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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

2121. 9 Sep 2009 15:32


Good programme on this channel tonight, folks.
I've printed the leek and broccoli soup recipe ... thanks for that.
'Still giggling at all your limericks and couldn't resist having a go.
The first one is mine but I heard the second one when I was knee-high to a grasshopper.

2122. 9 Sep 2009 15:35


Login, you are quickly creeping up on Poet Laureate status! I must say I am duly impressed with your talent! Encore, Encore!!

2123. 9 Sep 2009 15:51


on the day fury bear was away twas woe...
Whilst a Robin does steal of his private show...
She wore not a thong...
Just whistling song...
Egging on poets on Baldur Radio...

2124. 9 Sep 2009 15:57


Once Robin D Cradle was crass...
as if she had balls made of brass...
The high jack was rare...
The sign said "On Air"...
And Baldur could just kiss her ass-ociates...

2125. 9 Sep 2009 16:00


Matthew was sure it was wrong...
To speak a limerick or song...
if it must be said...
before He was dead...
it can not be done with out THONG...

2126. 9 Sep 2009 16:14


Very nice Matthew. Sorry there is no word in the following that begins with th and ends with ng ... but YOUR name is in there.

To the tune of: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!

Baldur, Robin, belladonnis, indigo and Dragon,
Even though the names are odd
They're nothin' we can brag on,
If you add Seftali and, Gwinny, Matthew, Login,
You'll have most the guest list made but those who are out joggin'.

Solosater, marius and Uruguay's Polenta,
Razzlebear and midnightpoet,
Coho, Doug and five,
Mostbless-ed-one, lynnspotter too,
Marg and goldiegirl,
If I've left someone's name out that's because it's something weird.

Lady O's a normal name but there is one that's not,
It won't fit in with all the rest no matter how I try
I thought to make it longer but
Alas that would not work,
Quicksilver is much easier than Q-silv ever were.

2127. 9 Sep 2009 16:15


This beats television anytime! Well.....until Survivor and LOST
start. ;D

2128. 9 Sep 2009 16:20


LOL! Thanks for all the fun. It's way pasy my bedtime so I'll say goodnight to you all and will catch up on your evenings fun in the morning

2129. 9 Sep 2009 16:23


I'm probably right on your heels Login. My brain has turned to mush, but not before I got to read and thoroughly enjoy all the poetic talent! I loved EVERYONE'S contributions!

And, Robin, not sure what Baldur pays you when you sit in for him (so nice of you to do that btw), but I think you should get a raise!!!

2130. 9 Sep 2009 16:39


Marious, 10,000 points to you for your musical and poetic talent combined!! This radio show tonight is reminding me of one of my favorite TV shows...Whose Line is it Anyway. It's all improv, and the points just don't matter! LOL

And Matthew, I don't know how you guessed what underwear I had on today, but indeed, I am NOT wearing a thong! Those are only saved for days where I have outer clothes that might show panty lines. Today it's jeans, so I'm safe!

2131. 9 Sep 2009 16:42


I'm wondering where our fearless leader is today. He doesn't pay me a dime to do this, but I don't mind. It's the prestige I'm after anyway. He drew a birthday pic for Peasy and Normal today, so I know he's hovering somewhere. I'm wondering, as a volunteer employee, if I'm subject to quarterly evaluations and raises? Of course if the raise is based on a percentage, I'm out of luck. After all, 10% of zero is still zero. Maybe it will feel like those points I gave Marious, though!

2132. 9 Sep 2009 16:43


I just realized I have consistently spelled Marius wrong today. No doubt from my rhyming adventure with hilarious. My apologies, Marius. No disrespect meant.

2133. 9 Sep 2009 17:31


Well, according to spelling rules, it probably should be spelled "marious." I just spell it how my Dad did.

And ... dear lilalee ... you WERE in that song, you WERE! Who knows who else I forgot! I was crossing names off when they fit into the song, but then Qsilv was giving me such a fit (her name, not her) that who knows what happened. (And it's okay to be secretly delighted to be left out of that song lilalee, it barely rhymes and there is no chorus!) : )

2134. 9 Sep 2009 18:30


Baldur of radio fame
clambered up hills 'til near lame
in pleasant Fall weather
He hacked through the heather
Now all of his brambles are tame

2135. 9 Sep 2009 18:30


One last thing I must say...
Today has been a good day...
So to bed I must race...
With a smile on my face...
To my wife, whose quite a good lay...

FYI: Honey, if you read this... I think Baldur possessed my mind... you should hunt him down & give him a piece of your mind... The nerve of some people...

2136. 9 Sep 2009 18:32


hmmm... How odd to note that he can possess my mind & submit bad poetry @ the same time...

2137. 9 Sep 2009 18:33


If anyone here could but find
a shred of matthew's lost mind
A miracle'd ensue
but what could he do?
once again it'd escape from behind

2138. 9 Sep 2009 18:34


How did we become so synchonised? it must be the multiple computers you use.

2139. 9 Sep 2009 18:35


Thank God it didn't 'escape from HIS behind'
(That would just be crude)

2140. 9 Sep 2009 18:37


Ok, one more limerick from me then I really must go make some cat toys.
This ones not mine just one I heard somewhere.

There once was a man from the cape
who made all his clothing from crepe
when asked if they tear
he replied 'Here and there,
but they keep such a wonderful shape!'