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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

2221. 12 Sep 2009 19:34


Robin - love your snickerdoole story. My sister also makes cookies like your son - plop it all in a bowl, stir and mix, bake and eat.

Thanks for the recipe!

2222. 12 Sep 2009 19:40


Baldur still lives, and is poison ivy free.

Robert and I are not going anywhere this month, the foliage comes to us.
We do have a block party to host here at Chez Baldur next Satyrday as the neighbors who generally host it were unavailable this year. They had a daughter get married and are frazzled from the planning of the showers and dinners and other apects of it.

2223. 12 Sep 2009 19:45


And pray tell, when is the next SATYRday?

2224. 12 Sep 2009 20:01


Has no one noticed that Baldur generally spells 'Saturday' as 'Satyrday'?
I leave the others alone.

2225. 12 Sep 2009 20:04


I don't know - it's the first I noticed it. So when and where and how and why did Baldur get the fascination with those of Satyr ilk?

(10 points for ilk because it is another fine word)

2226. 12 Sep 2009 20:14


Another question - had the impression Baldur lived in a rural area. Yes? No? If yes, then how does one have a "block" party? Do you just invite everyone within a five mile radius?

2227. 12 Sep 2009 20:20


Baldur found his first satyr sculpture in a small New Orleanean shop back in the late 90's. The place was part 1950's vintage clothing and part occult supply store (only in New Orleans).
They were selling some small sculptures by a local ceramicist. The one that found it's way back at Chez Baldur was rather like a terra cotta gargoyle, meant to be hung on the wall. He is crouched on a small plinth (+5 points) and leans forward looking slightly downward. The artist used odd metallic green beads, inset into the clay as eyes. The horns and um.... er.. hmmm... another feature are finished in gold leaf.
He now resides just over our front door guarding our stairwell. His flesh color isn't that different than the color of the walls. Most people don't see him as they pass underneath.
This past Yule, Baldur tucked a sprig of fresh mistletoe behind him. It's still there but dusty and brittle now.

2228. 12 Sep 2009 20:27


There are perhaps 6 other satyrs in residence here, all on the mantel shelf in the living room. The one that is most commented on is a seated one who suffers from disproportionate anatomy. Certainly this satyr could never stand unassisted. He was found on eBay several years ago and was sculpted by an Australian. This artist was working his way through the Greek Pantheon and selling castings of his work. He has since disappeared (with his work) without a trace.
Jacob (Baldur's witch friend) desperately wants one of these for himself.
Oddly he had seen the same sculpture on a website before he ever met me.

2229. 12 Sep 2009 20:30


So how many satyr's live at Chez Baldur's? The one you described sounds lovely, and very funny that most don't notice him crouched on the plinth. (Another word to look up - I imagine it's a small shelf or part of the door framing or design?)

Gee whiz ... I have more questions but the gray matter has turned against me. It wants to rest as well it should - I have to be out of here by 7:30 in the morning! Sweet dreams to all at BR.

2230. 12 Sep 2009 20:31


And oddly, you answered my question about numbers of satyrs before it was posted. Do you read minds? : )

2231. 12 Sep 2009 20:32


Indeed it is very rural here, but the lane I live on has perhaps 15 houses.
At one point this was a service road for an Ice House.
In the Winter blocks of ice were harvested from Primrose Pond and loaded on railway cars to be shipped to insulated storage facilities. The geography in this little strip of land was never conducive to agriculture, at least not in a commercial sense.
However if you leave this street you are confronted by fields of corn, pumpkins, bluebberries and any other number of things.

2232. 12 Sep 2009 20:33


The satyr's read minds.

2233. 12 Sep 2009 20:35


Oh how Baldur hates that error beyond most others!
The gratuitous Apostrophe, which incidentally sounds like a prospective Edward Gorey book title, if he weren't dead.

2234. 12 Sep 2009 20:38


Good Night marius,
Good Night All
Good Night Satyr on the wall.
Good night chair
Good night mush
Good night old lady saying 'hush'.
Good night poetry, Good night song
Good night matthew, Good night all.

2235. 13 Sep 2009 12:00


Love your good night poem, Baldur.
Very charming! Exquistely charming.
Thank you for that!

2236. 13 Sep 2009 12:04


About the apostrophe:

I have finally figured out the apsotrophe!
I don't bother to use it correctly,
and it doesn't bother me.

The last line poses another problem: to what does "it" refer?

Does "it" refer to the apostrophe (as in the apostrophe doesn't bother me) ..... or does "it" refer to fact that I am not bothered by not using the apostrophe correctly?

I can not answer that because there are signs of an impending head ache. Time for a nap!

2237. 13 Sep 2009 15:08


Is this an apostrophic question?

2238. 13 Sep 2009 16:26


I have no idea. My gray matter is not finely-tuned today. Was hoping someone could help it out. (Although I realize that is a huge request.)

2239. 13 Sep 2009 16:55


it = I don't bother to use it correctly...

it is an interesting use of it...

2240. 13 Sep 2009 17:53


isn't it?
matthew, you are not often correct, but in this instance you have managed to be just that.