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2161. 9 Sep 2009 19:35


The rhyming has caught like a fire
Causing my mind to expire
So I'm off to my bed
To get out of my head
Thoughts of matthew in skimpy attire!

Lol this has been good! Nite everyone!

2162. 9 Sep 2009 19:37


your fingers they can not keep up...
for in rhymes you are but a pup...
or do you grow sleepy...
do my lym's make you weepy...
I made you my bit@# so whazzup...

2163. 9 Sep 2009 19:38


Yo' how you like me now?

2164. 9 Sep 2009 19:39


sorry for a brief lapse into rap, I was channeling Kool Moe D.

2165. 9 Sep 2009 19:40


Ok... I must admit... I liked the "just wears a sock" one...

2166. 9 Sep 2009 19:43


and I wear the pants in this family (knickers do count as pants)

2167. 9 Sep 2009 19:44


This 'as been better than watching a flick...
Though the verbiage has made me quite sick...
I now feel a breeze...
'tween me stomach & knees...
for I have but a sock on me d!@k...

2168. 9 Sep 2009 19:46



My fingers they weep
For the keys that I seek
I cant keep up the pace
So I'm going to rest
and this I attest
Your bi$#@ is going to sleep!

2169. 9 Sep 2009 19:49


Bella I hope you don't fear...
That you are the one I did smear...
For when I did snitch...
Of the one that's my B!T@H...
I ment not you, but the queer...

(Happy fellow didn't rhyme with smear)

2170. 9 Sep 2009 19:51


My lesson to you matthew here leans,
for poetry you have not the means
your words aren't entrancing
so stick to poledancing
(and to lessen the wind eat less beans)

2171. 9 Sep 2009 19:53


It has been a long time since we have played mental ping pong my friend Baldur...

But my laptop battery is reading 8% life left & I don't have my cord here with me...

So good night to you and your listeners... I think I will read a couple chapters before I sleep...

Be well sir...

2172. 9 Sep 2009 19:55


OMG!!! You just rhymed POLEDANCING!!!

Where else can one go for poledancing & poppycock rhymes...


2173. 9 Sep 2009 19:56


LMAO!!! More entertainment than TV could ever offer!

2174. 9 Sep 2009 19:57


I think the 8% referring to your laptop is quite accurate, though why you would divulge that is beyond me.
Baldur remembers something else you can use that sock for....
It wouldn't fool anyone though

Sweet dreams, I'm reading 92% here so who's the B&$%* now?

2175. 9 Sep 2009 19:57


You wouldn't want to see me in my sock on TV anyway...

2176. 9 Sep 2009 19:58


5% and counting... yo B!-Atch signing out...

2177. 9 Sep 2009 20:05


Before I head out for good, I would like to clarify with you when exactly I relinquished my guest-hosting spot back to our fearless leader? If it was when you finally arrived, in all your tardy, poison ivy infested glory? Or was it when I submitted my goodnight poem? Because if it was when you arrived, I only had 34 posts on my watch. But if it was when I wrote my poem, well, then, it was much more impressive! I'm needing this documentation for my impending evaluation where I hope to make a case for a salary increase.

2178. 9 Sep 2009 20:08


I'm perfectly willing to double your salary here at Radio Baldur,
starting immediately. You're worth every penny.
Oh wait, you're free....
never mind

2179. 9 Sep 2009 20:11


In that case you could effectively Quadruple my salary! Imagine how valued THAT would make me feel!

But as I said earlier today, I am just doing this for the prestige. In fact, I may work on updating my resume tonight to include this important work experience in my employment history.

2180. 9 Sep 2009 20:16


Don't forget to mention that you gleefully excepted responsibility even when not directly asked to do so.
You assumed a leading role when no others were willing to make that stand. Very commendable.