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2681. 2 Oct 2009 17:00


Thank you matthew, if anyone asks I'll tell them "That matthew, hes got no bag!" Hehehe.

Dragon on the other hand is a certified purse addict. I don't have a lot of purses, just 2 or 3 really. But I can't do without my main purse. My friends have called it my Tardis purse because there's a lot more inside it than you would think is possible from looking at the outside. (The Tardis, for those of you who aren't Dr.Who fans, is his time travelling machine which appears to be a small police call box on the outside but inside is actually a huge space with multiple rooms)

2682. 2 Oct 2009 19:10


Although a blue croc leather would be right up my alley... Not to big though... My wife carries a house purse... We could sleep in that thing while out of town...

2683. 2 Oct 2009 19:35


This purse discussion really makes Sheftali laugh. She used to carry a purse, as many women do. And it contained a LOT of stuff. So much stuff, I couldn't ever find anything in it when I wanted to. Now? Ha! No purse, except for more "formal" occasions. My essentials (driver's license, credit card, etc) are in a little holder on a cord, around my neck, tucked away on the inside of my blouse. I always wear jeans/slacks with pockets--keys and money clip in one pocket; lipstick (yes, Sheftali loves her red hued lipstick!), a tissue, eyedrops, small retractable pen and a small multi-tool in the other pocket; and her cell phone in a holster clipped to her belt. Believe it or not, the freedom of not carrying a purse is immeasurable--no worries about losing it, having it stolen, etc. But, I do have a few nice purses that get used once in a blue moon.

2684. 2 Oct 2009 19:43


Baldur has been boggled for years over the purse culture.
Let me rifle (+5 points for this particular usage) through my trouser pockets and see what I generally carry about on my person.

A handkerchief
a key ring with 6 keys on it
a wallet (not bulging, in fact no photographs in it at all)
a small amount of change

If driving somewhere I would add

a cellphone

2685. 2 Oct 2009 19:51


My cellphone does not access the internet, take pictures, recommend restaurants, work as a GPS or play games.
In fact it's ringer has been deactivated as well.
I use it if my truck breaks down or if I am away on vacation.
It is a 'pay as you go' phone with no service contract. I buy minutes every 90 days and they roll over if not used.
They are never used (LOL), Baldur has not made a call in over 3 months.
Actually in the 3 years I've owned this phone I've clocked 44 minutes on it.
Most of that was from my first trip alone to LA when I called Robert every couple days to say hello.

I'm amazed at what people do with and pay for their cell phones.
Mine cost $30 to buy and it is costing $19.99 4 times a year to keep it running.

2686. 2 Oct 2009 19:56


For $100 Baldur could buy a 'doubler' card that would double the amount of any minutes of airtime I buy for the life of my phone.
I see no need to do that as the minute total on reserve is already over 1000 and it's seems unlikely that yours truly will ever use them, let along the addition 4 hours I add each year.

2687. 2 Oct 2009 19:57


addition +al =additional

2688. 2 Oct 2009 20:06


Sheftali and her husband share Baldur's taste for simplicity in cell phones. We each carry one of the most basic phones our carrier offers. At some point, we may even go with the more basic phones such as Baldur carries. Sheftali used to get "spam" text messages on her cell phone, so she called her phone company to block text messages. The woman could not believe that Sheftali did not wish to send or receive text messages. Sigh. And don't even get me started on Twitter. For the longest time, Sheftali heard about, but did not know what Twitter was. She regards Twitter with the same disdain as texting. Such balderdash (+10), or should I say, such baldurdash (+15 for creativity).

2689. 2 Oct 2009 20:39


I disagree Sheftali... Twitter is not balderdash... it is poppycock... I do however live for the text... Unlike receiving a phone call, when I get a text, I can take my time in planning a response & the texter never knew. With a call I have to answer right away or listen to dead air... So now I let incoming calls go to voice mail...

2690. 2 Oct 2009 20:55


Matthew, I agree with your thoughts on texting, but some folks like Sheftali don't have friends/family that are into texting. We either call each other on the phone (and look at caller ID to see if we want to take the call ) or e-mail each other at other times. I do like e-mails in that I can take the time to compose a reply, such as you do with texting.

2691. 2 Oct 2009 21:10


I would text Baldur, but i am afraid that he would respond to me while he was retrieving the morning paper NAKED...

And we can't have that...

2692. 2 Oct 2009 21:24


LOL matthew--the monkey tattoo alone would be enough to scare the average person! My hubby goes out for our paper in his robe and slippers, but no one generally sees him at 4:30 in the morning! And he wouldn't care if anyone saw him!

2693. 2 Oct 2009 21:28


Anyone waking up before 5am is a tad looney anyway...

2694. 2 Oct 2009 21:33


its 7:30pm here in eastern time its 1:30am so I guess I'm a tad looney. LOL !

2695. 2 Oct 2009 21:37



2696. 3 Oct 2009 06:00


Sheftali and Baldur and I belong in the same club about cell-phones and texting! Wish I could go without a purse Sheftali and maybe I'll think of something but ... I HATE having things in my pockets. And things hanging from my neck - oh horrors! Both are sensory issues.

If anyone knows of a way to not have a purse, but also not have things in pockets or hanging from the neck ... I'm all ears!!!

2697. 3 Oct 2009 06:02


I asked 30 year old step daughter to explain texting and she said, "I LOVE texting! The great thing about it is that when you're really busy, you can just look at the message, reply then or later, and you don't have to waste time by talking." I thought, and still think, that is about the funniest thing I've ever heard!

2698. 3 Oct 2009 06:04


Also - Baldur, thanks for telling about your cell phone plan. I didn't know there were plans like that. Hmmm. Our phones do not have email access, they don't pay your bills, vacuum and all the other fancy things phones do ... but still, we pay quite a bit more than you mentioned! Will have to investigate because I find them way too expensive.

2699. 3 Oct 2009 06:16


Baldur's phone does have texting capability though I choose not to use it.
They have several different models to choose from and up here in Primrose they are available in electronics stores, department stores, discount stores, most groceries, even some gas station/convenience stores.
Not sure about there availability outside of the US but it would be on their website somewhere.

2700. 3 Oct 2009 06:22


You can upload more minutes onto the phone online or you can purchase a card (and I see them just about everywhere).
When you buy a card to add minutes you scratch off a patch like they have on instant lottery tickets and reveal a code number.
You use the phone's menu to find the add airtime screen and type in the number, then it is magically updated on your screen.
They send you reminders when you need to add more time to keep the phone active, which is every 90 days.
The smallest increment of time they sell is $20 which is more than sufficient for me.
In fact the time just keeps accumulating, I wish I could transfer the surplus to Robert's identical phone as he uses his quite frequently.