. While felines did feline things, marius cleared and trimmed iris and day lily patches. It was especially delightful as the temp, breezes and sun were perfect for bare feet! Probably last day for that.

And, spouse will be shocked when he comes home as marius put all trimmings in the garden. This is very un-marius-like. Generally I prefer a day of trimming and weeding, then a day of cleaning up. Spouse wants it done in one day because he does not like looking at piles of trimmed things all over the yard. He says, "Why can't you just clean it up now?" I smile and say, "Because it's not the way I work."

For some reason now I'm thinking about Catholic schools and spaghetti.

3195. 20 Oct 2009 10:22


How funny - last post was maddyjeans - then I post and Baldur has already answered my question! Is it ESP? (giggling)

Dragon ... you get it! I don't tell many about attending "sweaty church" because most don't know what it is, and the ones who know find it confusing. I'm probably not good at explaining it, but gee whiz - you just explained it for me, and you did it using my own words! Thanks for that. It's making me laugh!

3196. 20 Oct 2009 10:42


Baldur, I've been kind of busy lately. It's true. I've finally had my two dental implants and now it's time to wait for six months. I've got titanium in my body. Hooooooray!!! Is this something to cheer????? LOL
And now we're having another problem at home. It seems there is a leak in our plumbing that goes to the downstairs neighbor. I'm SO HAPPY (irony, irony, irony!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Trouble is always present in our lives. One problem goes away and another comes up.

3197. 20 Oct 2009 11:47


My personal belief is you can be a good as good can be, but without Jesus you go to hell... Because even the best of us are sinners. There is no such thing as a "minor" sin... Sin is Sin... therefore we all suck eggs

Church is not a requirement to go to heaven, but a good place to learn good values & biblical knowledge...

(Not trying to convert just sharing my own reality)...

3198. 20 Oct 2009 12:12


How are you feeling matthew?
You obviously are still with us in the 'here & now'.
Now on to the theoligical question...
So the billions of non-Christians are automatically damned?
Even the fervent believers of their own creeds?
How sad for them.....
How sad for us that heaven is so homogenized

3199. 20 Oct 2009 12:13


What is Baldur including himself in the blanket term: 'us'.
I don't think I can meet the heaven criteria

3200. 20 Oct 2009 14:36


Well, I'll be damned.