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261. 29 Oct 2009 10:00


I think the amount of time you spend in any given posture depends somewhat on your instructor. When I did yoga I had a fantastic instructor, she always made sure we knew how far to push ourselves. She would say "You've all heard about 'No Pain, No Gain' well in yoga it's just 'No Pain"
When we did cat/cow we cycle through steadily, going slowly but never really stopping. The sun salutation we'd again go through slowly pausing in some poses like Down Dog or Cobra. When we did some of the other poses like Warrior and Triangle we'd generally hold it for probably 15-20 seconds though it may have been more.
I'd recommend to find a place where you can do a drop in and try out a beginner course. That way if you don't like it you haven't dropped a lot of money for an 8 week course or something.
One of the things I loved the most about it was how our teacher at the beginning of every class would have us sit and just concentrate on breathing. It was great at focusing yourself. At the end of the class she'd put on relaxing music and turn off the lights and have us just lay on the floor in a comfortable position with our eyes closed. She have us turn our mind to each part of our body in turn and concentrate on relaxing every muscle, then she'd slowly bring our minds back to the outside world. I always felt so relaxed and refreshed after. Sometimes when I can't sleep I'll go through this meditation and it often helps me calm my mind and relax my body.

262. 29 Oct 2009 10:56


Solosater, think Dragon said it all, "No Pain!" My favorite yoga teacher of all time is Amy Weintraub, from Tucson. She told me, "Don't get stuck in anyone else's poses." In other words, if a pose goes on too long for you, don't do it! She teaches Kripalu Yoga which means compassionate yoga.

I do yoga on my own for now (no classes), but frequently do yoga with Amy's DVD (see link at end of this post). I love doing yoga with her DVD cause it feels like she has come to give a personal yoga class, right in my family room! And, for those days when I need to be reminded how to nuture myself ... Amy's DVD does it for me every single time. (Yes, I'm shamelessly promoting Amy's DVD - love it that much!)

You can watch/listen to a sample of her DVD on the link to see if you like her voice, style, whatever. Just scroll down the page and you'll see the sample. (She has two DVD's, but if just starting out, the 2nd one is more demanding.)

Can't answer your question about "... postures you would recommend for (1) correcting posture (2) back, shoulder and neck pain (3) stress relief?" except to say Amy's Level 1 DVD does ALL of that for me.

You could email and ask Amy that question specifically. She is truly one of the most lovely human beings I've ever met. Period.

Also, if you browse around her site, you'll can sign up for her newsletter. I get it and there's so much great info. For example, she has worked with Veterans and doctors in terms of studying how yoga helps folks with PTSD. The findings are incredible. Okay, off my soap box now. : )

263. 1 Nov 2009 04:57


Think this belongs here as there has been much discussion of medical issues. Things have certainly changed! LOL

1854 medical rates - St. Joesph, MO ...........

264. 1 Nov 2009 04:59


And does anybody know what "cupping" is? Maybe I don't want to know, but it's a term I've not heard.

265. 1 Nov 2009 07:52


Just one article on cupping. I had never heard of that term. ~

266. 1 Nov 2009 07:57


I'm not going to go to the link, I'm not allowed. Someone tell me what it means!

267. 1 Nov 2009 08:01


Oh, and, I have Halloween candy related nasua. Anyone have something to settle my stomach?

268. 1 Nov 2009 08:16


Cupping is an old treatment that is still used today. The practitioner would heat glass cups - maybe 2 inches deep and about 3 - 3.5 inches across - and place them on the skin in an affected area or in therapeutic areas. The heat would cause a vacuum effect and the skin and tissue was pulled into the cup.

I don't know what the benefit is if any and don't know what the theory is either. As it is still used today it must show some result if only stress relief.

So many of the "therapies" used in history were completely nuts! Bloodletting for every illness under the sun is one that I think I would have seen as a crock even had I lived back when they were using it. How could depleting the body of its life help it to live?

The idea of germs only came up in the 1850s to the 1860s and still wasn't accepted by many in the medical field. Isn't it funny that we would now look at anyone who disputed the existence of germs as if they were nuts?

maddy, the only thing that helps me when I've overindulged is to vomit. Gross, I know, but it generally works.

269. 1 Nov 2009 08:27


What do I do, stick my toothbrush down my throat?

270. 1 Nov 2009 08:39


I would use a Butterfinger Maddy...

271. 1 Nov 2009 08:45


Ask your parents first, there are medicines they may have on hand to help. There are anti nausea medications and ones that will induce vomiting but it isn't a practice to start lightly.

