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2361. 17 Sep 2009 14:32



2362. 17 Sep 2009 14:32


Great minds think alike, eh Robin?

2363. 17 Sep 2009 14:34


Actually, weak minds just plagiarize (10pts) the great ones! I was repeating what you said AFTER I read yours! LOL

2364. 17 Sep 2009 14:37


Marius, you MUST learn to type faster! I am NOT a patient person!

2365. 17 Sep 2009 14:39


... one day I walked home from work and Robert was working in the prairie. The sun was still high but the prairie grasses were just seeding out and they glowed in the light. I looked over at Robert and remembered my prayer to God that I'd made about six years before. I looked up to the heavens agains and said, "Hey God, I know you're busy and all of that and I've asked for five million things from you, but I really don't think it is too much to ask .... send me a man like Robert. He doesn't have to look like him, he just has to BE like him. Someone nice, caring, considerate, stable but with an understanding of crazy childhoods ... someone like that. ARE YOU LISTENING????"

Then I went home and forgot about the prayer. But, apparently God did not. As the month went on Robert became more and more and more ... um ... I wasn't sure. He was hanging around a lot. I really didn't think a thing about it until one morning when we went to take photos of late summer flowers. Yes, by now Robert could have photographed the flowers on his own, but as I've said, I enjoyed his company.

I am not sure what happened while we were taking photos, but by the time we got back to the nature center and he left, I went home to lunch and I was upset. Un-nerved would be more like it. I paced around the house, did fair amounts of hemming and hawing and trying to figure "it" out. I was too upset to eat lunch. I could not sit down. I could not think.

Lunch was over before I knew it and I went back to work. But, I couldn't work. I couldn't think, I couldn't breathe. I had NO idea what was going on. Finally I went up to the reception desk to talk to Linda. She was usually good to "run things by."

We're talking away and I finally gather my courage. You see, Robert was so well thought of that I did not want to say ANYTHING to cast apersions on his character so I was having difficulty thinking how I could tell Linda that Robert, our beloved and very married volunteer had just hit on me.

I say to Linda, "Um, you know Robert?" She says she does. I say, "Well do you think he'd be the kind of guy to be ... um ... unfaithful? I mean, *I* don't think he would at all, I SWEAR he is not the kind of man to play around. Do you think I'm right about that?"

Linda gave me a very odd look and said she did not think he was the kind of man to play around, in fact she thought him the least likely of men to play around.

2366. 17 Sep 2009 14:41


I said I agreed. Then I gathered all my courage and said, "Well ... the thing is you know we went to photograph flowers this morning?" She knew that. "And, Linda, you know I've been single for a long time ... so I KNOW when someone is hitting on me and Robert was hitting on me."

2367. 17 Sep 2009 14:43


Linda got the funniest smile on her face. She said, "Oh, marius, didn't you know? Robert got divorced this summer."

I think my jaw fell out of my head and smacked the floor. Then Linda started laughing hysterically and said, "Have you ANY idea how beet red your face is?" Yes, I could feel it! I screamed something very profound, like yippee, and we laughed ourselves silly.

I said, "But he has not said a word to me. How did you know?" Well, of course, I had forgotten that Robert did summer work at a college with Linda's husband. She had known for a month of so.

2368. 17 Sep 2009 14:44


I really cannot interupt this again, Baldur has a most prurient (+21 points) interest in the conclusion of this tale.

2369. 17 Sep 2009 14:46


Robin is giving Baldur 10,000 bonus points for prurient because she had never heard the word and had to look it up on!

Marius, I am wondering if part of the reason Robert ended up divorced was that he had a growing affection for you that could not be ignored??!

2370. 17 Sep 2009 14:47


Anyway, the next time Robert came to volunteer I said, "You might have told me you got divorced." He looked very confused and his face got all red and he said he HAD told me. I said, "Hey, I would remember something like that." So we talked some more and he said, "Well this is a big relief. Now that we've talked like this, can I just ask you for a date and stop all this exhaustion of trying to think of ways to spend time with you while I'm volunteering?"

I said, "Is that what you've been doing? Oh my, you mean all this insistance that I go with you to take photos ... tell you where to mow the new trail, all of that was just a ruse to be with me?" It was.

So we went on our first real date and got married four years later, celebrated nine years this summer.

the end

2371. 17 Sep 2009 14:49


A very sweet, romantic story of fated love!

2372. 17 Sep 2009 14:49


Bravo, Bravo!!

2373. 17 Sep 2009 14:53


I have to add a ... whatever it's called. Right after I found out Robert had gotten divorced, I felt really creepy. I mean, I had prayed for a man LIKE him, not for him. So, then I had to talk to God again and say, "Hey buddy, I didn't mean you should break up a marriage, although from my view I think it's pretty keen of you if you did that."

And, hard to tell why Robert's marriage went bad, but the first obvious sign for Robert was when he came home from work one day and spouse was kissing another woman on the stairwell. She decided she was gay, then a few years after the divorce, decided she wasn't gay afterall and married someone else. But of course, that was not the only problem in the marriage. My take on it is that they were just not a good match.

2374. 17 Sep 2009 14:53


That was a great story marius. It totally hooked me in and had me coming back for more!

2375. 17 Sep 2009 14:54


I thought my saga was quite long, but you at least matched it. Perhaps these sorts of things are never quite simple.
That was a very good story.

It is difficult writing out such things and putting them out where there is no privacy. Baldur wishes he could have added so much to his story but it would have crossed that line into inappropriateness.

2376. 17 Sep 2009 14:55


Glad you all liked the story. It's one of my favorites. Robert still swears he had told me he'd gotten divorced and I tell him that he was married for 23 years and had no idea how to proceed in the single world.

2377. 17 Sep 2009 14:56


Baldur ... I can see why your typing finger got sore. Had no idea this story would take so long to type. And, hmmm ... I had nothing to add that would have been inappropriate but you did??? Okay ... let's not even go there. (giggle)

2378. 17 Sep 2009 15:02


I really cannot put anything of my dating experience in a public forum.
Oddly much the same could be said of Baldur's younger years before he married.
Though those tales are quite fun,
Especially when girlfriend #2 showed up at a Halloween party at my apartment DRUNK and proceeds to get into a physical fight with now pregnant girlfriend #1. Oh dear, those were the days.
Anyway it's dinnertime, have a great evening

2379. 17 Sep 2009 15:08


I had no idea our host had such a scandalous past. We mustn't think that his life is all just cooking (wonderful cooking from the sound of it) and gardening (though it sounds like a pretty spectacular garden too!)

2380. 17 Sep 2009 15:34


marius, that's not the end ... that's the beginning.