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Forums - Community - the anti-matthew Club

301. 31 Oct 2009 06:07


Just so you know, Matthew is me... Me, Matthew... Who would have ever known... lol

302. 31 Oct 2009 06:13


matthew, it is YOUR decision on whether to remove the picture. Again, WWJD?

303. 31 Oct 2009 06:16


hmmm... I am obviously missing something... perhaps after coffee I will get it...

304. 31 Oct 2009 06:22


Come on matthew, I know you read all the comments & pleas from several. If the pic bothers KM (obviously!) why not just remove it? It is our job as christians to remove stumbling blocks, is it not?

305. 31 Oct 2009 06:25


I am just trying to maintain a little peace. I am not going to point blame at either side here. I happen to like ALL you guys!

306. 31 Oct 2009 06:47


Needless to say, this all irritates me... I never claimed to be Jesus or anything close... I am a stank sinner...

That said, I will delete the beloved pic & I vow not to mention her or respond to anything that involves her from this moment on... I would ask that the AMC do the same for me...

307. 31 Oct 2009 09:21


Thank you matthew. JC is what we strive for, but NEVER reach. Just returned from the funeral of a dear friend that took his own life. Nearly 200 people there whose lives his life had touched. God is good ALL THE TIME!

308. 31 Oct 2009 09:22


& please don't be irritated matthew. Just be blessed!

309. 31 Oct 2009 09:33


Proud of you Matthew. Bless you.

310. 31 Oct 2009 09:56


Yeah, km doesn't have to bug you, or you bug her!

311. 9 Apr 2010 09:15


Nearly 2 artless months... I do so hate this funk... The AMC must be in heaven...

Anyone notice the "she who must not be named" reappeared when I disappeared??? Perhaps we are us or us are we???

312. 9 Apr 2010 13:49


Oh it's been so nice and drama free since the nameless yellow blob left, I'm hoping for a continued disappearance on her part. I'll take a whole lot of matthew over that foolishness any day!

313. 9 Apr 2010 13:59


I must be missing something too. What happened Matthew? I read somewhere (this forum is really sort of a maze) that you gave up smoking. Glad you did, but I still don't understand how this keeps you from drawing...Whatever the problem is (I must be missing a piece of this puzzle, that's sure), I hope you'll overcome it and draw again.