IF! If it is ok with your parents and there isn't any medicine to help, yeah, stick your fingers down your throat.

maddy, I'm not kidding! Ask your parents first.

Also, remember this for the next time you have a pile of candy in front of you. Less is more and it will last a lot longer if you spread it out over a week or two instead of eating it until you are sick.

You might try eating some cheese or bread too. Your stomach may just need something else, protein or something bland, to digest. I know it can be hard to eat when your stomach is upset but it may help. Try that first ok?

272. 1 Nov 2009 08:48


maddyjean, you are a very smart ten year old and quite funny! From what I can gather, everyone enjoys your company ... but gotta say, if you were *MY* kid I would limit your chatting to the Kid's Corner thread.

The thing is, it worries me to see you talking in the more adult-oriented threads. The problem is that sometimes the content of "adult-threads" is geared towards adults, meaning that it may not be the best thing for people of your age.

I see that you have visited the Kid's Corner thread, that it does not have much activity and you're kind of like me - you like to talk. Perhaps if YOU wrote more in the Kid's Corner and talked about all the things that interest YOU, then the other kids would join in. From what I've read, it seems the kids aren't sure how to "talk" on-line. Maybe you could be the leader for them? I'm sure you could get them going.

It would certainly make me feel better! I feel a lot better to say this. Thanks for listening whether you agree or not.

PS ... and do not EVERY put anything down your throat but food you eat or medicine the doctor prescribes!

273. 1 Nov 2009 08:50


Also ask your parents if there is some peppermint tea in the house. A cup of hot peppermint tea (or Sleepy Time or something like it, maybe Chamomile tea) settles my stomach sometimes, either before the vomiting or after.

Only a little sugar in the tea though (just enough to get it down), the sugar is why your stomach is upset so you don't want to add to the trouble.

274. 1 Nov 2009 09:01


Sorry solo to contradict your ideas, but several members of my family got into serious trouble doing as you suggested with fingers. Once they started ... well, you know. My mother was not only schizophrenic, she was bulimic for probably forty years and she still throws up in the nursing home even though her mind is gone. (shivers) : (

275. 1 Nov 2009 12:14


I only heard of cupping recently. My friend went for accupuncture and this was part of the treatment. It is supposed to increase circulation to the area and promote healing, sort of like a heating pad would increase circulation, too.The cups he described to me were more of a pliable plastic, and he didn't mention having to heat them. He actually bought a set from the accupuncturist and uses it on himself and his wife. I should ask to see a demonstration. The accupuncturist taught him to do it. So I am thinking it is more popular among holistic medicine circles.

Gotta agree with you Marius. I wouldn't encourage a 10yo to vomit. The stomach ache will go away on it's own as she digests. But, like solo said, it's a good lesson learned to not gorge on candy!

276. 1 Nov 2009 13:37


marius, I agree fully, I wasn't thinking when I posted the first time.

Growing up I was able to vomit "on command" as it were and did use the "talent" when I needed to vomit to get rid of something upsetting my stomach. I never did it abusively and wouldn't have even thought to. I like my food too much to waste it on the toilet until I'm completely done with it!

I have a harder time doing it now but still will if I need to. I haven't caused myself to vomit in at least five years, likely much longer.

I do know it is a real problem for some and would never purposely advise purging in this way to an at risk person. I did have that thought right after I suggested it but by then it was too late.

Please never feel you cannot contradict me if I've gone off the tracks. I'd prefer to be called wrong than to cause another person harm.

277. 1 Nov 2009 13:40


Robin, you had mentioned using alcohol and water as an ice pack. What ratio of water to alcohol? I liked this idea and would like to use it. Let me know, Thanks:-)

278. 1 Nov 2009 13:44


As for the cupping, I would guess advances in technology have effected the procedure as in everything else. Do the ones your friend has have suction of some sort? I wonder if your could just vacuum yourself???

Likely not so therapeutic.

279. 1 Nov 2009 19:55


Solo, I am pretty sure the cups give some sort of suction effect, but honestly haven't seen them. I'm going to ask him to show them to me next time I'm over there. Now you've got my curiosity piqued!

As for water/alcohol mix, I didn't have an exact recipe so just messed around with it til I got the slushy consistency I was going for. It was probably half and half at that point. I keep the thing in my freezer all the time and my son and I use it as needed. It's lasted a long time so far!

280. 1 Nov 2009 20:02


I'm curious as well, Robin. If you remember, let us know what you find out.

Thanks for the info on the ice pack, I'll try that first and go from there.