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2181. 9 Sep 2009 20:18


Baldur must get into bedtime mode (I recall mentioning my lack of pyjamas) as it is quite late.
Here at Chez Baldur we have let the bats out for the evening exercise hours ago.
Good evening to all.

'All Baldur,All the Time, except when it isn't'

2182. 9 Sep 2009 20:19



2183. 9 Sep 2009 20:27


I don't know. That might make me sound sneaky and bossy. I'll pretend I was asked to help, so no one thinks I'm a toe-stepper-onner. (10 points for making that up)

2184. 10 Sep 2009 05:51


Not bossy ... just someone to rely on when our host is out rambling or debrambling. We loved your session as host, Robin. All fun, all the time.
Welcome back Baldur ... what a good neighbour you are, even if you will benefit from the the end result ... lending a helping hand is so much better than whinging about a problem and ending up with long running disputes with neighbours. 'Bet you're tired today though and your arms probably look as though you've been in a fight with a wildcat. Brambles are hard to deal with ... we still haven't won the battle with 'ours' but they're getting weaker and fewer. Our biggest remaining problem is bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis) ... digging out the roots and trying not to break them off is the first line of attack, then it's a matter of vigilance and regular hoeing. We've been told that Glyphosphate, applied to the leaves, is the only answer but the problem is so big in our garden that we are trying to reduce them before taking the final drastic measure.

2185. 10 Sep 2009 06:35


I hate to be the one to point this out...

but Login... That didn't rhyme at all...

I wouldn't worry or pout...

Blame Baldur, he will take the fall...

2186. 10 Sep 2009 07:04


I didn't know it ... that you were a poet.

2187. 10 Sep 2009 07:32


I am closer to a song writer than a poet...
but the two are quite similar... Ya know it...

2188. 10 Sep 2009 09:49


He's a poet and we didn't even know it
though his feet show it,
they're Longfellows and they stink like the Dickins!

2189. 10 Sep 2009 11:10


lol.... sigh...

2190. 10 Sep 2009 17:20


Quiet day at Radio Robin, oops, Baldur Radio. : )

Did we wear ourselves out, deplete the gray matter storeroom of .... I forget.

At any rate, it appears that yesterday's medicinal laughter worked wonders: I felt good enough that I left the house today, first time since end of August! Perhaps in the future Doctors will prescribe participation on Baldur Radio as a remedy for all kinds of ailments.

If that is the case, Baldur may need to hire more guest DJ's. I only say this as we've heard nary a peep from dear Robin and I'm hoping she is not suffering from a severe case of poeticitis.

[20 points for nary because I like that word]

2191. 10 Sep 2009 18:47


Before I call it a day, thought some on BR would be interested in an article I read in this morning's paper. I''m sharing because I had no idea that any government had legalized unions for same-sex couples. And Uruguay? If Polenta reads this perhaps she can enlighten me because I have a view of that country as very Catholic and hence conservative.

Anyway, short version of the article: The Uruguayan government passed a measure yesterday that allows same-sex couples to adopt children. This will be signed into law soon. Also, in 2008, civil unions for same-sex couples were legalized and in May, 2009, a decree ended a ban on gays in the military. Apparently Uruguay is one of the more liberal countries in South America. Who knew?

This makes me think of a piano teacher I had. I think if he were younger that he and his partner would be moving to Uruguay ASAP! He told me it was very difficult not being able to have the same privileges as other coupled people ... and that was 25+ years ago. And funny thing - I had a crush on that teacher - he was a great pianist and waaaay cute!

2192. 10 Sep 2009 18:55


Well - sweet dreams to all. I hope to dream in prose tonight - last night there were too many rhyming words in my dreams - seriously!

And, sometimes I just can't stop - so in honor of our guest host yesterday -here are two of my favorite poems.

The Purple Cow, by Ogden Nash

I never saw a purple cow,
I never hope to see one,
But I can tell you anyhow,
I'd rather see than be one.

...then, years later Ogden wrote:
Alas I wrote The Purple Cow,
I'm sorry now I wrote it,
But I can tell you anyhow,
I'll kill you if you quote it.

PS Meant to tell you Robin, thanks for "hilarious marius." You can call me that anytime. I need to tell my dad, who gave me the nickname marius. He just turned 87 and is getting a very weird sense of humor in his old age. He'll LOVE the improvement you gave to my nickname!

2193. 10 Sep 2009 20:44


Well, Marius, not to worry. Your guest host was suffering today from getting absolutely NOTHING accomplished yesterday whilst I hosted. I slept poorly last night due to some strange stomach ailment that hit me just as I layed down to go to bed, and kept me awake for hours. By morning, though, it was gone, thankfully.

