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2201. 11 Sep 2009 09:37


And Baldur - about the rash of upset stomachs. I think there are caused by visual pictures that get stuck in ones head. Belladonnis made quite a nice rhyme about that!

I share her difficulty, so from now on I will think of thongs the way I did as a kid. Thongs back then were the word we used for flip-flops! ; )

2202. 11 Sep 2009 13:35


I have had many a nickname myself but the only one my dad ever gave me was 'Lindsay-bug'. It doesn't look all that flattering but I always knew it was a term of endearment. In return I call him 'Daddy-bear' though I've grown out of that fr the most part it occasionally pops back up every now and again.

Oh and marius, you commented a while back about not realizing any government had sanctioned same-sex marriage, here in Canada it's actually been legal for a few years. My own province of Alberta (which is probably the most right-wing in the country) tried to make up it's own law saying that gay marriage was illegal here but it didn't fly. I love my province but there are some things about it that just make me cringe.

2203. 11 Sep 2009 14:03


We have nicknames in my family as well! My name is Donna but my dad would call me Belladonnis or Belladonnie. My sister is quite a few years older than I am and I just always called her Sister....still do. Her name is Debbra and her husband always calls her Bra. My kids are Boo and Bug.
We also had great auts called Little Sister and Big Sister which was kind of funny because Little Sister was big and big sister was skinny!lol
My younger brother Thomas has always been Tommytoes.

I mentioned that my sister is older than me.... well my mom and sis were pregnant at the same time. Which was funny. My mom was 42 when she had my brother! My brother was born in January and my nephew Brett was born in March of the same year. Everyone always thought they were twins! My mother was a great grandmother before my brother or I ever gave her grandkids. Her oldest great grandaughter is 17. My two are 11 and 7 and my brothers son is 5.
Wow marius you came from a big family! 8 kids!
I always felt like an only child untill my brother came along because my sister got married right out of highschool. My brother-in-law was in the airforce and they went straight to Guam after the honeymoon. I was 6 or 7 when she got married I think, anyway she is 12 years older than me.

2204. 11 Sep 2009 14:42


I must comment here, even though for the most part I am content to snicker quietly at the creative silliness found herein ( do I get points? no matter). I have always felt cheated of affection in a childish way because my father never gave me a nickname. To my mind this was because my given name is in fact a nickname that came into use as a given name thru the character in Peter Pan. All my siblings had nicknames. My first date was with a young fellow who endeared himself to me by giving me the nickname 'Gwendolyn'. I know it is really a formal first name but to me it was a pet name, plus I had an aunt named 'Gwen' the young man was what today would be called a 'nerd', but all on his own he called me Gwendolyn and I was smitten (more points?) I was wonderful to me that someone had such affection they gave me a pet name. My husband, bless his heart, also won me over when he came up with a pet name on his own, "Gwinny". So today I am more Gwinny than Wendy, and it suits me fine. My favorite real person name is Zipporah Sipple, or as I know her , Zippy Sipple. I also know an unfortunate young man who's mother emigrated to this country. When she had her son she used a popular name from her culture: 'Juvinal". She had heard that in association with a lovely sounding american word "Delinquent" thus his full given name is Juvinal De Linquent Martinez. I do not know his full appellido but being a law abiding american he prefers to just be called Juvenal Martinez and most are not privy to his full name.

2205. 11 Sep 2009 15:11


Robin, would you be willing to share your snickerdoodle recipe?
I'd love to try it! I've never had snickerdoodles before although
I have seen recipes here and there......but you said yours are the
best, so I would try them next time my son comes for a visit. Thanks!

2206. 11 Sep 2009 15:18


Isnt it funny at what we put our kids through, not only the nicknames we call them but also the names we give them. I was named after my dad, whose name is Don Sheron, the middle name he hates. It worked out well for me though. Donna Sheron!

2207. 11 Sep 2009 15:19


Ive never had snickerdoodles either so please share!

2208. 11 Sep 2009 16:27


My first and middle name is Lila Lee, as was my mom's. My dad would say both my first and middle name so fast, I eventually became Lalee!! Only he called me that, until he was no more. I miss that Lalee! Growing up with two Lila's in the house, when someone said "Lila", others would say, "Lila one" or "Lila two"? Well, I hated that, as I was Lila two!!

I like nicnames, and when I'm out shopping or encounter people, I call them all "sweetie"!!

My husband has always called me "Sweet Pea".
My son calls me "momma chow wow". I call him (not in public) "baby chow wow", and my husband, I have called "puggycakes", since we have been married!!
Endearing names, make us all feel at home and special!!

2209. 11 Sep 2009 16:48


My mother could never remember my name (just as well because I never liked it). She would call me a series of names before she got to the right one.

