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3101. 18 Oct 2009 11:49


Let Baldur expound (+.25 points) upon that last bit, solosater.

If you have congestion don't drink milk or eat dairy products at all, they make things worse.

3102. 18 Oct 2009 12:28


Matthew, I have to say that the symptoms you described sound more like the flu than a cold. And thet fact that your lungs are still so congested indicates you might have walking pneumonia. All of those remedies may help some of your symptoms, but if you have a pneumonia, you MUST get antibiotics. I really think you should see a doctor, to be honest. Doesn't matter if you go see one before or after the hot toddy, though.

3103. 18 Oct 2009 12:36


I agree with you though there has been studies that "prove" us both wrong. I like to add cream to my hot tea on most days though and when I'm sick I add lemon but never together!

Hot whiskied (?) black tea with cream and sugar is fabulous any time it's cool and I'm not driving but no I do not drink dairy when I'm sick or congested.

I also add whiskey to my iced tea occasionally, it's quite nice on a hot day and not as sweet as some other so called "refreshing" beverages. Am I crazy or is it a fact that if it makes you thirsty (margaritas, wine coolers, flavored beer etc) it isn't refreshing at all?

3104. 18 Oct 2009 12:38


That was directed toward Baldur's last but I also agree with Robin. I assumed a doctor's visit. Certainly see a doctor if you haven't matthew!

3105. 18 Oct 2009 12:53


To Baldur's tastebuds any Whiskey, and this includes Scotch under the same umbrella coverage tastes 'salty'
I do realize there is no sodium whatsoever but it registers in my mouth that way. It indeed makes me thirsty.
Something in me suspects this is where the concept of a 'chaser' comes from.
There are those who have argued the point with me endlessly that this simply cannot be. Usually these same people who find no soapiness in the taste of cilantro so of course their opinions remain suspect.

3106. 18 Oct 2009 12:56


I am not fond of cilantro, if the cook in the restaurant can be dissuaded from sprinkling chopped masses of it on top of my enchiladas Baldur is grateful.
It doesn't disturb me if it is mixed into something any more, though it used to. Perhaps my tolerance level has changed.

3107. 18 Oct 2009 13:03


But to return to Scotch...
I have been trying to learn to appreciate single malt Scotch this past year, and as of yet my tastebuds remain largely unlargely uneducated.
Baldur purchased, upon suggestion of one who enjoys Scotch a bottle of Dalwhinnie Single Malt. He claimed it to be one of the 'simpler' ones.
Periodically, on a quiet evening in front of the fireplace I take a wee glass.
It should take me another year to finish this bottle.

3108. 18 Oct 2009 13:05


It is not as easy to drink as Jack Daniels, I can certainly say that at this point.

3109. 18 Oct 2009 13:22


Mix in Vodka. That might help. Vodka is surprisingly delicious.

3110. 18 Oct 2009 13:44


maddyjean, your profile states that you are 10 years old.
Stay away from alcohol.

3111. 18 Oct 2009 14:07


I can certainly understand not liking a salty flavor. Cilantro is quite soapy, I thought I was the only one to notice!

I only like vodka in frozen fruit drinks as it is a great carrier and doesn't mask the flavor, I don't think it adds much to any thing aside from a buzz. I used to drink a lot of tequila but find it a little strong for me now, I'm not a fan of margaritas and tequila shots are really only for getting smashed, I don't sip at anything. I love a good mojito with a light rum but whiskey is the easiest thing for me to drink if I need a little slow down and relax time. I like Kahlua, Tia Maria, and Bailey's but whiskey is easy and never to sweet.

I was 23 before I ordered my first drink, my father was an alcoholic and there is quite a lot of addiction in my family. I think it was quite a smart thing to not make alcohol a taboo in the house. That is not to say I agree in any way with under age drinking or with drinking to excess at any age. I think there is a fine line for parents to walk in this regard but I think a smart girl like maddyjean will know better all on her own than to get caught up in drugs and alcohol, I did. There is nothing glamorous about being drunk or high, in fact it is a sad state of being to be avoided.

But yes maddy, do please stay away from alcohol!

3112. 18 Oct 2009 14:22


I have an obstinate palate that refuses to be educated. I believe it is because I see no point in consuming anything I don't already enjoy. Why would I want to become used to drinking a more expensive drink when I'm happy drinking Jack? I feel the same way about snails, fish eggs and most wine.

