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2801. 8 Oct 2009 12:23


Yes, matthew, marius is a smart-ass. But seriously, I do feel bad for Baldur's last bead problem. Things like that can be upsetting, so it IS entirely possible that if I had a guitar, it would weep for Baldur, but not for fabio! He's not my type. (Sorry if that shocks any of the female readers, but truly, I never got the thrills he brought to women.)

Dragon, sorry about all the chicken bones. I'd think this would be some kind of vandalism violation. Yes, you can't serve papers on crows or seagulls, but it isn't their fault. The bar (and I've worked at some in a previous life) should be told and held acccountable. Period!

2802. 8 Oct 2009 13:03


Marius, I did indeed notice my name in the cryptogram, and so did my son! He was just as excited and flattered by it as I was! I'm embarrassed that I failed to mention it to you earlier. And, by the way, I agree with you about Fabio. He's so masculine, he's almost feminine, if that makes any sense. Methinks he is more Baldur's type than mine! LOL

Dragon, has anyone tried going to the bar and explaining the dilemma to them? They might have just never given that a thought and it might be a simple fix to just talk to them. Most people like animals and wouldn't want to be party to endangering them. Of course, it could be homeless people who are getting in there after the bar is closed. Then the solution wouldn't be so easy. Or, if they are just jerks, maybe there is some kind of city ordinance regarding the dumpster or even just littering. Then you could complain to the cops or to the city. I don't know, I'm just throwing out suggestions.

2803. 8 Oct 2009 13:14


Heavens Robin, Fabio is not even close to my type.
Think more along the lines of Wilford Brimley.

2804. 8 Oct 2009 13:16


Sebastion Cabot would be on that list too.
That redheaded cable guy on the FIOS commercials isn't bad if I were looking for younger.
Baldur dreads to think where this line of thought is headed.

2805. 8 Oct 2009 14:26


You Robin, I hadn't thought of it but it probably is the homeless guys. We've had a sudden increase in them lately and they're always going through the dumpsters. Both problems started at pretty much the same time. We never had trouble before so it's probably not the bars fault.

2806. 8 Oct 2009 15:03


Ah, Baldur, you have restored my faith in your impeccable taste! I, too, prefer a Wilford Brimley type! Although, just because he's not YOUR type, does not mean that YOU are not Fabio's type!

Dragon, it still might be worth asking the bar owners about it. They may be willing to put a lock on the dumpster or something to curb the problem. I'm just thinking that if I owned a bar, and my veterinarian neighbor brought my attention to such a problem, I would want to do what I could to resolve it, especially when you think animals are put in danger because of it.

But those poor homeless people. Imagine eating someone else's scraps from a dumpster?? ewwww! I live a lucky life!

2807. 8 Oct 2009 17:31


In my last post I meant to write You have a good point Robin, not You Robin. Hehe. Actually I've thought we should go over and ask the bar owners or staff about that. They've always been good to us and other than their patrons parking in our lot (which isn't really a big deal as it's after our business hours and they're usually gone by the next morning) we've never had any problems with them before. Diplomacy is usually the way to go isn't it. It makes for much better neighbour relationships anyways.

2808. 8 Oct 2009 17:33


Baldur, I must say I'm not in the least bit shocked about Fabio not being your type. He always seemed like too much of a pretty boy for me. Wilford Brimley was a bit of a surprise though. I always think of him as kind of a crotchety old fart.

2809. 8 Oct 2009 17:49


Dragon - made the jalapeno cornbread. It was quite good. THanks for sharing. There are NO left overs. And funniest thing - can't ever remember baking something that pretty much only serves two!! The strange thing was that neither of us could taste the jalapeno or cheese flavors. Maybe should have gone for the "super-hot" cheese, or else added some jalapeno's. Still, was good. Thanks again.

2810. 8 Oct 2009 17:57


Baldur ... Wilford Brimley? I love that guy (well, as an actor).

Okay, I am not the type who moans over hollywood stars, musicians etc., but if *forced* to pick a favorite, it's Alan Rickman. Adore his acting and most of the projects he chooses. The Brad Pitts and George Clooney's do nothing for me, although I can recognize they are handsome in their own ways. Have a friend who is ga ga over Bill Clinton. I do not find him even the tiniest bit appealing and it's not because of politics. Guess it's good we're all different.

Anyone else going to share on this topic? Oh, I also like Gregory Peck. Think I have a thing about voices. : )

2811. 8 Oct 2009 18:08


Okay ... the cat is out of the bag. A long time ago I wanted a picture of mine out of the top of the showcase. Yes, I did. So, I created "jester" and got that picture voted down. What relief. Voted down another of mine too.

Lately haven't felt like drawing, or commenting. Finally decided I want to vote, but don't feel much like commenting. However, Jester could be so rude as to vote and not comment. (If you are confused, try living in my head. Slopes off into a corner now - that is courtesy of Sheftali, I think.)

You are right Snickerdoodle, too confusing to have more than one identity.

2812. 8 Oct 2009 18:16


jester, I made an effort to think of someone recognizable to a majority of people. It might have been different had Baldur mentioned Nicol Williamson, Barry Moser, Edmund Gwenn, Howard E. Rollins Jr, John Rhys Davies...........

2813. 8 Oct 2009 18:17


Baldur prays there is no 'Fabio' on this site, if there is do not assume it's me.

2814. 8 Oct 2009 18:19


jester, er ... marius, does not recognize ANY of those names. Are they movie actors, musicians? Must I google them to find out? Are they still alive?

2815. 8 Oct 2009 18:22


Found this at one site:

"Barry Moser is a big bear of a man with a full white beard and the Tennessee accent of a Bible Belt preacher (which at age 19, is what he was). He is also an extraordinary bookman, one of the world’s great book designers and illustrators. Added to that, he is a virtuoso wood engraver, a painter, a designer, a publisher, an author, and a frequent lecturer on the art of the book."

2816. 8 Oct 2009 18:26


.......Alex Karras, Jim Brown, Theodore Roosevelt, Ernest Hemingway,
Claude Monet, Ulysses S Grant........

2817. 8 Oct 2009 18:27


Oh, sorry, Baldur got carried away.
Or perhaps should get carried away.

2818. 8 Oct 2009 18:29


So, here's the curiosity question. Do Baldur, or others here, go for one particular look and build? It seems that Baldur does. Yes?

I'm not sure exactly what attracts me, but it isn't one type of look. One favorite boyfriend was 5'6", very dark and slender. Many of the men at the Conservatory of Music we attended assumed he was gay. He wasn't. Another boyfriend was 5'9" and blond with a thickish build. Another was bearish - as in Baldur type look. Spouse is 6'4" and rather a beanpole and kind of "bookish" looking, but not in a nerdy way. I don't seem to have one type that appeals.

2819. 8 Oct 2009 18:30


Baldur drove quite a distance to hear Mr Moser lecture a few years back.
It seemed an easy thing to do.
Work the early shift
Race home
Grab an overnight bag
Drive to Amherst (90 minutes away
Check into a restored Victorian Bed & Breakfast
Nap briefly
Have Dinner
Attend Lecture
Return to Bed & Breakfast
Pass out from exhaustion

2820. 8 Oct 2009 18:32


I hate to say "I told you so" but I told you so, Marius! I can't even remember snickerdoodle's password now. She is defunct. (10 pts).

I have to say that James Spader is one of my all-time favorites. Not so much his looks. It's that intelligent, arrogant, articulate side of him. I may be associating him too closely with the character he played on Boston Legal, but I've seen him on rare interviews and the personality fits. I find him sexy, in a naughty kind of way. (Now I will slink away blushing)