My grandfather was the one for giving us all nicknames. My elder brother was Dusty, I was Fritz (and I have no idea why), then there was Bottom Lip, Mooching Minnie and Dusty Two. Grandad died before the last sibling was born ... my youngest brother feels cheated.

My husband called our son Fred throughout my pregnancy ... and he continues to do so.

2210. 11 Sep 2009 18:09


Robin has done it again! She asked about a nickname and look at all the wonderful contributions from the BR audience. 20K points for Robin for her selection of topic, but also for managing to host a segment of Baldur Radio ... without being present!!!
[You should add that to your resume, Robin!]

Also 20K points to Baldur, because I feel bad no one gave him points for "nary" before today. It is such a lovely word.

Just want you all to know .... I loved every story about nicknames, other people's names (juvenal delinquent). etc. If I had to pick a favorite it would not be possible because each story is so wonderful in it's own way. You guys made my day with all your warm and amusing anecdotes!

Forget those "Chicken Soup for the (whatever)" books ... Baldur Radio serves the best chicken soup ever! ahhhhhhhhh!

2211. 11 Sep 2009 18:45


For those that think censorship is a good thing... This might give you all a good laugh...

Check out sesame streets "the count song" Censored version...

2212. 11 Sep 2009 19:05


LOL!!!!! That is to funny matthew!!

2213. 11 Sep 2009 20:02


See how censoring something makes it dirty?

A beautiful nude is just that... unless it is censored... THEN it is dirty...

I am glad you got a chuckle from it...

2214. 12 Sep 2009 06:54


Robin has a busy day of 12 year old football games, etc., then my work week starts tonight. Unfortunately, I don't anticipate time for any guest-host spots. I will try to get my snickerdoodle recipe copied, so I can post it here, but it may not happen til next week. Loved all the nickname stories, by the way. As a little girl, my nickname was "Precious". I loved it back then, but it kind of makes me gag now! LOL

2215. 12 Sep 2009 07:09


Once we try out your recipe, we can nickname you snickerdoodle...

2216. 12 Sep 2009 09:16


Matthew - that is a great example about how censorship works!!! And, funny nickname ... snickerdoodle.

Have fun with 12 yr olds and football, Robin!

2217. 12 Sep 2009 11:25


OMG!!! matthew that was hilarious! They used to do that to songs on the radio station I listen to and still do for x-mas songs. My personal favorite is 'I saw mommy ****ing Santa Clause.

2218. 12 Sep 2009 12:46


OK, just because I am DYING to be nicknamed "Snickerdoodle", here is the recipe!

Snickerdoodle recipe Oven 375

3 3/4 Cups all-purpose flour
½ Tsp. Baking Soda
½ Tsp. Cream of Tartar
1 Cup butter
2 Cups sugar
2 Eggs
1/4 Cup milk
1 Tsp. Vanilla
3 Tbsp. Sugar
1 Tsp. Ground Cinnamon

Grease a cookie sheet. Stir together four, soda, cream of tartar, and ½ Tsp. Salt. Beat butter for 30 seconds. Add the 2 cups sugar and beat til fluffy. Add eggs, milk, and vanilla; beat well. Add dry ingredients to beaten mizture, beating til well combined. Form dough into 1-inch balls; roll in a mixture of the 3 tbsp. Sugar and cinnamon. Place balls 2 inches apart on a cookie sheet. Flatten slightly with the bottom of a drinking glass. Bake in a 375 oven about 8 minutes or until light golden. Makes about 66. (I guess I make mine too big, because I have never gotten 66 out of this recipe!)

2219. 12 Sep 2009 12:53


Funny story about these cookies. A couple years ago, I decided to enter them in the Fair. When my son heard that, he wanted to enter his own baked goods, including his own batch of snickerdoodles. The rules say for the youth entries that they have to do the entire bakind help from parents. So I made my batch of snickerdoodles, and followed all of the instructions to a tee. Separated the dry ingredients, beat the butter before adding the sugar, rolled them just the right size, and picked out the 4 most perfect looking ones to submit. Jake, on the other hand, just sort of throws all the ingredients together in a big bowl, and half-assed mixes them all up and bakes them. I am having to bite my perfectionist, detail-oriented tongue the whole time, because I am NOT allowed to help him.

Well, in the end, his cookies got a 3rd place ribbon and he won $3! Mine didn't even place!!!! The moral of this story is just bake them however it's easiest for you!

2220. 12 Sep 2009 19:33


We've almost heard nary a peep from Baldur lately.
Wonder if he got PI from wrangling all that underbrush?
Wonder if he has nickname stories to share.

Wonder if he and Robert are planning any trips to enjoy the spectacular New England scenery. I was there in the fall of 1982 and it was heaven. Pure and absolute heaven. We landed in NY and drove up the coast. I remember feasting on fresh fish, fresh lobster and dining in a tavern that was built in ...1700's I think. They still had the original plank wood flooring.