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Forums - General Discussion - Prayer Requests

301. 31 Dec 2009 13:40


Exactly, dragon you completely understood me.
My theory is correct (i think) but still, people HAVE to be there for you for you to get through grieving. Understanding, and being there are different, but you guys are completely there for me, and it makes it that much easier. Me and my friends are all staying at my house for the next week until school... since allies funeral service... It's good to have all the support and stuff...

302. 31 Dec 2009 21:34


Anyone out there??

303. 1 Jan 2010 07:45



304. 1 Jan 2010 08:06


Hi Tater. It is kind of a slow day, I guess, with it being New Year's day. How are you today?

305. 1 Jan 2010 08:42


Good. Me and my friends stayed up and watched New Years at the Needle. Thats where they fire off fireworks off the spaceneedle. Pretty cool!
In Australia, on the day of new years they eat a Jelly Doughnut, just for fun we do it every year too!

I just wish i could of shared it with Kayla and Allie.

306. 1 Jan 2010 14:03


Check out my new forum, quitting.

307. 1 Jan 2010 16:52


Tater, glad you are with your friends during these trying times. Went to your "quitting" forum. Sad to see you go. Wish you might reconsider and stay.

308. 4 Jan 2010 12:18


I want to thank those of you who prayed for safety on our trip to see family. On our way back home we had car trouble. This is how God answers prayer...
We were about an hour and a half away from home, driving at night, when the car battery began to die. If you know anything about the Canadian prairies you'll know it gets COLD, and towns can be far apart.
We made it to the nearest town, driving without headlights, before our vehicle stalled completely.
I happen to have a cousin living in that town so we called him and he was able to come and give us a boost. We set out again, and again the battery lost power, but we were able to get into a well lit but closed for the night service station. From there we were able to call another one of my relatives who lives in our hometown to come and rescue us.
The temperature had been minus 28 Celsius when our battery started to die, but as we limped along we temperature seemed to be rising the closer we got to home. We waited in our vehicle for almost an hour, and had it been -28, we would have frozen stiff!
But we made it home safe and sound and have gotten our vehicle to the garage for repair! God is good!

309. 4 Jan 2010 12:32


In regards to my father-in-law....we were finally able to convince him that he needed to be back in the hospital. We quickly called an ambulance before he could change his mind and they sent their biggest burliest guys out. They had him packed up and out the door in less than 15 minutes. They had him hooked up to a saline drip before he left the house because he was so very dehydrated. Apparently, he started to perk up almost immediately and they had him laughing at their jokes by the time they got to the hospital! Hopefully they can keep him there for awhile so Mom can get some much needed rest!

310. 4 Jan 2010 16:39


Hazer, glad you finally made it home safely! And, what great news about your father-in-law! Yippee! Thanks for letting us know.

311. 4 Jan 2010 16:50


Goodness, Hazer--what a trip you had! Glad your father-in-law is faring much better, and that you got home safely.

312. 5 Jan 2010 18:22


An update for everyone:

God is so good! Carrie (Kevin's sister who has been in and out of the hospital recently with seizures) seems to be doing really well. They ended up diagnosing her with acid reflux... I know, crazy! So she had acid reflux which made her vomit, so she wasn't able to keep her anti-seizure medication down, so she would seize. So she's on Prilosec and Tums and doing great now. It's like an episode of "House". Thank you so much for praying for her recovery... Kevin and I are very glad the doctors were able to figure out what was going on and treat it.

Kevin's job has been going great. He just got a performance bonus for all the good work he has been doing. And he actually likes his job for the most part which is a huge blessing after being let go from his other job that he hated and then out of work for three months.

I applied to the Marriage and Family Therapy in Counseling graduate program and got in! I'm so excited! I've been wanting to go back to get a Master's in Counseling for a couple of years now but the doors never really opened for me. I definitely feel like 2010 has started off nicely and pray that the rest of this year continues to bring blessings.

I have to apologize for not being on here very often... things have been so busy. With getting married, Carrie's problems, moving, applying to grad school, and the holidays, I haven't had much time for anything else.

Taters, I'm so sorry about your friend. That sucks... there is no better way to say it. Being a Christian should give you hope though. Just think how happy she is to be with Jesus, where there is no more pain or suffering. Though she is not here physically anymore, I do believe we get visits from those who have passed on in a slight breeze, in a sunset, or even in our dreams. She will be with you again. Hopefully, this comforts you.

313. 5 Jan 2010 19:52


Glad to hear things are working out for you cutegrl.

An update to my prayer request regarding my father-in-law... We now have a diagnosis. Apparently he is suffering from acidosis. From what I've been able to research this would account for most of his symptoms. He is very weak and not able to tolerate some of the testing they are trying to do, but at least he's not demanding to go home. We don't know yet if they will be able to treat him or if there are any underlying issues that aren't showing up yet.
Please continue to pray for wisdom for the doctors and nurses, as well as patience for Dad.
Will give updates as we hear more. Thanks so much for your prayers.

314. 5 Jan 2010 19:55


So glad to hear that Carrie is doing well=) Glad to hear all the good news...Congratulations on getting into grad school!

315. 5 Jan 2010 20:03


Hazor, thank you for the update... God bless your family.

316. 6 Jan 2010 04:55


Thanks polly!

317. 6 Jan 2010 09:58


More bad news today....Dad has cancer. The family has been called to the hospital and we are too far away to go, so are waiting to hear if they are able to treat him or not. Very emotional time for the family and I am so glad that we made the trip out to see him when we did!

318. 6 Jan 2010 11:23


Oh Hazer, so sorry to hear this! Prayers go out to you and
your's a very tough time....

319. 6 Jan 2010 11:58


So sorry Hazer! Will keep your family in my prayers.

320. 6 Jan 2010 12:46


My daughter in law miscarried My 5 year old calls her Kiki... So say a prayer for Kiki...