I made a huge vat of homemade chili today. This time of year, I go grocery shopping in my good friend's garden, then make my chili with all fresh ingredients. (Although I still use canned beans.) There is a friend at work who has broken her arm and had extensive surgery. She's that one person who always coordinates baby showers, and bringing meals to sick coworkers, and collecting money for someone who's having economic hardship. So I made her a batch of my chili, some corn muffins, and a bunch of snickerdoodles. Tomorrow I will make her favorite rice krispie treats and deliver the feast. It's always nice to give back!

My chili turned out fantastic with those fresh tomatoes! And, I must tell you, I make the best snickerdoodles I've ever had ANYWHERE! So stop by and have a couple when you're in the neighborhood!

Now Marius, I will give you the 20 points for nary, but I'd also like to spot you 50 points for poeticitis because it sounds like something Dr.Seuss would make up! And thanks for sharing the Ogden Nash poems! I just love his stuff! If you look back in my gallery quite a few months ago, I went on a bug fettish. I drew bug after bug after bug, then always added an Ogden Nash poem to go with it. I wish I could meet the guy...he must be as hilarious as Marius.

Speaking of which, How did your dad come up with the nickname Marius? I like the name. Really, really like it!

Back to work for me now, before bed.

2194. 11 Sep 2009 05:07


Firstly, whenever I relate tales of matthew in a thong a rash of upset stomachs always ensue. So Robin I offer my apologies. No doubt my off color limerick was unsettling.

Secondly, marius cannot have points for 'nary', Baldur uses that word all the time. I cannot even get any points off that myself.

Thirdly, there is a local newscaster on a Providence station who is named 'Mario Hilario'.
Life can be quite strange.

2195. 11 Sep 2009 08:48


Oh ... life is indeed quite strange! "Mario Hilario" must be my cousin! This is getting waaaay too funny and thank you Baldur for making me laugh outloud!

As for nary, there is nary I time when I don't deserve extra points. I'm just one of those kinds of persons. (tee hee) And, I can say the same for EVERYONE on Robin ... oops ... Baldur Radio!

Furthermore, if you would refer to your manual, oh owner and producer, of the famous, or infamous, Baldur Radio, (yes the manual YOU created), you will find under section 5.097-4, that removal of points given is not allowed. However, sharing of points IS allowed!

Therefore I award you, oh quixotic one, half of the ten points Robin gave me for the word, "nary." Are we all happy now?

2196. 11 Sep 2009 08:48


-I +one

2197. 11 Sep 2009 08:52


And I cannot say for certain that Baldur of CHEZ Baldur is quixotic, but I think in the chivalrous sense, he is. And if he isn't, well I got to use that word any way ... twice now. (ten points)

2198. 11 Sep 2009 09:00


Robin, if I stop by for snickerdoodles I must bring my sister. I think she would risk her life for a great snickerdoodle. I like them, but my sister is obsessed. Perhaps you'll share your recipe? Sis will forever be greatful and she will have to do me great favors if your recipe trumps hers!

2199. 11 Sep 2009 09:19


As for nicknames. My Dad has a nickname (or two) for every one of his eight kids, his wife .... and himself. He made up his OWN nickname and we would give him Bday cards addressed to "Daddy-O-J-Stein-o-vitch."

Nicknames for the eight kids are as follow:
gnk gnk
mac truck or joey
snicky-statch-us, or mosquito
retep, or pitter-patter.

Dad swears he does not know how he came up with any of our nicknames but I'm not sure I believe him.

When the oldest sister was born, Dad was 26 and he had little, if any, understanding of the social needs of little girls. So when gnk-gnk got two cute dolls one Christmas, she needed names for her dolls. Dad suggested she name them, "F&B Conobberstoop" and "Coondigoonda." Well - she was only five so she went along with this.

It was not a wise decision. Other girls in the neighborhood had dolls with names like, Linda, Mary, Sally and these girls were positively upset by the names of sis's dolls! They made her go home and said they would NEVER ever play with her again. Great buckets of tears ensued, and there might have been some name changes too.

Anyway ... years passed and I could never get those doll names out of my head. One day I happend to read some rather obscure book and there it was ... a reference to "F&B Conobberstoop" and "Coondigoonda." So - my Dad had been found out. He has always been an avid reader and I'm sure at some time he must have read the same book.

Thing is, I don't the book so never confronted Dad with his careless borrowing of other people's names. And, I know my spelling of them is not right. Tried to google them to find the reference but no luck.

2200. 11 Sep 2009 09:24


As for my own nickname, it was the only one in the family with variations. Generally I was just marius, but if Dad walked by and saw me brushing my teeth, then I was "marius J. Mc Toothbrush head." Other variations were marius J. Mc piano-head ... cooking-head, talking-head, and on and on.