I stopped a woman at the shoe store yesterday to ask about her purse. She had a Louis Vuitton and I wanted to know if the company made any thing at all in a leather that was not branded all over in their trademark. She said she didn't believe so. I asked why she wanted to carry a bag with someone else's name on it and got a reasonably good answer. She said she liked the quality and knew it would last her forever. She also said she believed that when people buy a Louis Vuitton they wanted people to know it. I was refreshed by her honesty.

I may be sadly out of fashion to say so but I cannot see why I would want to spend thousands of dollars on a bag with someone else's name on it. I have a favorite purse I carry made of fine leather that will likely last me decades if I don't tire of it first, I do believe it cost all of forty dollars. I see no reason to "educate" my palate so other people will see me drinking a better vintage or a higher costing whiskey. I know that makes me sound like a Neanderthal but I am what I am.

3113. 18 Oct 2009 14:28


That is not intended as a critique on your own way, I just have felt that way forever.

Also when it comes to whiskey I can enjoy a fine single malt I just don't have to have a fine single malt to enjoy it.

And if someone gave me a Louis Viutton bag, I'd sell it on ebay and pay off some bills. Perhaps I could paint over the branding? I really do find them ugly!

Lightning may strike me down.

3114. 18 Oct 2009 15:52


All of this is wonderful to read ... the soapy taste of cilantro (gag), whiskey and scotch etc.!

Baldur, am charmed by the way you use dental floss. What a delightful story, and hey, idea too!

The Basque wedding?
Tthe Basque guy you were supposed to maybe meet?
Did I have the wrong Saturday for this and you haven't gone yet?

3115. 18 Oct 2009 16:27


Robin, a while back you mentioned a strong dislike of beets ... did you know there is a beet allergy? You could claim to have that!

And, since you are a nurse, can you explain why people do not understand food issues and their relationship to taste buds? It has always bothered me the way some parents force their kids to eat things that the kids are clearly having trouble eating. Whenever I've witnessed such a scene I think of a PBS show I saw a few years back.

In that show they explained how taste buds work. They said that "super-tasters" are people who have way more taste buds than most folks. Because of this, super-tasters pick up way more tastes than your average person and because of that, super-tasters are the ones we call picky eaters. They also said that people can eat incredibly spicy foods because they don't have many spicy-hot taste buds, whereas I must have a gigantic number because hot taco sauce, foods of that sort, make my entire tongue aflame with numbness. Not pleasant.

3116. 18 Oct 2009 16:50


maddyjean, how old are you?? No alcohol at 10!!

Robin, I hate beets!! Don't want to say what they do to me, but a great dislike for them!! Growing up my mom always served canned peas, and I would hide them in my other foods. Then she would make me sit there to finish them till they came back up!! After that she didn't force them. But, when I married my husband, someone gave us fresh from their garden, peas. I cooked them for him and guess what?? I love fresh peas!! But, still hate beets!!

3117. 18 Oct 2009 17:01


Baldur is allergic to having other people's names on my clothing.
I remember horrifying people pack in the 1970s by cutting the little 'Levi's' tag off of the back pocket of my denim jeans.
I took to wear Levi 501 jeans frankly because they fit me well. Having tried other brands and even other Levi 'numbers' I still remain true to 501s.
Without getting too graphic Baldur can state that he does not require a lot of fabric in the construction of the seat of his trousers. Most are un-necessarily baggy. 501s seem to have the proper amount there for my build.
'Wranglers' I find uncomfortable.
Baldur also wishes all trousers had a buttonfly rather than a zipper.
I have no idea why it shouldn't be so, is there a huge zipper lobby out there?

3118. 18 Oct 2009 17:02


wear +ing =wearing

3119. 18 Oct 2009 17:06


Here's a super-taster's test. It says I am one, but think I'm at low end.

Bal dur and solo, spouse and I have sworn to not advertise for any company without compensation! If you want me to wear a shirt, carry a purse, or whatever with your logo on it then ... you have to PAY me! If say, you gave me a purse with a logo for free - I might use it, but would probably sell it like solo and use the $$ for something I really want.

3120. 18 Oct 2009 17:07


-Bal dur +Baldur (tee hee hee)