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Forums - Community - For those who like to know about other cultures

301. 25 Oct 2009 10:23


Had to comment on Heinz 57. We use it frequently up here to refer to dogs of mixed breed. I once asked a woman what breed her dog was and she told me very seriously that it was a pure bred German breed called a Heinz. She honestly believed that she had a pure bred dog. I almost felt bad telling her what that actually meant (but my co-workers and I got a good laugh later)

302. 25 Oct 2009 10:29


Here is a southern term that had me ROFL the 1st time i heard it...

"A TATER CHUCK"= just up the road...(farther than "yonder" but not as "a piece"

303. 25 Oct 2009 10:29



304. 25 Oct 2009 10:30


Younz is one syllable. I am familiar with some Missouri terms as my mother was born and raised there. She lived in a place called Dori ( actually Dora) near Hodgsons Mill.

305. 25 Oct 2009 10:32


Also, when I visit relatives in the southwest I find myself picking up there way of speaking very easily.

306. 25 Oct 2009 10:51


My mother's family was from eastern Kentucky. They have a language all their own. Example:
Hollar=Valley - It's across the hollar.
Exclaimation of suprise: GeeeeeOO
All types of soda are a Coke.
If someone is pretty, their picture should be on the "backs of magazines"
All one syllable words become at 2.

After we leave there, we are all talking "mountain"

307. 25 Oct 2009 11:21


Today is elections day in Uruguay . If no one has 50% plus one of the votes there will be a second round or "ballotage" in November. There is more information in Channel Baldur number 3349

308. 25 Oct 2009 11:25


Vote 4 Matthew... Although I would rather be KING...

309. 25 Oct 2009 14:23


In post #264 I made a big blunder ... I said Sheryl Crow (XFactor) has a geordie accent. I should have said Cheryl Cole (XFactor) has a Geordie accent. My apologies to both of these ladies.

310. 26 Oct 2009 07:55


No party got 50% so there is a second round for president at the end of November.
It's true it's CARNIVAL (and rationally it shouldn't be) but Uruguayans are very political and I hope people on Think Draw could learn something about Uruguayan people and our characteristics.

311. 26 Oct 2009 09:45


In Canada if no party gets at least 50% of the votes then the party with the most votes leads a minority government. They have to work closely with the other parties because if they decide they don't like what the lead party is doing they can band together and force a new election. We've had a minority gov't for the past few years and have gone to the polls twice in the last 3 years. We'll probably be going back this coming year again. I think I like Uraguay's method better.

312. 26 Oct 2009 09:45


-a +u = Uruguay's

313. 26 Oct 2009 11:36


So I'm not king???

314. 26 Oct 2009 11:58


No matthew, you're still not king (LOL).

polenta, what happens if the situation continues ... who is governing the country?

315. 26 Oct 2009 14:08


In the second round it's the number of votes of candidate one versus the number of votes of candidate two. No percentage is necessary.
Even if the difference is only one vote, the candidate with more votes becomes the president.

316. 26 Oct 2009 14:11


Matthew, maybe if you ran for office you could get twenty or thirty votes.
There was a famous crazy candidate in the forties who promised crazy things such as:
milk will come out of every faucet,
all the streets would always go down and never up (less effort) etc.
His name was Tortorelli and he incredibly got something like 40 votes including his own and his wife's.
You could be the second Tortorelli Matthew.

317. 26 Oct 2009 14:17


Uruguayans are very political and for the answers I got, I guess there are no such CARAVANAS or motorcades in other countries. Another thing is that cars have stickers on their windows and many private houses decorate their windows or doors with signs of their favorite political party. I would say that no less than 10% to 20% of the cars or houses are decorated. Sorry, but I found no images on the Internet to show you. Here it's spring so the weather is nice and it's fun to go out with flags, signs etc.

318. 26 Oct 2009 15:10


During an election up here a lot of people will put signs up on their lawns and the politicians can put up large signs on public property. These signs must be removed within 24 hours after the election or they can be fined.
Our party members will have a few rallies where their supporters will come out and cheer them on and hear their campain promises. No caravans though.

319. 26 Oct 2009 16:47


Well, what they do there Dragon is what should be done. They CLEAN. I don't care that they put up signs etc.... but it takes quite a long time to clean everything up here.
Different societies have different elections customs. I had thought caravans or motorcades were not so common elsewhere. They could bother some people but it's once every five years..... Thanks to Think Draw and the Internet, we learn things about what happens in Boise for example or anywhere on this, our planet Earth. I think it's very interesting.

320. 26 Oct 2009 16:54


You have to take down signs twenty-four hours before the elections? I agree with polenta, Think Draw does have a lot of advantages. Being ten does not.