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2981. 14 Oct 2009 14:53


Baldur, or any computer guru, I remember you talking about cookies being disabled when you had to keep logging into thinkdraw. I no longer have that problem with thinkdraw, but am having the problem with a couple of other programs. One won't let me log in at all. My question is this: "How do I ENABLE cookies?"

2982. 14 Oct 2009 14:58


That's beyond my ability to help with Robin, I would lose my membership in the FOSSIL (Federation Of Seriously & Sadly Incapable Luddites).
Somewhere here would have a better grasp of this than I do.

2983. 14 Oct 2009 16:36


Somebody mentioned jigsaw puzzles somewhere in all that talk of Canada. DKM Online Games has a great jigsaw game. It's a satellite image of the globe you can reposition anywhere in the world and zoom in to pretty close range. You can search specific locales (though for some reason mine is not searching today so I don't know if Banff National Park is a good Puzzle or not). It is an aerial picture so not a traditional landscape but there are so truly amazing sights from above.

I've done different parts of the Nazca lines in Peru, sand dunes in the Arizona/California desert, some great stuff just below Barrow, Alaska and the Richat Structure in Africa just to name a very few.

Check it out. is the main site is the Jigsaw World page

2984. 14 Oct 2009 18:10


Somewhere -where +one =Someone

2985. 14 Oct 2009 18:12


Baldur had fun doing his recent matthew drawing, I imagined what it would be like if we happened to be out shopping together.
It seems oddly quiet with matthew absenting himself for long periods of time

2986. 14 Oct 2009 18:13


2987. 14 Oct 2009 18:46


Baldur thought this evening's borscht was quite splendid.
Since Robert needed boiled rice to go with his chili (from a can dear Lord). I made a bit extra.
Tomorrow I am planning on making rice pudding.

2988. 14 Oct 2009 18:51


Rice pudding is one of the easiest desserts.
You place the boiled rice in a double boiler and pour milk over it.
You cook it until the milk has been totally absorbed and then you add more milk and repeat the process.
Baldur actually uses Rice milk instead of critter milk.
By the time the second quantity of milk is absorbed the rice has become quite soft and creamy.
Then you can add a small amount of sugar, a splash of vanilla extract and some Nutmeg and/or Cinnamon. If you are adding raisins you should also do that at the very end. Otherwise they color the whole pudding a beige tone.
What's an interesting change from raisins, especially if served warm is to add sliced ripe bananas and a splash of rum. You might also use brown sugar rather than white in that instance.

2989. 14 Oct 2009 18:57


Rum yes, bananas no. At least for Dragon. (Dragons do not like bananas. They do like brown sugar, rum and rice pudding though, in any particular combination those are three things the world should never have to do without)

2990. 14 Oct 2009 19:00


Then you should also stir some softened butter into the pudding while you are at it.

2991. 14 Oct 2009 19:02


You could also mince some crystallized ginger very finely for flavor, or add some crushed pineapple (Baldur cannot handle pineapple)

2992. 14 Oct 2009 19:03


Now that's gotten me thinking.
Baldur hasn't made tapioca in the longest time. I love that too.

2993. 14 Oct 2009 19:05


Breakfast this morning was rather inspired.
I had a bit of leftover scallopped potatoes from the previous night.
They were reheated and used as a filling for omelets. Had I any cheddar in the house it would have also gone well inside them.
In any event they were marvelous omelets.

2994. 14 Oct 2009 19:06


I was recently given a home grown Spaghetti Squash and was at a loss for what to do with it. Looked up lots of recipes online but nothing was terribly appealing so I went to my mom's old standard for butternut squash. I cut it in half and cleaned out the seeds then smothered the inside with brown sugar and margarine then threw them in the oven at 350 for about 45 minutes I think. This being the first time I'd ever made it I was unsure of what the margarine to brown sugar ratio should be and I overdid it a little on the marg side. They turned out extra yummy though, next time I'll use less margarine but the same amount of sugar.

2995. 14 Oct 2009 19:07


Wow, Baldur has the fastest typing fingers in the east! My last post was in response to his about adding butter.

2996. 14 Oct 2009 19:08


Baldur wasn't expecting to make breakfast this morning. Robert was to have gone out to le Spoon Greasee, but decided against it.
We were there yesterday and he forgot his hat in the restaurant.
I expected him to go today and retrieve it, saving me the trouble of making breakfast.
Toast would have been adequate for me.

2997. 14 Oct 2009 19:09


Dragon also loves tapioca. The bigger the tapioca's the better.
Omelettes on the other hand are not a favorite simply because I'm not a big fan of eggs. My omelettes tend to have only enough egg in them to still be technically called omelettes. I think the egg is just what keeps the good stuff together.

2998. 14 Oct 2009 19:14


next time try cutting the spaghetti squash in half, removing the seeds and placing the halves cut side down in a baking dish.
Add a half inch of water to the dish and bake until the squash feels soft if you press down on it.
In a skillet toss some olive oil and smashed garlic and heat until fragrant
add any of the following:
diced ripe tomato
black olives
artichoke hearts
roasted red peppers
torn basil leaves
etc, and just cook briefly until warmed through.
Using a big spoon scrape the spaghettiish (+4 points) strands from the squash into a large bowl and top with the heated seasonings.
Add grated cheese and serve.

2999. 14 Oct 2009 19:16


Baldur is not overly fond of sweetened squash served as a vegetable.
I do love it baked into a pie or whipped into a mousse for dessert.

3000. 14 Oct 2009 19:16


Mmmmmm, just thinking of this makes my mouth water. I gonna post this to Robin's recipe thread so I can find it later.