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Forums - Community - the anti-matthew Club

241. 29 Oct 2009 15:12


I'm geussing Austin is a boy? Sometimes boys trip or tease or pinch girls they like because they don't know how to interact with girls. (Also I'm glad you survived the electrocution - electricty is not always our friend

242. 29 Oct 2009 15:14


Electrocuted!!! Yikes...

You will have to forgive Austin since all girls have cooties...

243. 29 Oct 2009 15:17


-eu +ue = guessing

244. 29 Oct 2009 17:23


matthew, you +r =your.
Jesus was born in a stable, not the ghetto.

245. 29 Oct 2009 17:27


LMAO... That's jezt be wrong B...

246. 29 Oct 2009 18:04


little maddyjean (or Matthew) - I'm not going to hell, I don't go to the same places that you go, especially when you live their with your friends. Aha, more reserved spots!

247. 29 Oct 2009 18:10


KM, Maddy & matthew both posted at the same time on the 'tired of TD thread. I wish you could let this go. I think this is bringing you so much anger. Forgiveness is for OUR benefit, not the person you are forgiving!

248. 29 Oct 2009 18:34


lynnspotter - I have asked everyone to butt out of this fray. I did not start, I have stayed away from this site because of this jerk. He assails me, although he denies it, I am not going to stand and take it. I told everyone to butt out and I mean it. It's not their problem. He is the problem. I do not deal frauds. You got sweet talked. That's your story. I'm not involved. I can't have respect for those who encourage him.

249. 29 Oct 2009 18:36


I will stand on my convictions. He has everyone fooled, he showed his colors already, when is everyone going to get it. He is so many people, he doesn't know who he is anymore. Sometimes people tell so many lies they can't get out of it and tell more and more.

250. 29 Oct 2009 18:37


And by the way Lynn, don't tell me to stop it, I didn't start it! He should go where he belongs.

251. 29 Oct 2009 18:41


And where is that my dearest?

252. 29 Oct 2009 18:44


I get such a giggle at your rants any more & I want to thank you for entertaining me...

253. 29 Oct 2009 18:45


May God bless you for the joy you bring to me and others... (or should I say "all of me")...

254. 29 Oct 2009 18:47


I am not telling you to stop anything KM. I am talking about forgiveness & letting go of what is bothering you. I've seen your sweetness & caring, but when the anger of matthew comes out, you seem a different person. It can't feel good to you when you have so much anger! That is what I was getting at when I said forgiveness is for your good, not for the good of the forgiven.

255. 29 Oct 2009 18:52


Don't start that with me Lynn. You seem to be pushing this on me. I said I DID NOT START THIS. You want to see ugly, then stay out of it. This is "among" Matthew and his 7000 personalities. Don't you get it? He is a LIAR and a CHEAT. You tell him to ask forgiveness. I standby my integrity and will fight for it. I loathe and detest him, words I've never used on anyone. He stands for everything I am against. You talk to him, he's your friend, not mine. He has you fooled to. If I want preached to, I will go to church. I'm a very nice person but will not stand and let someone slap me and get away with it, again, I will say it, now listen, I didn't start this.

256. 29 Oct 2009 18:56


Forgiveness doesn't care who started anything. It's about healing.

257. 29 Oct 2009 18:57


KM- I just don't like seeing you, someone I think is nice, have such anger & pain!

258. 29 Oct 2009 19:07


Post 193, started this, and I think Kathy has a right to be upset. As Matthew admitted, this is his entertainment, his drama, and laughs for the night. It is between the two of them. He says the right things at the right time, only to make himself all forgiving. Extending a olive branch? He uses Kathy, he does lie, but doesn't remember them all! Read the forums from the beginning, and you will read the lies.

259. 29 Oct 2009 19:15


Yes, it looks to me like matthew assumed #190-IAmAnonymous was Kathy. I am serious about not liking it when Kathy gets so angry. It can't feel good!

260. 29 Oct 2009 19:34


If matthew would like to pick at someone, why not with, dudewhatwouldhappen? I don't like seeing Kathy upset, as she is a fun, and nice person, who does not deserve to be laughed at. She is not a doormat. She has principals and will stick to them, when she knows she is right. Like I said, it's between them, and the rest of us need to stand back.