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2701. 3 Oct 2009 06:25


'All Baldur, All the Time'

I guess commercials are creeping their way onto Radio Baldur, I wonder if Tracfone will compensate me for the endorsement?

2702. 3 Oct 2009 06:28


Hey, Marius. Think you could hook me up with oe of those vacuuming cell phones?

2703. 3 Oct 2009 06:29



2704. 3 Oct 2009 06:30


Well the forecast for today is RAIN RAIN RAIN.
Baldur will be doing household stuff.
I intend to make a cauldron full of marinara sauce and bread and fry some eggplant for dinner. Also picked a few turnips from the garden yesterday so I will fry up the greens and cook the turnips themselves.
These are for me as Robert would certainly never eat turnip in any way shape or form.
There is a large load of laundry now in the dryer, the whole house could also use a once over with the vaccum.
Baldur should also clean the mirrors and put up the heavier Autumn draperies, it is doubtful that things will get that far along today though.

2705. 3 Oct 2009 06:33


Can you imagine how often one would need to empty the cellphone? Just Baldur's fur on the bathroom floor would kill it.
I swept the stuff off the floor in there just a couple days ago and there is already enough accumulated to construct a medium sized rodent.

2706. 3 Oct 2009 06:35


I should also build a fire in the fireplace, but then I'll want a pot of tea and it would be unlikely Baldur would accomplish much of anything

2707. 3 Oct 2009 06:40


Baldur was visiting a friend in Massachusetts on Wednesday and had the most wonderful cold beet soup for lunch. Beets are one of my favorites.
This soup had been pureed in a food processor and was rather thick, it had the consistency of applesauce but of course was dark red. There was a pronounced taste of cloves in the soup which was quite marvelous.

Baldur grew up with my family's beet soup, which was actually very good, but it didn't resemble Wednesday's potage (+8 points) in the slightest.
We also never ate it cold.
Perhaps this week there will be a similar soup on the menu here at Chez Baldur.
Robert however won't eat that either, I can toss a hamburger on the grill for him.

2708. 3 Oct 2009 06:42


Well I must get in gear if I want to accomplish anything at all.
Baldur will return later and continue this rainy day saga.

2709. 3 Oct 2009 07:32


Well let us know how much of Baldur's list got done! Am always curious how many people REALLY follow their lists. I'm terrible with them - write a list and then do anything and everything but what is on the list. There are exceptions - lists of errands are easier accomplish than lists of home projects. Maybe because they have more immediate consequences: you can't run out of toothpaste or forget to pick up the grand kid!

maddyjean, don't know if cell phones vacuum yet, it's just that they do so many things I've assumed they must also vacuum. : ) If they don't, they should, especially considering the cost!

2710. 3 Oct 2009 09:01


Baldur has, so far, finished the laundry, vacuumed what could be vacuumed and swept what needs sweeping
Baldur has also loaded the cd players with 5 discs that were bought ages ago and never even opened. There is a stack of approximately 25 virgin cds that one cannot shelf with the others until they've been unwrapped and played, one was bought somewhere in the mid 1990s, I remember that distinctly.

This year has been a year of catching up, we had a similar problem with a huge stack of dvds that were purchased and never viewed. We watch at least 2 a week now and have made great strides towards setting things in.
Baldur highly recommends Ray Winstone's miniseries 'Henry VIII', which is approximately 4 hours on 2 discs.
Having just finished viewing the secind season of 'The Tudors' it is interesting to compare the two.
'The Tudors',being much longer of course, allows to examine relations in more depth. The Ray Winstone version has the a different advantage as the actor physically resembles what I imagined Henry to look like. In his program's favor is also the fact that the language seemed less modern.
Baldur loved that he pronouced 'lieutenant' as 'left-tenant' which indeed was correct.

2711. 3 Oct 2009 09:04


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2712. 3 Oct 2009 10:21


I am not a technophobe per se (no points, I've used that one before) but I do think phones have way too much on them. I look at those I-Phones and I am frankly intimidated by them. If I can't figure out how to turn the darn thing on and make a simple phone call then it's way too complicated for me. I do have a camera on my phone and love it though I can't figure out how to get the pics from my phone to anywhere. It's worth it just for the picture I have of my cat wearing an elf hat at Christmas time.

As for vacuuming, Chez Dragon is very happy to have a Roomba to help us out. With 3 cats in a 2 bedroom condo and a boyfriend allergic to cat dander anything that helps control the hair is welcome. We let Roomba go a couple times a week and it greatly reduces the amount of non-robot vacuuming we have to do.

2713. 3 Oct 2009 10:32


I have seven cats. My brother is allergic to cats. It gives him hives. Whenever I wake up in thee morning I have to rinse my mouth for cat hair!

2714. 3 Oct 2009 10:33


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2715. 3 Oct 2009 10:37


Otherwise maddyjean if you spit on your brother he would break out.
That's very nice of you to rinse out the cat hair first.

I think the cats at Chez Baldur would be terrified by a Roomba.
Has anyone seen those self cleaning cat boxes? Apparently they rake themselves out after the cat has done their business. My cats would be so traumatized that Baldur is quite certain they would just stop using the box altogether.

2716. 3 Oct 2009 10:53


I'll do you one better Baldur, I've seen a cat box you hook up to the plumbing and it flushes itself after the cat gets out. It has plastic beads instead of clay litter and it first scoops for solids then flushes water through the beads then dries them with a hot air blower. My cats would be absolutly terrified by it and would probably poop on the floor instead!

2717. 3 Oct 2009 10:55


I wouldn't spit on my brother. He's adorable. He's twelve. And was a C section. Yet he's very playful.

2718. 3 Oct 2009 10:55


Actually I used to catsit for a lady who had the self raking box you mentioned. She quickly gave up on it. The resevoir where it raked the litter clumps into was so small that she had to clean it out once or twice a day anyways so it really wasn't that convenient.

2719. 3 Oct 2009 10:56


By the way Baldur, when you posted that "spitting on my brother" comment, I broke out laughing!

2720. 3 Oct 2009 10:59


As for the cats and the Roomba, only 1 of ours is terrified by it and she's way more terrified of the regular vacuum. The other cats will lay in it's path until it runs into them and has to turn around. Then they jump up and give it dirty looks as if to say 'Hey I was sitting there!'