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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

2661. 1 Oct 2009 17:03


Which sequined thong?
The red one is rather stretched out, but the pink one is still OK

2662. 1 Oct 2009 17:05


Well, now, since I am the one who seemingly put this thread in the gutter today, I feel a certain responsibility to pull it out by its boot straps. So how about a new topic??

The weather in Boise has finally turned to autumn in the past 2 days. The day before that it was still unseasonably warm at 90 degrees. Today more like 50's. I am glad to be able to wear sweatshirts and jackets again. A jacket for me means the end of purse season! I hate purses, which I know is weird for a girl. But they are a nuisance at best, and something to forget at worst. During the jacket months, I make sure all of my jackets have large pockets, and just carry all my necessities in the pockets. No purse! In the summer, when I have no spare pockets, I need my purse.

My ex-boyfriend's daughter had a collection of Coach purses. This is a name brand that I had never heard of until I met her, but apparently these ugly things (apologies to anyone reading who has one) cost anywhere from $300 on up! FOR A PURSE! I was astonished when Mike told me about his daughter's obsession with these. Who would spend that on a purse, when you could get a decent look-alike at JC Pennies for about $20?? She has like 6 or 8 of these things, too! And she is constantly crying poor to daddy and asking for money, even though she lives rent-free and has a good-paying job.

So maybe around the second or third time I met her she started bragging to daddy about her new Coach purse. He asked her, "What did it cost??" She went on and on about how proud he would be of her for the great bargain she got on it. Again, he asks, "What did it cost?" She explains that it was on sale for 40% off plus she had a coupon for another whatever off. Again, he asks, "What did it cost?" "Only two-fifty!" she answers proudly! So at this point, I chime in and say, "Oh, that's how much my purse cost too! I got it for 2 dollars and fifty cents at a yard sale!" Sad thing is, I wasn't lying on that one. And I got more compliments on that purse, I swear! Anyway, she gave me the stink-eye for that one, but my boyfriend thought it was hilarious!

'All Robin, some of the time'

2663. 1 Oct 2009 17:59


Well since we are leaving the gutter, I will have to mosey along...

2664. 1 Oct 2009 19:04


OK, no more gutter
A friend just sent me this odd little game, appropriate for all ages.
You need to catch the cat, who is adept at avoiding getting caught.
By clicking on a colored disc you prevent the cat from being able to jump there, you need to encircle the cat so 'she' cannot move.
If she makes it to the edge of the playing field she will jump away and the game will be hers.
Baldur named the cat 'Stinker'.

2665. 1 Oct 2009 19:09


Robin - you are funny! Stink-eye! Boy do I know that look. When first dating my husband, his daughter was nineteen. She still had ideas her Mom and Dad would get back together. So, I got the stink-eye look for a few years, except the poor angry girl would not make eye-contact. Well, that's something no one else can see but you! Pretty clever way to make your private feelings privately known!

Mercifully we got over that ... but stink-eye, I'm gonna laugh about that one a long time.

A good night story ... tonight we're talking about pessimism and goofy spouse says, "I don't really care if the glass is half empty or half full ... if it's bourbon just hand it over and I'll drink it." (He swears he made that up)

sweet dreams to all ................................Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

2666. 1 Oct 2009 19:10


Baldur - you posted about when I did. I'll play "stinker cat" tomorrow. Sounds fun!

2667. 1 Oct 2009 19:18


Ah my story of Peter's cat has spawned a game...

2668. 1 Oct 2009 19:19


Baldur, that game is impossible! I will sick my genious son on it tomorrow to find out for sure whether it can be solved!

2669. 1 Oct 2009 19:24


I played it 10 times & beat it 4 times... Perhaps I am Robins genious son as well as being everone on Think Draw...

2670. 1 Oct 2009 19:24


OK, I stand corrected. I must have tried about a dozen times and couldn't beat it. My son trapped that cat on the fourth try! Told you he was a genious!

2671. 1 Oct 2009 19:29


It's not impossible, just difficult.
Wish I could take credit for designing that game, it's simple yet brilliant.

2672. 1 Oct 2009 19:37


The win is sort of disappointing though. The cat doesn't even hiss or scratch or act excited! Anti-climactic if you ask me!

2673. 1 Oct 2009 19:37


Of course, I have sour grapes since I haven't yet EXPERIENCED the win!

2674. 1 Oct 2009 19:41


She sticks her little cat-butt in the air, rather typically.

2675. 1 Oct 2009 19:47


If you navigate to that site's homepage there are other games, but this seems the best.
There is even a primitive 'ThinkDraw' type of thing involving flowers.
Baldur only just found it, and it's rather horrible.

2676. 2 Oct 2009 06:48


I beat little stinker cat and it was fun. Sending it to some friends. Thanks for that, Baldur.

2677. 2 Oct 2009 10:54


Completely addictive game. Beat it once in about 4 games. Just when you think you've got her she goes and makes a move you weren't expecting. I've been wrangling cats most of my life so I ought to be good at it

2678. 2 Oct 2009 11:00


Robin, I totally get what you say about designer purses. Unlike you I absolutely must have a purse, I just feel naked without it. But I've never understood why anyone would NEED to pay hundreds of dollars for one. It also bothers me that the designer purses always have their logo plastered all over them. I think if they're gonna make us their billboards to advertise for them they should be paying us, not the other way around. I remember going into Christian Dior outlet store in Palm Springs and seeing a fabulous pair of boots on display. The price tag - $975. And that was the outlet store price, I just about crapped my pants. I could make 2 rent payments or better than 3 car payments with that.

2679. 2 Oct 2009 12:50


Voting with Robin and Dragon on purses. Unlke Robin though - I've never been able to figure out how to live without a purse. There are times I"d like to be without one. Did manage to get rid of the bulky wallet. Use a large coin purse and only carry license, health ins card, AAA, cash and maybe a credit card.

Spouse's ex adored anything expensive: one time her car was stolen and she reported having EIGHT Coach purses in the car! Insurance company did not want to pay, but she had receipts. This is one reason spouse and I get on so well - I'm extremely low maintenance and so is he. If there is something expensive I want to buy (and that means something more then $40 I guess) I will think and think and wait and wait before I buy. Have finally figured out that sometimes the desire to *have* something is stronger than the pleasure I have after I've purchased that "something." Not sure why that is.

2680. 2 Oct 2009 13:10


Just for the record... I do not own a purse...