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Forums - Community - the anti-matthew Club

261. 29 Oct 2009 19:49


I have every right to be angry Lynn. Who died and made you judge of when, who and why I should angry? Nobody. I'm no in pain. You don't get it at all. I would not do business with anyone who has the morals I've seen here. You're condemning me for my feelings on morality and ethics. What does that make you. When people have to vote for themselves and assume different names to win, therir work is no and therefore, should be ashamed to accept any honors, that's being a hypocrite. Don't preach to me, it isn't working. You don't know how nice I am. I'm no spineless worm that lets jerks push me around, I will push back. If that's how people get their entertainment their perverts, does he pull butterfly wings, probably kiocks dogs too. Since trouble seems to excite him. You have morals to preach talk to him, I have my own religous counsel. So far, so good.

262. 29 Oct 2009 19:53


I decided to look at this forum today and see what it was all about. What a disappointment. I have been writing on the Think Write forum and was under the impression that Maddyjean was 10 years old- per profile. After going back and rereading some of MJs entries and reading some of MJs comments on here I am convinced that is not the case- I feel like I have been made to look like a fool .

263. 29 Oct 2009 19:58


I tried to tell you mouse about this site and when I see you I'll tell you more. It's very sad. Sorry, you're a nice person .

264. 29 Oct 2009 19:58


mouse, don't feel bad, as there are many, many people here with multiple user names!! As far as maddyjean, who knows. she is 10?? If she is, the adults here should watch their conversations, and where are her parents?? Who knows who anyone is, even ourselves!!??

265. 29 Oct 2009 20:00


And you Matthew, how dare you defile my dog. You are a dirty, rotten sob! Go take your pills, stay out of my life. Hell is to good for you. Everyone knows what you are now, you make yourself look worse everyday.

266. 29 Oct 2009 20:05


Now sweetness... You have no way of knowing this, but none of this irate bickering exist except when we are both on at the same time... So I am left with only one assumption...

You & I... are the same person...

I can only guess that the reason we do this is to get attention from all the other people who are also us...

Makes perfect sense yes...?

267. 29 Oct 2009 20:09


There's state hospitals for people like you, you're a mental case Matthew. You scare me. You're serial kills are made of. Really you are. Remember the Bates Hotel, that's who you remind me of. You're warped. People should be wary of you. You went to far Matthew, too far.

268. 29 Oct 2009 20:10


+er = killers...

269. 29 Oct 2009 20:12


I'll draw your daughter.

270. 29 Oct 2009 20:17


Kewl... I love my daughter... & I like your art... I would be flattered... Thank you... You can be so sweet sometimes...

271. 29 Oct 2009 20:26


Darling Km... I do not spend my time seeking you out... I do not call you nasty names or suggest that you spend your eternity in nasty places...

Now don't get me wrong... When you seek me out & get a kung-foo on me, I am no opposed to picking on you for you opinion of me...

I assume that you seek me out because you enjoy our little banter & secretly want to get close to me...

272. 29 Oct 2009 20:27


+ll = all

273. 30 Oct 2009 12:42


this is really one of the funniest relationships of the many you's.. but maybe it is time to retire this KM personna she gets meaner all the time.

274. 30 Oct 2009 14:58


Dear matthew, this whole thing saddens me. It should never have raised its ugly head again. You’re not the only person responsible for its resurrection but you are, once again, jerking us all around with your multi personas ... and to copy kmkagle's beloved dog was downright hurtful. We all know she grieved when her dog died and is probably still grieving.

The only way to end this is to draw a line under it, stop messing around with other identities and make no further mention of any of this sad and disturbing quarrel. It’s an enormous blemish on what is otherwise an excellent and happy site. We’ve all learned so much from each other, given and received so much pleasure, both from drawing and writing. Please, let us all move on.

275. 30 Oct 2009 15:04


matthew, I must agree with Login. You may need to step up here and back down! WWJD? Think about it please. I tried to get KM to forget about you, & to heal herself, but got called judgmental. I was not judging her, NOT my job.

276. 30 Oct 2009 15:04


Matthew, I loved how your dog was like, an exact replica of kmkagle's. But, km's right, that was crossing the line. Not that I'm trying to get on your bad side. Do you even have a bad side?

277. 30 Oct 2009 15:05


So, Baldur, you want me to make a Mr. T?

278. 30 Oct 2009 15:06


Hate to ask, but maybe as a token you could delete your dog pic matthew?

279. 30 Oct 2009 15:08


maddy~we are making Mr T pics to be our profile pic to surprise baldur when he gets back home.

280. 30 Oct 2009 15:11


... please matthew.